Would Ali have done a better or worse job against Fury than Usyk?
If it had been Ali in place of Usyk in those two fights, how would he have done?
If it had been Ali in place of Usyk in those two fights, how would he have done?
EXPERTS say the addition of glycerol to some slushie drinks may be an unintended result of manufacturers trying to dodge the sugar tax.
Читать дальше...The authors of the paper argue that midwife has a "gendered implication" which could make transgender men and non-binary individuals feel excluded.
What We’re Tracking Clouds will linger overhead for most of tonight, with gradual clearing by Saturday morning. Winds will continue gusting up to 20 mph from the north as temperatures drop into the upper 20s. Sunshine returns to wrap up the weekend, with highs near average in the upper 50s to around 60°. Winds will [...]
FRANCE snuffed out England’s hopes of a Six Nations title triumph.
But they were made to battle by Scotland before clinching the championship crown.
APFrance beat Scotland to win the 2025 Six Nations[/caption] GettyEngland did all they could by thumping Wales 68-14[/caption] ReutersFrance rose highest to pip England and Ireland to the crown[/caption] AFPFrance got their hands on the trophy under the Paris night sky[/caption]Steve Borthwick’s men thumped Wales 68-14... Читать дальше...
PREMIER League stars are among 530 footballers being treated for addiction to drugs, alcohol and gambling and other mental health issues, figures reveal.
Читать дальше...Broncos superstar Reece Walsh has found himself in the firing line of footy fans after a lacklustre performance against the Raiders on Saturday night.
A SUSPECTED people-trafficker accused of smuggling migrants across the Channel is rubbing shoulders with holidaymakers while living at a four-star hotel.
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ROCKER Liam Gallagher could have to pay £86,000 a year more in an “a**hole tax” to the mother of his love child after insulting her on social media.
Читать дальше...BJP spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad asserts that the Siddaramaiah govt. in Karnataka took an ‘unconstitutional’ decision of providing 4% quota to Muslims in govt. contracts on the instructions of Congress leader Rahul Gandhi
Few have held the Old Firm feeling in a tighter embrace than Craig Moore.
Millie Bobby Brown knew once she and Jake Bongiovi were on the same page with politics and how they would raise children that she would marry him.
Dele Alli's long-awaited return to the pitch after two years ended in disappointment, as the Como midfielder was sent off against AC Milan despite Kyle Walker's plea to the referee.
Serie A side Como took a significant gamble by signing Dele Alli as a free agent, bringing in the midfielder who hadn’t played a professional match in over two years. However, his long-awaited debut against AC Milan ended in disappointment, as he was sent off despite Kyle Walker’s plea to the referee.
Читать дальше...Carlos Vera shocked unbeaten Josias Musasa with a first-round finish at UFC Vegas 104 for one of the bigger upsets of 2025 so far.
Tuchel’s First England Squad: Henderson Recall Signals Shift in Approach Tuchel’s Pragmatic Start to England Reign There is an expectation that when a new manager takes charge, especially one with a reputation for tactical innovation, they will bring a fresh and progressive approach. Yet, Thomas Tuchel’s first England squad has been defined by experience rather […]
Читать дальше...Tottenham Hotspur face Fulham away on Sunday afternoon in the 29th week of the Premier League, hoping to win three away games in a row... The post Fulham vs Tottenham Hotspur: Team news and Premier League preview appeared first on Spurs Web.
TECHNOLOGY Secretary Peter Kyle has revealed he was left shocked to the core after visiting an expert team hunting down child sexual abuse images.
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MINISTERS are launching a review on credit card usage after civil servants blew nearly £700 of taxpayer cash at a celeb cutouts shop.
Читать дальше...McLaren is starting at the front, Lewis Hamilton is making his Ferrari debut, and rain has caused chaos already at the Australian Grand Prix. Follow live.
(Photo credit: Matthew Hinton-Imagn Images)
The Charlotte Hornets are making their third trip to the Los Angeles area when they face the Clippers on Sunday in Inglewood, Calif.
The Hornets were already in Southern California before they had two games postponed in January because of devastating wildfires in and around L.A. Charlotte already returned for a makeup game Feb. 19 when they earned a 100-97 victory
FRANCE have WON the 2025 Six Nations title to break England hearts in Paris.
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How the final standings shook out after Super Saturday
Wales 14-68 England: The hosts ran riot on their way to 10 tries to put the pressure on France, but Les Bleus’ win over Scotland secured the championship
Speaking on the Scrum V podcast, former Wales international Gwyn Jones says the Welsh Rugby Union must make "substantial changes to the fabric of Welsh rugby"
ANTHONY GORDON is proving as much of a hotshot off the pitch as on it.
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