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Woman conceived after paradise island one night stand meets her dad for 1st time 34 years on

Alicia Warren, from Salt Lake City, Utah, was born in Guam in 1985 after her mother, Betty, had a holiday romance with her dad Peter Goldstein.

Alicia and Peter
Alica and her dad, Peter, met for the first time at the start of June. (Picture: Alicia Warre/Metro.co.uk)

This is the moment a woman conceived during a one night stand on a paradise island met her dad for the first time 34 years on. Alicia Warren, from Salt Lake City, Utah, arranged to see her dad Peter Goldstein, 63, for the first time ever earlier this month after Goldstein and her mom Betty Blakey, 57, enjoyed a fling on the sun-drenched island of Guam in the western Pacific Ocean.

Peter was on a scuba diving holiday when he hooked up with US Navy servicewoman Betty. After hooking up on the sun-drenched US territory, the lovers then went their separate ways without even exchanging phone numbers, leaving Alicia with no clues for how to track her father down.

But after countless failed search attempts and armed with just a name, Alicia managed to track Peter down and an emotional video shows the moment father and daughter hug each other for the first time.

Paralegal, Alicia, said: ‘Growing up it was hard because I always knew I had a dad out there somewhere who did not know about me. As a small child I asked my mum about who my dad was and she told me they met in Guam and went on a few dates.

‘Whilst I have known about him my whole life, he did not know about me until February this year. I found him on the ancestry site 23andMe, it said there was a 50% chance he was my dad.

‘I realized in that moment I had finally found my dad after all these years of looking, I never thought I actually would.

‘We met for the first time on June 6, he came to visit me with his wife and I picked him up from the airport. It felt so natural and felt like I had known him my whole life.

‘I gave him a massive hug and the whole experience was amazing. I realized then where I got my looks from and my mannerisms, it all seemed to click for me.’

Alicia, pictured centre with her dad, Peter, and step-mom, Camille.
Alicia, pictured centre with her dad, Peter, and step-mom, Camille. (Picture: Alicia Warren/Metro.co.uk)

Alicia was born on Guam in 1985. Her mom, Betty, served with the US Navy for 18 years and for at least two years was stationed at Guam.

Betty met Peter, from Los Angeles, California, in a bar in Guam in 1985 whilst he enjoyed a watersports holiday with pals. The pair sparked up a short term romance and shortly after Peter returned to the US, Betty found out she was pregnant.

But Betty and Peter, who was aged 28 at the time, never shared any contact details with one and other – and still haven’t spoken again. Betty and Alicia, aged one, returned to America in 1987 and her mom continued to serve with the Navy for another 10 years.

Alicia said her mother told her all about Peter, and how they met, but gave her nothing that would help her track her father down.

Alicia with her mom, Betty
Alicia, pictured with her mother, Betty, tried and failed several times to find her dad before finally connecting with him at the start of 2020. (Picture: Alicia Warren/Metro.co.uk)

She said: ‘I like to call my mom and dad’s relationship a ‘rendezvous’. My mom had no details for him at all and I didn’t attempt to try to find him until I was an adult.

‘But I had no address, date of birth, photo or age to go off, just his name. I tried simple searches online and on Facebook but there was so many people called ‘Peter Goldstein’ that I didn’t stand a chance.

‘I tried several times but I had no idea who I was looking for. In 2018 I signed up to a couple of ancestry sites to see if I had any family members on there at all.

‘I gave up eventually and didn’t check my account for about five months. I randomly decided to log on in February this year and I found a notification which said I had a new potential DNA match.’

After conducting background research Alicia confirmed the match as her father Peter Goldstein, from Los Angeles, California. She said she was ‘convinced’ it was him as soon as she saw Peter’s photo and recalls realizing how they look alike.

Alicia pictured as a baby
Alicia pictured as a baby. (Picture: Alicia Warren/Metro.co.uk)

Alicia reached out to Peter, who has a wife, Camille and two other daughters, a few days later and broke the news that he has a third child.

‘He was very surprised and shocked that no one had reached out to tell him until now’, said Alicia.

‘He showed straight away that he cared about me and said he doesn’t want to deny me the opportunity to get to know my dad.

‘We spoke a lot before we met so we both felt very comfortable and like we’d known each other a long time.’

Peter and Camille stayed with Alicia for a weekend at the start of June, and Alicia said the two families shared lots of laughs and shared lifetime stories to make up for lost time.

Alicia Warren and her dad, Peter Goldstein
Alicia Warren, 34, pictured with her dad, Peter Goldstein, 63. (Picture: Alicia Warren/Metro.co.uk)

She picked her dad and step-mom up from the airport in Salt Lake City and greeted them in the parking lot with a giant hand-made sign. Betty now lives in Missouri, and has yet to meet Peter again, although there is no animosity or ill-will between the two.

Alicia added: ‘I am so thankful for my dad accepting me for who I am and we do plan to carry on with our relationship and stay in touch. It’s so crazy to think that I have finally found him and is so accepting of me.

‘I feel like I have a second family now and I have been accepted with open arms. What has happened is better than I imagined in my wildest dreams.’

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