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Is ♫ Queen Latifah ♫ straight?

American show business is full of fascinating personalities that lead very interesting and full lives. The legendary actress, singer and talk show host Queen Latifah is no exception to this. Check out our Queen Latifah biography and find out more about your favourite artist.

Biography of Queen Latifah

Queen Latifah was born as Dana Elaine Owens on March 18, 1970 in Newark, New Jersey, United States. Her mother Rita worked as a teacher at the Irvington High School (which Latifah later attended). Her father Lancelot was a police officer.

When she was eight years old, she discovered her pseudonym Latifah in a book full of Arabic names. Translated to English, the name Latifah means ‘very kind’ and ‘delicate’.

During her high school years, Latifah became interested in music and music theatre. She participated in school plays, where she acted and sang. Just a few years after her graduation, in 1989 to be precise, she released her debut album by the name of All Hail the Queen.

And then her career took off.

Since the 90’s, Queen Latifah has been consistently releasing new albums and starring in various movies and TV shows. Some of her most notable works include the Grammy-Award-winning song U.N.I.T.Y., Oscar-nominated role in Chicago, as well as critically acclaimed roles in Life Support and Bessie. In 2013-2015, she even had her own talk show called The Queen Latifah Show.

Over the years, the actress, singer and producer earned multiple awards and nominations for her music and acting. For her outstanding accomplishments, Queen Latifah was honoured with a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2006. If you would like to see the full list of her roles, albums and awards, click here.

If we were to tell you every little detail about Queen Latifah’s life, this article would have been at least three times as long. So if you are looking for an in-depth look at her career, you will not find it here. What you will find, however, is a look at her private life.

Is Queen Latifah gay?

For years, decades even, people have been speculating on the topic of Queen Latifah’s sexuality and personal life. Is Queen Latifah lesbian? Is Queen Latifah married? These questions have been worrying her fans and colleagues alike for ages.

Ever since her appearance in the movie Set It Off back in 1996, where Queen played a very masculine lesbian, many viewers started wondering whose team she was on. She played her role so convincingly that many thought the actress herself was gay. However, after she was asked about her sexuality, she simply dismissed the question.

During the next two decades, every reporter, journalist and talk show host felt like it was their duty to get Queen Latifah to come out of the closet. They probed her and asked her uncomfortable questions, and, in turn, the actress gave them vague and uncertain answers.

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Over the years, she actively participated in the life of LGBTQ+ community, be it by ordaining same-sex marriages, headlining a pride festival or starring as the bisexual legend of blues Bessie Smith. Despite being a proud advocate for the LGBTQ+ people, Queen Latifah did not feel like joining their ranks.

You would think that after twenty years have passed Queen Latifah would address her sexuality and quell the rumours that have been circulating around for ages. After all, she could have just said she was straight and be done with it.

Nevertheless, it is now 2017, and Queen Latifah is still in the closet. It is understandable why she would not want to come out earlier, as being a homosexual/bisexual black woman in American show business has not been that easy back then. But why she is dismissing any questions about her sexuality now is beyond us.

Rumoured girlfriends of Queen Latifah

Being so secretive about her personal life, Queen Latifah has been a subject of many rumours over the years. Every woman she was seen with was automatically perceived as her girlfriend. That said, there have not been that many women in her life, considering that currently Queen Latifah age is 47.

The first rumoured girlfriend that appeared in the media was Jeanette Jenkins, who used to be Latifah’s personal trainer. The rumours about them started flying around back in 2007, when the two started appearing together at various red carpet events.

However, even though Queen and Jeanette were spotted kissing and hugging on numerous occasions, neither of them confirmed the relationship. While Latifah was cryptic as always, Jenkins straight up denied the rumours, claiming that she was 100% straight. Almost as if to prove the point, she found herself a 22-year-old boyfriend, even though she is only four years younger than Queen Latifah.

After Jeanette and Queen seemingly split at the end of 2014, it was not long until the media spotted the actress hanging out with another beautiful lady by the name of Eboni Nichols. According to some rumours, Eboni was actually the reason why Latifah and Jenkins split in the first place, but we would never know.

The two reportedly met all the way back in 2009, when Queen Latifah was invited to appear on Dancing with the Stars, where Nichols worked as a choreographer. When Latifah separated from her previous girlfriend, she started dating Nichols sometime around the end of 2014.

This relationship, though, was not as long-lasting as the previous one, as the couple allegedly broke up by the end of 2015, while the media found out about it around March 2016. Not even a week passed since the reports about the split as some outlets started claiming that Queen Latifah began going out with her colleague, actress Paula Patton. However, Patton’s representatives quickly dispelled this rumour.

Since then, there has been no more gossip about Queen Latifah's partners. Girlfriend or no girlfriend (or boyfriend, for that matter), Queen Latifah recently admitted that she would like to finally start a family. She said that she would like to adopt a child, not necessarily a small baby, and become a mother at last. Although, she said that the media will find out about it last.

That is all we can fit in our article about the life of Queen Latifah. No matter whom she loves, we know that we love her! How do you feel about Queen Latifah? Have you learned anything new about her? Let us know in the comments!

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Source: Naija.ng

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