Dancing On Ice 2019: Gemma Collins to 'RETURN' after show receives shock blow
DANCING ON ICE dominated headlines earlier this year thanks to Gemma Collins, who was unfortunately eliminated a few weeks ago but viewers haven’t seen the last of her.
DANCING ON ICE dominated headlines earlier this year thanks to Gemma Collins, who was unfortunately eliminated a few weeks ago but viewers haven’t seen the last of her.
BLOATED stomach pain is a constant annoyance for many people. It mostly results from difficulty digesting certain foods and drinks, but can be relieved by improving gut health. A particular type of milk may soothe digestive discomfort and get rid of stomach cramps and bloating.
BLOATED stomach pain is a constant annoyance for many people. It mostly results from difficulty digesting certain foods and drinks, but can be relieved by improving gut health. A particular type of milk may soothe digestive discomfort and prevent stomach cramps and bloating.
ANY Tory MPs this weekend wrestling with the idea of joining the mini-exodus from their party need to consider the case of one Christopher Brocklebank-Fowler.
TOP Eurocrats have been warned the European Union could suffer a "devastating" blow to their popularity if they refuse the renegotiate a better Brexit divorce deal with Theresa May before March 29.
NEWS this week suggests the PS5 release date will include a massive new feature announcement from Sony, which could also affect the price of the new gaming machine, expected to launch in 2020.
QUEEN ELIZABETH II, 92, has visited all four corners of the globe during her reign. Not all royal tours have gone well, however, with one very alarming incident taking place during the Queen and Prince Philip’s visit to New Zealand.
LABOUR peer Angela Smith was challenged to put a time limit to her party adopting a second Brexit referendum as a strategy to end the Parliamentary deadlock and to stop her party from haemorrhaging members.
LOUISE REDKNAPP has shared a cryptic message on Instagram admitting “everything happens for a reason” after she recently spoke candidly about her relationship with her former husband Jamie Redknapp following their 2017 divorce.
PRINCE Edward and Sophie have followed in Meghan Markle’s footsteps by setting off on holiday in a private jet.
THE VOICE continues on ITV tonight with the first round of the Battles. But fans are wondering how much are coaches Tom Jones, will.i.am, Jennifer Hudson and Olly Murs paid for the show?
JAMES BOND 25 has the rumoured working title Shatterhand - so what could that mean for its plot?
INDONESIA plans to assert its authority over the South China Sea in a move that is likely to antagonise china and escalate the dispute over the hotly contested area of the Pacific Ocean.
CYCLONE Oma downgraded to Category 1 this week, but the storm’s extreme effects are still being felt. Will the cyclone hit Australia today after lashing torrential rain in northern Queensland?
A NASA scientist has exclusively revealed our solar system could harbour “bizarre methane-based alien life”.
PLAYSTATION gamers can download a great PS4 shooter right now for free if they are willing to sign up to the PS Plus subscription service.
PIERS MORGAN has had his say on Victoria Beckham and David Beckham while discussing the celebrities he is not a fan of, ahead of Good Morning Britain’s Oscars 2019 coverage on Monday.
STRICTLY COME DANCING has seen plenty of its stars pop up on all corners of television and latest leap for one of the dancers could see them take over from Alex Jones on The One Show.
HUAWEI is holding a major announcement tomorrow at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona and a new leak may have revealed the Mate X foldable phone is inbound.
HIGH BLOOD pressure affects more than a quarter of adults in the UK, but many don’t know they have it. The condition can lead to heart attacks and strokes if left untreated so it’s essential to get your blood pressure checked. If you experience any of these symptoms of severe hypertension, see a GP immediately.
THERESA May is believed to be planning to cut Parliament’s Easter holiday short so they can push through crucial Brexit legislation.
SATURDAY KITCHEN saw Michel Roux Jr present the programme today as he was joined by special guest Rob Beckett. Although the latter wasn’t impressed by something he had to say.
A CATACLYSMIC asteroid collision is not a matter of speculation but is inevitable, a top Harvard professor has affirmed.
The Voice continues on ITV tonight with the first round of the Battles. Last week saw the final round of Blind Auditions. Here’s at what time The Voice viewers need to tune in to watch Olly Murs, Jennifer Hudson, Will.i.am, and Tom Jones judge the contestants tonight.
SKY revealed earlier this week that some customers will face higher prices from April but a new deal from the satellite TV firm can actually cut your monthly bill.
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