You season 2: Is Joe’s mum the neighbour at the end of You?
YOU season 2 ended on an almighty cliffhanger as Joe peered through the fence of his new home at his new neighbour. But is the neighbour actually Joe’s mum?
YOU season 2 ended on an almighty cliffhanger as Joe peered through the fence of his new home at his new neighbour. But is the neighbour actually Joe’s mum?
BREXIT hating Gary Lineker admitted he might have made a mistake in coming out as a Remainer after Britons voted to leave the European Union in June 2016.
ELVIS’ death shocked the world and his former wife Priscilla Presley has recounted finding out the devastating news in an unearthed interview.
HIGH blood pressure occurs when the blood pressure increases to unhealthy levels. The condition is also known as hypertension and is also referred to as the silent killer due to symptoms that aren’t obvious in the early stages and left untreated could cause serious and life-threatening complications. Drinking a certain tea, however, could help lower a person’s reading.
EMMERDALE has tackled some huge storylines this year; rape, knife and gang crime and grooming to name a few. But what has 2020 got in store for viewers?
BABA VANGA is hailed by many as the most prominent mystic and prophet of the 20th century – but what did the blind Bulgarian predict will happen in 2020? Here are some of Baba Vanga’s most terrifying prophecies alongside a leading psychic’s new year predictions.
STRICTLY COME DANCING 2020 could see an EastEnders favourite shimming their way into the all-star line-up next year as the hit BBC series returns. Could Jean Slater actress Gillian Wright succeed the efforts of co-star Emma Barton, who just missed out on the crown earlier this month?
KATE, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William spent their Christmas with Queen Elizabeth II and other members of the Royal Family at Sandringham, as is the tradition. But what do William and Kate do for New Year’s?
YOUR daily horoscope for this New Year’s Eve arrives with a Quintile and a Conjunction – so how will these aspects affect your astrology horoscope today?
DRINK driving offences have been higher on New Year's Day than any other calendar date across each of the past six years as motorists get caught out from heavy drinking the night before.
DRINK driving offences have been higher on New Year's Day than any other calendar date across each of the past six years as motorists get caught out from heavy drinking the night before.
BRITONS have been warned by the BBC's Carol Kirkwood to wrap up warm on New Year's Eve as they head out to celebrate the end of the decade with temperatures plummeting to below freezing.
UNIVERSAL CREDIT is paid monthly, however the payment date may change for those expecting their payment tomorrow, the Department for Work and Pensions has confirmed.
WHATSAPP will finally stop working on a swathe of devices later today and here’s how to check if you will be affected by this latest end of support ban.
DEMI ROSE flaunted her figure in a bright yellow bikini on Instagram last night, during a sun-soaked New Year break in Mexico.
JEREMY CORBYN is facing ridicule over his New Year message in which he describes 2019 as “quite a year” but makes no mention of Labour’s disastrous election campaign, his delayed quitting or the antisemitism that has poisoned the party on his watch.
DAN WALKER - a presenter on BBC Breakfast - took a cheeky swipe at his co-star Louise Minchin as he revealed she was in for a “bruising encounter” after she took part in a game behind-the-scenes at the studios today.
SAVING money may well be a New Year’s Resolution for many as 2020 rolls around. What is the 1p savings challenge and could it see savers amass more than £667 in a year?
NOSTRADAMUS’ 16th-century prophecies are said to have predicted the rise of Adolf Hitler, the threat of global war and even the end of the world. Here are some of Nostradamus’ prophecies for 2020 paired with a leading psychic’s own predictions for the new year.
NEW YEAR'S DAY will bring reduced opening hours in the shops - so what time is your local supermarket open? What time will Lidl, Tesco, Aldi, Morrisons and Asda open on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day?
QUEEN ELIZABETH II has just spent her Christmas surrounded by her family at Sandringham Estate. But how does the Queen celebrate New Year’s Eve?
TYPE 2 diabetes is a serious condition which affects a person’s blood sugar levels and left untreated could cause serious health complications. The effect of having type 2 diabetes could also majorly affect this body part. What is it?
ISIS fighter, Jack Letts is underplaying his influence within the terrorist organisation a new source has claimed despite his attempts to return to the UK earlier this year.
Weight loss is a long and difficult journey for many, however, one Reddit users has revealed her impressive weight loss telling other slimmers “it’s a marathon not a sprint.” She shared the two basic rules that helped her almost half her size. What are they?
DONALD Trump will be re-elected next year, the UK will have a new king, and Kim Jong-Un will be toppled, according to chilling prophecies by famous French seer Nostradamus. — информационный сайт, транслирующий новости города Вашего города онлайн. Всё, что происходило и происходит в городе — в оперативной ленте ежедневных новостей в интерактивном режиме на сайте
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