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Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors: All locations and solutions

 Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors: All locations and solutions

Solve each riddle to unlock some loot.

Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors are one of the many secrets you can expect to find around the titular School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but after staring at their symbols of magical animals for a few minutes, you might be a bit confused by the fact that they are unsolvable—by which I mean, you don't have the info required to finish them. 

Sure, you can brute force each by running through every possible combination on the dials nearby, but there is actually a way to open these puzzle doors properly. In this guide, I'll run you through the correct way to solve the Hogwarts Legacy puzzle doors, their locations, as well as what you'll get for your efforts.

How to solve all the Howarts Legacy puzzle doors

(Image credit: Portkey Games)

While you can just spin the plates through every combination of animal symbols to eventually solve each door, the real solution to the puzzles is maths-based. This is a school, after all. 

In the Library Annex area of Hogwarts, there is a puzzle door leading to the Arithmancy Classroom and beside it, you'll find a note that lists the number each animal symbol represents. This is the missing piece of the puzzle that you need to open the doors and claim the loot inside. The note explaining the animal numbers is at the first door location down below if you want to solve them for yourself, but if not, I've listed each puzzle solution.

If at any point you wonder what the hell I'm talking about when describing the solutions, here's what I mean for each symbol:

  • 0 - Furry creature with eyebrows
  • 1 - Unicorn
  • 2 - Tentacle Goat
  • 3 - Three-headed snake
  • 4 - Weird owl
  • 5 - Spider with a face
  • 6 - Lizard
  • 7 - One-eyed squid
  • 8 - Spider
  • 9 - Hydra

Puzzle Door one: Central Hall Rafters

(Image credit: Portkey Games)

In the Library Annex area. Fast travel to the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, turn around and head into the rafters above Central Hall, then keep going along the walkway and turn right to find a door and a note that lists the number each animal represents. This info is needed to help open the other doors. The solution for this one is: left dial: weird owl, right dial: three-headed snake. The reward is a unicorn statue and the door leads into the Arithmancy Classroom. 

Puzzle Door two and three : Arithmancy Classroom

(Image credit: Portkey Games)

Again, in the Library Annex area, head through the first puzzle door to find the Arithmancy Classroom and two more puzzle doors. For the first door on the left the solution is: left dial: weird owl, right dial: spider with a face. This contains bushes for the Room of Requirement and an embroidered formal uniform. 

The solution for the right door is: left dial: lizard, right dial: unicorn. This room contains the gardener's robes and some large rugs.

Puzzle Door four: Central Hall

(Image credit: Portkey Games)

In the Library Annex area. Fast travel to the Potions Classroom Floo Flame and turn around to see a puzzle door a little way off. The solution for this one is: left dial: spider, right dial (on the floor above): three-headed snake. This contains mannequins and a fringed crimson clockwork scarf. 

Puzzle Door five: Long Gallery

(Image credit: Portkey Games)

Same as last one: head to Potions Classroom Floo Flame, through the doors, and go left down the stairs until you reach the locked level one door. Open this and run all the way down the Long Gallery until you reach a more open area with the door on the left. The solution is: left dial: tentacle goat, right dial: unicorn. This contains vivarium landscape paintings and tattersall shirt and tie uniform. 

Puzzle Door six: Charms Classroom

(Image credit: Portkey Games)

In the Astronomy Wing area. Fast travel to the Charms Classroom Floo Flame, then turn around and go around the corner to the left to find the door. The solution is left dial: tentacle goat, right dial: one-eyed squid. This contains elf-made ivory gloves and jobberknoll statue.

Puzzle Door seven: Ravenclaw Tower

(Image credit: Portkey Games)

In the Grand Staircase area. Fast travel to the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, run down the corridor and look to the right for the door. The solution is: left dial (on the far side of the room): weird owl, right dial: spider with a face. This contains grey quidditch gloves and a bookstand.

Puzzle Door eight: Grand Staircase

(Image credit: Portkey Games)

Also in the Grand Staircase area. Fast travel to Grand Staircase Tower Floo Flame then head directly down the stairs to find the door set into the outer wall of the staircase. The solution is: left dial: lizard, second dial (behind you): one-eyed squid. This contains roughhouse gloves and a telescope. 

Puzzle Door nine: Near the House Hourglasses

(Image credit: Portkey Games)

In the Grand Staircase area. Fast travel to the Grand Staircase Floo Flame, run up the stairs ahead of you, turn right, and double back up the next flight of stairs before turning left to find a door. The solution is: left dial: furry creature with eyebrows, second dial on floor below: spider with a face. This contains the ancient mysteries scarf and large decorated tables. 

Puzzle Door ten: Faculty Tower

(Image credit: Portkey Games)

In the South Wing area. Fast travel to the Faculty Tower Floo Flame. You'll need to undertake "The Caretakers Lunar Lament" quest to get to this one. During the quest, you'll unlock the Faculty Tower and head inside. On the next floor up from the entrance you'll find the puzzle door, though you might have to distract a prefect to get to it. The solution is: left dial: furry creature with eyebrows, right dial: hydra. This contains an elegant house cloak and quidditch equipment shelf. 

Puzzle Door eleven: The Great Hall

(Image credit: Portkey Games)

In The Great Hall area. Fast travel to The Great Hall Floo Flame then run to the left and around the pillar to see a puzzle door at the end of a corridor. The solution is: left dial: spider, right dial: three-headed snake. This contains moving portraits and an unidentified legendary head item you can unlock in the Room of Requirement. 

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