Stock Market Correction Reason
UPPSC protest turns tense Protesters break barricades Police cite infiltration
MADE LOCAL: CELEBRATING IRISH CRAFT, CREATIVITY, AND SUSTAINABILITY Design & Crafts Council Ireland’s (DCCI) Made Local campaign shines a spotlight on the remarkable quality, creativity, and sustainability of Irish-made products. Now in its fifth year, it continues to boost the visibility of talented Irish craftsmanship... Read more »
Читать дальше...RanveerDeepika A lovestory straight out of fairytale
(Telecompaper) Radcom reported third-quarter revenues up 20 percent from last year at USD 15.8 million...
Agro Tech Foods Limited (ATFL), backed by Samara Capital, has acquired Del Monte Foods Private Limited (DMFPL) for over Rs 1,300 crore. The deal grants ATFL ownership of the Del Monte brand in India and includes manufacturing facilities in Tamil Nadu and Punjab.
London Mayor says more support still needed despite Rachel Reeves giving the capital an extra £100m
For Iranian Jews, antisemitic rhetoric is more than a casual provocation; it signals yet another peril in a centuries-old narrative of suspicion.
This week, another Pirate Party municipal councillor, Mathis Godefroid from Hesper, announced his resignation, citing the fallout from the MALT translation app scandal and a resulting loss of public trust in the party.
NAB has cut its basic variable home loan rate despite an official rate cut from the RBA still seemingly being months away.
The Delhi State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission ordered Voltas Ltd to compensate a consumer with Rs 10,000. The consumer alleged that Voltas failed to repair his defective AC unit during the extended warranty period. The Commission acknowledged the deficiency in service and recognized the consumer's suffering during the summer months.
(Telecompaper) Inseego said third-quarter revenues rose 30.7 percent year-on-year to USD 54.03 million, as demand for its cellular Mi-Fi hotspots and mobile software rose 43.2 percent...
A 51-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the murder of a teenaged girl, whose naked body was found in the Khalavha plantation in Limpopo on Tuesday - a day after she was reported missing.
Tata Motors clarified that its demerger into separate passenger and commercial vehicle businesses will not involve creating a holding company, as previously reported. The company emphasized that the demerger process, already underway and approved by the NCLT, involves dividing the company into two listed entities, ensuring focused strategies and enhanced agility for each business.
Anne Hathaway had a very literal viral run-in with New York Knicks player Ogugua “OG” Anuoby while attending a basketball game with her son, Jack, on Wednesday night (November 13). The 42-year-old Princess Diaries actress and her four-year-old son watched the Knicks face off against the Chicago Bulls at New York City’s Madison Square Garden. [...]
How obesity is fuelling Indias growing diabetes epidemic
BB Day Avinash Mishra fights with Digvijay Rathee calls him a dog
The 58-year-old was in no mood to engage with the YouTuber’s antics
Dick Van Dyke in 2021
Dick Van Dyke has made his feelings on the recent presidential election crystal clear.
Last week, on the night before US voters went to the polls, the entertainment veteran shared a video on Instagram urging his supporters to back Kamala Harris.
In the black-and-white clip, the award-winning Mary Poppins star read from a speech he first delivered at an event with Martin Luther King 60 years earlier.
He remarked: “1964… a lot’s happened, not so much as [King] dreamed of... Читать дальше...
Despite all her thrilling if sometimes questionable transformations, one thing has stayed consistent with the No Doubt frontwoman and sonic shapeshifter: her ability to write the absolute saddest songs about break-ups and romantic pining. As she unveils her latest solo record, Adam White salutes pop’s patron saint of tears
The Minsk platform is in demand for the development of dialogue on security, Speaker of the House of Representatives Igor Sergeyenko said at the meeting of the second session of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of Belarus of the eighth convocation on 14 November. — информационный сайт, транслирующий новости города Вашего города онлайн. Всё, что происходило и происходит в городе — в оперативной ленте ежедневных новостей в интерактивном режиме на сайте
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