The Chase: Viewers rage as Bradley Walsh and Paul Sinha defend low offer contestant
THE CHASE fans weren’t a happy bunch this evening when one contestant took the lower offer and her move was defended by Bradley Walsh and Paul Sinha.
THE CHASE fans weren’t a happy bunch this evening when one contestant took the lower offer and her move was defended by Bradley Walsh and Paul Sinha.
A COLOSSAL cyclone is on its way towards India, threatening the lives of millions of people and their homes, with forecasters predicting it will strengthen to become the most powerful system in two decades.
DONALD Trump Jr. arrived at the Senate Intelligence Committee for a closed interview on Wednesday. Why is US President Donald Trump’s son in front of the senate today and what is his relationship with Russia?
WILD BILL will be kicking off on ITV this evening with Rob Lowe leading as the title police officer Bill Hixon. But who else is in the cast of the ITV series?
IRON deficiency can occur if a person lacks the vitamin in their body. While blood loss or pregnancy are the most common causes of this happening, it can also occur if a person lacks iron in their diet. To avoid the condition being left untreated and complications developing, here are four symptoms to recognise.
SPAIN tourists were left screaming in fear of their lives after a ferry narrowly avoided crashing into their pleasure boat off the island of Ibiza. A shocking viral video captured the near-miss.
FRENCH President Emmanuel Macron struck a self-critical tone about his leadership style, admitting to “fundamental mistakes” in his handling of the anti-government protests that have rocked France.
PIERS MORGAN’s wife is journalist Celia Walden and the couple have been married since 2010 - so how and why did Celia admit to being a member of extramarital affair website Ashley Madison at one point during their marriage?
FREDDIE MERCURY biopic Bohemian Rhapsody has seen another great achievement.
FOREIGN Secretary Jeremy Hunt snubbed SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon in the run-up to her meeting with the European Commission to secure the vote of unionist MPs as he seeks to become the next prime minister, political expert Dr Kevin McNicholl claimed.
THE OCEANS are being slowly consumed by the Earth’s mantle and the disintegration of an ancient supercontinent had a role to play, scientists have shockingly claimed.
EMMERDALE favourite Ryan Hawley has reportedly stepped down from his role as Robert Sugden on the ITV soap.
MACRON-CRITIC and opposition lawmaker François Ruffin has accused President Emmanuel Macron’s government of being afraid of popular referendums, as he urged the French to retake control of their future following months of social unrest.
PRINCE CHARLES, 70, is the heir to the British throne and is the image of respectability when out and about in public these days. However, there was a time when the young Prince of Wales was very naughty indeed while on a family cruise.
THE US aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan has been joined by Japan’s Maritime Self-Defence Force’s Izumo helicopter carrier in joint military exercises in the hotly-disputed South China Sea as tensions with Beijing continue to soar.
FINAL FANTASY 7 Remake fans have been delivered good and bad news about the highly anticipated PS4 JRPG revival.
CHERNOBYL’S 1986 nuclear disaster threatened to bury the whole of Europe in deadly radioactive fallout but the Soviet propaganda machine made sure no one knew the real scale of the disaster, a historian has claimed.
US AUTHORITIES are attempting to get to the bottom of a rash of mysterious deaths of US tourists in the Dominican Republic.
ALEX JONES, who is currently on maternity leave from The One Show, revealed she was spending time with Chris Evans’ wife Natasha Shishmanian and reflected on how different their lives are from this time last year.
BORIS JOHNSON may have already promised to give the same top job in Cabinet to four different MPs if he won the Tory leadership contest in order to win support for his campaign, BBC's Laura Kuenssberg revealed.
GARDENERS' WORLD LIVE 2019 is set to kick off this week and BBC presenter Adam Frost, who is geared up to appear at the event, has opened up about his Royal Family connections as he spilled on Kate Middleton.
WHEN THEY SEE US is streaming on Netflix now and tells the story of the Central Park 5 . But are the real Central Park 5 in the series and do they make a cameo in the Netflix show?
EUPHORIA is the brand new drama coming to HBO soon, fronted by the multi-talented Zendaya. Here’s all fans need to know about the Euphoria release date, cast, trailer and plot.
TINA O’BRIEN is best known for playing the character Sarah Platt in ITV soap opera Coronation Street. But earlier this year, fans gained insight into the star’s personal life after she revealed her secret health battle in the past.
BREXITEER MP Andrea Jenkyns challenged motor manufacturers' representative Sydney Nash over his neutrality on Brexit as she questioned his support for pro-Remain MPs on social media. — информационный сайт, транслирующий новости города Вашего города онлайн. Всё, что происходило и происходит в городе — в оперативной ленте ежедневных новостей в интерактивном режиме на сайте
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