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Best Black Ops 6 AS Val loadout and class setup

The AS Val is the max level unlock and what a reward it is, combining the perks of an assault rifle with those of an SMG. Coming with an integrated suppressor and a lightning-fast rate of fire, the best Black Ops 6 AS Val loadout is quite the showstopper.

Unfortunately, the AS Val is one of the most awkward Black Ops 6 weapon loadouts to access, simply because it’s unlocked at level 55 when many players will choose to prestige. If you want to use the AS Val and prestige, you’ll want to choose it as your permanent unlock. Don’t fret too much though, it’s worth it.

Best Black Ops 6 AS Val loadout

(Image credit: Activision)

The best Black Ops 6 AS Val loadout is:

  • Barrel: Suppressed Reinforced Long Barrel
  • Underbarrel: Vertical Foregrip
  • Magazine: Extended Mag 2
  • Rear Grip: Commando Grip
  • Fire Mods: Recoil Springs

Since the AS Val doesn’t have a muzzle attachment slot due to the built-in suppressor, there is little benefit from the Gunfighter Wildcard’s additional attachment slots. We’ll be keeping it simple with just five attachments in this build, though if you struggle with the AS Val’s iron sights, then using Gunfighter and adding an optic is an option.

The AS Val’s biggest weakness is its remarkably slow 715m/s bullet velocity, which makes it harder to win gunfights at mid-range despite surprisingly good recoil control. Thankfully, this is easily remedied with the Suppressed Reinforced Long Barrel, which is unique to the AS Val. This barrel offers three-point upgrades to both bullet velocity and damage range, bringing the speed up to around 930m/s and significantly increasing the effective range. Sure, it won’t beat the mid-range damage of the Model L loadout but it’s a hearty upgrade that keeps this close-range beast competitive further out.

With the ranged damage improved, it’s time to reduce the recoil to help land shots at a distance. The Vertical Foregrip gives three points to horizontal recoil control, the most pesky type of recoil and the one that most impacts the AS Val at range. Then, the Recoil Springs provides bonuses to both horizontal and vertical recoil control on top of that. You’ll be surprised just how stable the AS Val is now despite firing at nearly 900 RPM.

Now it’s just a matter of improving the overall versatility of the weapon with the remaining two slots, which are quite flexible to your specific playstyle. For example, you could use the No Stock option to increase various movement speed stats or the Fast Motion Laser for various hipfire stats. However, I prefer to add the Commando Grip and Extended Mag 2.

The Commando Grip improves aim down sight speed and sprint to fire speed, which works wonders with the AS Val’s inherent close-range aggression. The Ergonomic Grip is a good substitute for the same reason, though it requires you to be using omni-movement often to make the most of it.

Unsurprisingly, Extended Mag 2 is here to increase the AS Val’s measly 20-round magazine up to 40 bullets so you’re not constantly reloading. Given the high RPM, you’ll still burn through 40 bullets in no time, mind you. If you find it to be too sluggish, then Extended Mag 1 offers a 30-round magazine with fewer drawbacks in return.

AS Val class setup

(Image credit: Activision)

Here’s my recommended class setup to pair with the AS Val:

  • Secondary: 9mm PM
  • Tactical: Stim Shot
  • Lethal: Impact Grenade/Semtex
  • Field Upgrade: Sleeper Agent
  • Perk 1: Dexterity
  • Perk 2: Assassin
  • Perk 3: Double Time
  • Perk 4: Ghost/Ninja/Tac Mask
  • Specialty: Enforcer
  • Wildcard: Perk Greed

While I usually prefer to bring the Grekhova as a backup, the added range of the 9mm PM can be very useful. If in doubt, you can always change your sidearm depending on the map.

Since the AS Val is tailor-made for an aggressive playstyle, you’ll want similarly aggressive equipment. The Stim Shot Tactical is a no-brainer thanks to its ability to heal on demand. If a shootout isn’t going your way or you’re injured with another enemy on the way, a Stim Shot will be your best friend. Likewise, the Impact Grenade makes short work of enemies trying to rush you since you don’t need to wait for it to detonate. You do have to be more precise with your throws though so if that’s an issue, stick with the Semtex.

As for your Field Upgrade, the new Sleeper Agent ability is a blast to pair with the AS Val. Activate Sleeper Agent to easily hide among enemy team before firing away. Your enemies will be dead before they even realise what’s happened. If you’re not one for subterfuge, then you can always go with staples like the Assault Pack, Trophy System, and Scrambler.

The AS Val is the perfect opportunity to use the Perk Greed Wildcard, too, as Gunfighter is overkill. Continuing the theme of all-out offence, this loadout makes use of the Enforcer combat specialty which requires at least three Enforcer (red) perks to activate.

By reducing weapon motion while jumping, sliding, and diving, Dexterity makes it easy to outplay your enemies in close range. Don’t overlook Gung-Ho in this slot either. This improves speed while reloading and using equipment. In other words, you can run around like a maniac without worrying about getting caught out reloading.

Assassin is the obvious choice in the second slot. This perk creates Bounty Packs when you kill an enemy which, when collected, grants bonus score. It works very well with recon Scorestreaks like the UAV and Counter UAV.

In the third slot, I recommend Double Time. This perk greatly increases the duration of tactical sprint so you can more quickly get to cover, push lanes, or reposition when spawns swap.

For the additional fourth perk, I’m a big fan of Ghost thanks to its ability to keep your enemies in the dark. Ghost makes you undetectable by UAV and Scout Pulse when moving, which pairs well with the AS Val’s integrated suppressor to hide you from the map at all times. Otherwise, Ninja can also be a fun alternative.

Now, you’ll have arguably the best assault rifle in multiplayer, rivalling even the popular XM4 loadout. If you’re taking on the Black Ops 6 Mastery Camo grind while also speeding through the prestige levels, then it’s also a smart idea to complete the AS Val as soon as you can so you don’t roadblock your progress.

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