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Новости за 03.12.2016

Calgary Herald 

Governments announce $500M for Alberta transit projects

The provincial and federal governments will be providing more than $500 million in funding for 89 public transit projects in Alberta.  More than $500 million in funding added to AB transit projects @bmasonNDP pic.twitter.com/Mqy8Lc1S2u — Ryan C. Rumbolt (@RCRumbolt) December 3, 2016 On Saturday morning, politicians gathered in Calgary to announce $270.3 million for 52 new […]

Calgary Herald 

Alberta author David A. Poulsen explores dark historical terrain with new YA novel

A school gymnasium in the small Saskatchewan town of Ponteix is not the likeliest of spots for splashy national book launch. But given the author and book in question — Calgary native David A. Poulsen’s young adult novel And Then the Sky Exploded (Dundurn Press, 207 pages, $12.99) — the locale for the late October event […]

Calgary Herald 

Jennifer Allford: Getting back in the information flow after shock of U.S. vote

If you’re reading this, I guess you’ve ended your news fast. Maybe you’re easing your way back into the front pages with the latest from the upside-down world where a dog-whistling, crotch-grabbing reality TV star is the most powerful man on earth. It’s all too much for many of us. At first there was the […]

Calgary Herald 

Crowsnest Pass alive with history, outdoor adventure

I’m not sure if it was the nasty northwest wind that was cold enough to freeze your eyelids to your forehead or the fact that there was an open bag of Doritos in the vehicle, but, regardless, I had no takers to get out and pose in front of the Burmis Tree. The famous 700-year […]

Calgary Herald 

Editorial: Calgary police shootings should be reviewed (with poll)

Any organization that experienced 10 serious incidents in a year would be compelled to explore how further occurrences could be avoided. When it’s a police force that’s had 10 officers fire their guns on citizens — five of them fatally — then the review should be a high priority. Calgary police Chief Roger Chaffin deserves […]

Calgary Herald 

Nelson: Aboriginal job losses are worth a protest

As though we don’t have enough homegrown protests over our own pipelines, it appears Alberta is now a prime venue on the Standing Rock world tour of indigenous indignation. In the past week, so-called flash mobs have popped up in Calgary’s Chinook Centre and Edmonton’s West Edmonton Mall, merrily protesting the goings-on in North Dakota, […]

Calgary Herald 

Your letters for Saturday, Dec. 3

Legacy of Olympic bricks will endure Re: “I’ll take my Olympic bricks back, thanks,” Letter, Nov. 30. This past week, the city received an outpouring of heartfelt memories of Olympic Plaza from near and far. We would like to thank the thousands of Calgarians, including those who participated in the public engagement sessions last spring. […]

Calgary Herald 

Green and Jackson: Pipeline approvals are a victory for those who care about the environment

By Kenneth P. Green and Taylor Jackson On Tuesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the government had approved both the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion to British Columbia’s coast and Enbridge’s Line 3 replacement. The eventual construction of these pipelines will allow greater quantities of Canadian oil to flow westward to more lucrative global and […]

Calgary Herald 

Craig: City hall is out of touch with reality (with poll)

Earlier this year, my wife and I were walking our dogs at Sue Higgins Park in southeast Calgary when we noticed something quite surprising … but symbolic. The City of Calgary had planted several dozen new trees in the dog park and had undertaken all kinds of new landscaping changes. Prior to the changes, we […]

Calgary Herald 

Choy, Courtney and Hashman: Improving sex offender treatment in Alberta

By Alberto Choy, Keith Courtney and Kenneth Hashman As physicians who work with addiction and mental health and corrections patients in Edmonton and Calgary, we would like to add a clinical voice to the reports on the transfer of the Phoenix program from Alberta Hospital Edmonton to the Calgary Corrections Centre. The most important thing in delivering […]

Calgary Herald 

Bill Brooks: Van Horne Institute celebrates silver anniversary

The Van Horne Institute, based at the University of Calgary, recently celebrated 25 years in the development of educational programs and public policy research in transportation, supply chain and logistics. The Institute works with universities across the country, including the Haskayne School of Business at the University of Calgary, Mount Royal University, SAIT, Universities of […]

Calgary Herald 

Bill Brooks: GMP FirstEnergy seasonal celebration

GMP FirstEnergy’s open house  Nov 23 proved the perfect way to kick off the festive season.  Readers may recall that  GMP Securities combined its energy businesses with Calgary-based FirstEnergy Capital to create GMP FirstEnergy this past September. The new corporation is  a leading independent global energy investment bank with offices in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, New […]

Calgary Herald 

Flames stay hot, beat Wild in shootout

The Calgary Flames had a few things on Friday’s agenda against the Minnesota Wild. Revenge was not on their list. Many (read: storyline-starved media) thought that would be the case after a 1-0 win on Nov. 15 at Excel Energy Center which saw Johnny Gaudreau break his finger on a slash from Eric Staal. Hacking, […]

Calgary Herald 

South Calgary vs. North Calgary: Johnson and Dubnyk recall minor hockey days

Let Friday’s game between the Calgary Flames and the Minnesota Wild serve as the ultimate motivation for you kids chasing the dream. Heck, anyone chasing any dream should be motivated by this tale. On one end, representing South Calgary, was Chad Johnson. On the other, representing North Calgary, was Devan Dubnyk. Both products of the […]

Calgary Herald 

Hitmen lose big in Swift Current

SWIFT CURRENT, Sask. – Ryan Graham scored twice for the Swift Current Broncos in a 5-1 victory against the Calgary Hitmen on Friday. Graham scored two goals in the back half of the second period to put the game out of reach for the Hitmen, who have lost four straight. Matteo Gennaro scored the Hitmen’s […]

Calgary Herald 

Varcoe: Alberta's power plan adds up to several billion bucks, or more

Question: How much is the province’s power plan going to cost Albertans? Answer: A shocking amount. Sorry I can’t give you a precise answer, because no one inside the Alberta legislature can provide an overall price tag yet, despite a month-long flurry of announcements surrounding the electricity market. But it will begin with a B, as in […]

Calgary Herald 

Braid: Notley says she'll convince B.C. – but slowly, without a fight

Premier Rachel Notley won’t be setting herself up as a magnet for demonstrations in B.C. next week. She’ll be talking to several media outlets (as she did in Calgary Friday) but won’t give the usual formal speech at a set location. That’s Notley’s style — take it slow, keep it reasonable, don’t insult people or challenge them needlessly. […]

Calgary Herald 

Enbridge's indigenous partners in failed pipeline were not a united front

More than a decade ago, the Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation in northern Alberta signed on as an equity partner in Enbridge Inc.’s Northern Gateway pipeline, a massive stretch of steel that would have passed through the band’s traditional territory. At the time, Chief Richard Kappo backed the megaproject, which would have sent Alberta crude across nearly […]

Calgary Herald 

Notley's pipeline victory interrupts NDP solidarity

If the big NDP family all got together this Christmas, the party would likely be a bit tense. The federal government’s approval of the expansion of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline to British Columbia has exposed a political fault line, with Alberta’s NDP government on one side and federal and British Columbia New Democrats on the other. While Premier […]

Calgary Herald 

Legal weed could spark new craft, small business opportunities, says Nenshi

Mayor Naheed Nenshi says the Liberal government’s plan to legalize marijuana could spark a new craft industry and create opportunities for small businesses — which “may not be a bad thing” in Calgary’s slumping economy. But any new model to distribute recreational weed, including edibles, should be controlled to ensure public safety and prevent people […]

Calgary Herald 

Before boy died, mom searched internet for home cures to childhood ailments

For more than a week before her son died, Tamara Lovett scoured the internet looking for cures for childhood ailments, a computer expert testified Friday. Sgt. Gary Novokowsky said he examined a computer taken from Lovett’s home and was asked to look for evidence of alternative medicine searches as well as ones involving rejection of […]

Calgary Herald 

Crowchild Trail trouble spots look to get $90 million overhaul in next few years

Commuters frustrated by the daily weaving and waiting along Crowchild Trail may soon get some relief as planners bring forward a series of high-priority overhauls and long-term projects to improve traffic flow. But while short-term projects shouldn’t have much impact on neighbouring communities, strategies around the city purchasing private property alongside the expanding thoroughfare are […]

Calgary Herald 

Man found guilty of attempted murder in Calgary bar shooting

Paraplegic Ralph Pierre was believable — despite his criminal past — when he identified the man who shot him, a judge ruled Friday. Justice Glenda Campbell dismissed defence lawyer Kim Ross’ argument Pierre was an untrustworthy and dishonest witness when he said Kinnon Sutherland fired the shots which confined him to a wheelchair. “The Crown […]

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

В Гидрометцентре прогнозируют температуру на 6-10°С выше нормы в нескольких регионах России

Reuters узнало об отказе Индии покупать российский газ с «Арктик СПГ 2»

Стало известно, что срок следствия по делу Иванова продлили до конца декабря

С 1 ноября изменится стоимость парковки на ряде улиц Москвы


Подведены итоги конкурса «Мы верим твердо в героев спорта»


В Москве ежегодно состоялся юбилейный, всероссийский, патриотический гала-концерт «Проза и поэзия» «Россия - семья семей»

В Москве ежегодно состоялся юбилейный, всероссийский, патриотический гала-концерт «Проза и поэзия» «Россия - семья семей»

Можно ли перевестись из одной автошколы в другую в процессе обучения?

Подведены итоги конкурса «Мы верим твердо в героев спорта»


Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

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Музыкальные новости

Антонио Вивальди

Музыкой Антонио Вивальди открыли виртуальный концертный зал в Карымском районе Забайкалья

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Подведены итоги конкурса «Мы верим твердо в героев спорта»

Подведены итоги конкурса «Мы верим твердо в героев спорта»

Подведены итоги конкурса «Мы верим твердо в героев спорта»


Пекин (ATP). 2-й круг. Котов сыграет с Коболли, Сафиуллин – с Синнером, Медведев – с Маннарино

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Подведены итоги конкурса «Мы верим твердо в героев спорта»

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России