At Mexican School Hit by Quake, Heartbreak and Moments of Joy
Rescue workers removed a body from the rubble of Enrique Rebsamen school in Mexico City on Wednesday.
Rescue workers removed a body from the rubble of Enrique Rebsamen school in Mexico City on Wednesday.
Engineered mutant butterflies give a glimpse deep into the genetic roots of wing patterns, an international team reported Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The authors of the new study rearranged colors on butterfly wings by deleting a single gene using a genome editing …
Investors seem to believe in one of two possible scenarios for DIY retailer
The Federal Reserve noted the impact of three recent hurricanes, including one that was striking Puerto Rico on Wednesday, but said the storms would weigh on the economy only briefly.
Hurricane Maria has cut power to the entire island of Puerto Rico, as the death toll from the powerful Category 4 storm climbed to nine in the Caribbean, officials said Tuesday. Authorities said it’ll be months before Puerto Rico, which is home to more than 3.4 million people, regains electricity. “We’re looking at four to...
Philip Wheeler just signed up for another round of roster roulette in Arizona. Via Kent Somers of the Arizona Republic, the Cardinals have brought the veteran linebacker back to the roster again. The Cards originally signed Wheeler in July, cut him during final cuts, re-signed him after Week One so his salary for the year [more]
The Federal Reserve kept interest rate unchanged between 1% to 1.25%. The central bank said the reduction of its $4.5 trillion portfolio of government securities would begin in October. The dot plot, which shows senior Fed officials' forecasts for interest rates, shifted downward from 3% to 2.8% for its longer-rate expectations. 12 out of the 16 FOMC members said they expected a third rate hike for the year. The 10-year Treasury yield was higher at 2.268%, compared with 2.239% late Tuesday. The 30-year Treasury bond yield was up at 2.824%... Читать дальше...
The Federal High Court in Abuja has granted an order declaring the Indigenous People Of Biafra (IPOB) as a terrorist organisation on Wednesday, September 20
Despite some cautionary words from the chief brand officer of the world's largest brand, Facebook and its marketing capabilities remain popular among CMOs.
MADRID (AP) — The Latest on independence efforts in Spain's Catalonia region (all times local):
MADRID (AP) — The Latest on independence efforts in Spain's Catalonia region (all times local):
The Oscar winner gets super claustrophobic while flying.
DENVER (AP) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is installing a barrier and valve inside an inactive Colorado mine to prevent another surge of wastewater like a 2015 blowout that contaminated rivers in three states. The 12-inch (30-centimeter) valve will regulate wastewater pouring from the Gold King Mine in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado, where the EPA inadvertently triggered a wastewater spill while excavating at the mine entrance in August 2015. That spill released 3 million... Читать дальше...
DENVER (AP) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is installing a barrier and valve inside an inactive Colorado mine to prevent another surge of wastewater like a 2015 blowout that contaminated rivers in three states.
DENVER (AP) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is installing a barrier and valve inside an inactive Colorado mine to prevent another surge of wastewater like a 2015 blowout that contaminated rivers in three states.
DENVER (AP) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is installing a barrier and valve inside an inactive Colorado mine to prevent another surge of wastewater like a 2015 blowout that contaminated rivers in three states.
DENVER (AP) — The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is installing a barrier and valve inside an inactive Colorado mine to prevent another surge of wastewater like a 2015 blowout that contaminated rivers in three states. The 12-inch (30-centimeter) valve will regulate wastewater pouring from the Gold King Mine in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado, where the EPA inadvertently triggered a wastewater spill while excavating at the mine entrance in August 2015. That spill released 3 million... Читать дальше...
U.S. stock-market indexes inched modestly lower after the Federal Reserve outlined its plan for the reduction of its $4.5 trillion balance sheet on Wednesday. As fully expected, policy makers made no change to interest rates. The Fed's so-called dot plot, or policy makers' forecasts of interest rates for 2017 and 2018 were mostly unchanged. The Fed still expects to raise rates once more this year and three times in 2018. The Fed will begin reducing its balance sheet in October. The S&P 500 fell 2 points... Читать дальше...
HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — Police in Alabama say they’ve responded to a call of a shooting at a combined elementary-middle school, but have found no evidence a shooting took place. Huntsville police said on their official Twitter account shortly before 2 p.m. Wednesday that “nothing has been found,” adding in the brief statement that no one
Listen to the latest pod from the Men In Blazers.
Just as Tesla has been transforming the auto business, the company also is changing the concept of vehicle refueling by creating its own, vast network of Tesla-branded Supercharger outposts that may end up resembling the corner gas station in every way but what form of energy goes into the car.
Apple Inc. shares drop Wednesday after the consumer electronics giant admits there are problems with wireless connectivity for its new smartwatch following harsh reviews of the device.
Backstage at this year's Bumbershoot in Seattle, WA, Billboard had some of the festival's major artists take some time out to play a game of... — информационный сайт, транслирующий новости города Вашего города онлайн. Всё, что происходило и происходит в городе — в оперативной ленте ежедневных новостей в интерактивном режиме на сайте
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