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Новости за 03.04.2024


Tennessee Titans Partner With Fanatics as Teams Digitize the Fan Experience

As sports teams look to the rise of digital platforms to drive engagement and spending, the Tennessee Titans are the latest to announce a long-term strategy for their retail arm’s omnichannel growth. The NFL team shared Monday (April 1) that it entered a long-term exclusive partnership with digital sports gear platform Fanatics to operate its merchandise sellers both in […]

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Synovus Launches ‘Future-Proof’ B2B Payments Solution

Synovus, a bank with branches in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Florida and Tennessee, has launched a new B2B payment solution that gives its commercial banking clients a choice of several different payment types when initiating accounts payable (AP) payments. The new Accelerate Pay solution is designed to let payees choose how they want to get […]

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Card Networks, FinTechs Help Consumers Navigate Subscriptions Maze With Ease

From Netflix and Spotify to Amazon Prime, it’s increasingly common for consumers to maintain multiple subscriptions. However, juggling these subscriptions across a web of apps can be challenging, especially when each platform has its own terms and conditions, potentially resulting in unexpected charges, even after a subscription has been canceled.  It’s a challenge Visa’s new Subscription […]

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Quantum Breakthrough From Microsoft Could Shorten Technology’s Go-to-Market Timeline

Change happens slowly, and then all at once. And often, the biggest changes are the easiest to miss — particularly as they are happening all around you. Call it the eye of the storm phenomenon. This, as Microsoft and Quantinuum say that they’ve reached a new quantum computing milestone. That’s because, from enhancing security to optimizing transaction processing, […]

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Ulta Warns of Cooling Demand Amid Ongoing Consumer Caution

After years of strong sales growth, Ulta Beauty is warning of a slow period ahead. The retailer’s chief executive said Wednesday (April 3) that he expects moderate mid-single digit sales growth, sending the company’s stock tumbling. “What we’ve seen so far is a slowdown in the total category across price points and segments. That’s a bit earlier and […]

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Zip Adds Enterprise Capabilities to Procurement Orchestration Platform

Zip has added new enterprise capabilities to its intake and procurement orchestration platform and intake-to-pay suite. This new suite of capabilities called Zip Premier is designed to help businesses manage compliance, strengthen integrations with other tools and scale faster, the company said in a Wednesday (April 3) press release. “Developed alongside our largest enterprise customers, […]

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Brim Financial Plans International Expansion After $85 Million Series C

FinTech infrastructure firm Brim Financial has raised $85 million in a Series C funding round. “This funding will accelerate Brim’s growth and fuel our international expansion,” Rasha Katabi, CEO and founder of Brim Financial, said in a news release Wednesday (April 3). She added that the funding will help Brim “continue to execute on our robust product roadmap, focus on […]

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Uber Eats and Waymo Roll Out Autonomous Delivery in Phoenix

Uber is expanding its Phoenix-based partnership with autonomous vehicle company Waymo. The company announced Wednesday (April 3) that it is now offering Uber Eats deliveries in the Arizona capital via Waymo vehicles. “Starting today in Phoenix, Uber Eats consumers in Tempe, Mesa, and Chandler may have their orders delivered by an autonomous vehicle,” Uber said in a news release. […]

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PortX and eXate Team to Bolster Banks’ Data Security

Integration technology provider PortX launched a partnership with data privacy firm eXate. The collaboration is designed to strengthen financial data security and regulatory compliance across the banking sector, with an emphasis on enhancing data protection for financial institutions’ data ecosystems, according to a Wednesday (April 3) press release. The partnership will see PortX integrate eXate’s data protection platform into its […]

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Amazon’s Retail Dominance Kept in Check by Walmart’s Food Sales

Since 2019, PYMNTS Intelligence has closely tracked the battle between the U.S.’s two top retailers, Walmart and Amazon, and each quarter we share our findings in our “Whole Paycheck Report.”  As is made clear by the title of our most recent report, “New Consumer Spend Data Finds Amazon Way Ahead of Walmart,” Amazon overpowered Walmart […]

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Scayl Raises $108 Million for to Lend to FinTech Lenders

Debt financing platform Scayl has raised $108 million to lend to other European FinTech lenders. Billing itself as a “Fintech for Fintech Lenders,” Scayl said it helps clients fund their loan books with more speed and flexibility than working with banks or credit funds, the Swedish company said in a news release provided to PYMNTS Wednesday (April […]

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Central Banks and BIS Test Tokenization to Improve X-Border Payments

Tokenization is gaining momentum on the global stage, and with commercial applications. The Bank for International Settlements announced Wednesday (April 3) that it is working in tandem with seven central banks — including the Federal Reserve Bank of New York — to test tokenization in a bid to improve cross-border payments. In addition, Project Agorá, as the initiative is known, will […]

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Klarna Launches Page Comparing BNPL, Traditional Credit

Klarna has launched a new web page that shares data on its buy now, pay later (BNPL) offerings, including their repayment rates, late fee rates and consumer age demographics. This new Wikipink page aims to encourage transparency in the credit industry and drive dialogue on personal finance at a time when credit providers are facing growing scrutiny, the […]

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ADP: Job Switchers See 10% Jump in Wages

ADP’s latest employment report shows a jump in raises for people switching jobs. While year-over-year pay increases last month for people who stayed at their jobs were flat after months of continued slowing, gains for people changing jobs jumped “dramatically” to 10%, the second straight monthly increase, according to a Wednesday (April 3) press release. “March was surprising […]

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Shipt: Online Shoppers Turn to Seasonal Sales Amid Financial Pressures

As economic pressures continue to constrain consumers’ spending power, Shipt is seeing on-demand delivery shoppers turn to deals and concentrate their engagement around peak times. In an interview with PYMNTS, Katie Stratton, chief growth officer at the Target-owned on-demand delivery aggregator, spoke to how consumers’ shopping habits have changed in the last year. “People crave […]

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Spryker Adds Stripe Integration to App Composition Platform

Spryker expanded its App Composition Platform to include Stripe as a global payment services provider (PSP). With the Stripe integration, enterprises using the platform can expand into new regions and facilitate business with customers around the world, Spryker said in a Wednesday (April 3) press release. “The ability to quickly implement a state-of-the-art payment option like Stripe in new regions with […]

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DraftKings and MGM Find New Gaming Frontier in Brazil

Some of the sports betting world’s biggest players have reportedly turned their sights on Brazil. Companies such as DraftKings and MGM Resorts International are exploring entry into Latin America’s largest economy and its new, and regulated, online gambling market, Bloomberg News reported Wednesday (April 3). The report noted that Brazil — with a population of around 200 million — has emerged […]

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PayPal’s Court Win Spotlights Continuing Evolution of Digital Wallets

The legal dust-up between PayPal and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) over digital wallets has notched a win in PayPal’s favor. As reported this week, U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon ruled that the CFPB “had no rational justification” for placing digital wallets under the rule’s “short-form” fee disclosure requirements. Per the ruling, and […]

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FourKites and BuyCo Partner on Container Shipping Management Solution

FourKites and BuyCo partnered to offer a container shipping management solution that provides Fortune 500 shippers with visibility across inland and ocean shipments. With the integrated offering created by this collaboration, shippers can manage initial planning and booking, documentation and tendering and gain real-time transportation visibility, the companies said in a Wednesday (April 3) press release. “Ocean shipping is […]

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Travelex Brings ‘Click-and-Collect’ FX Service to Hong Kong

Foreign exchange brand Travelex says it has launched its online click-and-collect service in Hong Kong. The new offering, announced Wednesday (April 3), lets customers purchase their travel cash in advance online, reserving more than 30 currencies, including the U.S. dollar, the British pound, the Japanese Yen and Thailand’s baht. From there, orders can be collected from five […]

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VC Investors Face ‘Tough Math’ as Deal-Making Slows

Last year was the worst year for venture capital funding since 2016. So far, 2024 isn’t shaping up to be much better. Venture firms raised $30.4 billion from foundations, university endowments and other institutional investors in the first quarter of the year, a decline from 2023, the Financial Times (FT) reported Wednesday (April 3). The struggle […]

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Chase Will Let Advertisers Offer Customers Targeted Offerings

Chase is reportedly getting deeper into the world of retail media. The banking giant’s new Chase Media Solutions unit will let advertisers target Chase customers with discounts and deals related to their spending history, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported Wednesday (April 3). As the report notes, this puts Chase in the company of a range of businesses […]

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Rideshare Firm BlaBlaCar Raises $108 Million as IPO Plan Stalls

BlaBlaCar has raised $108 million in credit as it awaits a better IPO market. CEO Nicolas Brusson told Bloomberg News — in an interview published Wednesday (April 3) — that the French carpooling company enjoyed its first profitable year in 2023 following a “pretty rough” pandemic, with net sales up 29% and 80 million passengers […]

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NCR Voyix Says Open Banking Will Gain Wide Embrace in the US

Shadi Saifan, vice president of engineering at NCR Voyix, told PYMNTS in an interview that bridging the gap between the promise of open banking and making that promise a reality is easier said than done, especially in the United States. He noted that in Europe, regulators and governments have played the prime role in advancing open […]

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

103news.com — ежеминутные новости с ежедневным архивом. Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "103 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Не нравится, не хотите слышать — не читайте, читаете — будьте взаимно вежливы и корректны в своих высказываниях. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. 103news.com — обозреватель новостей. Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть —онлайн с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии. 103news.com — живые новости в живом эфире! Быстрый поиск от 123ru.net — это не только возможность первым узнать, но и преимущество сообщить срочные новости мгновенно на любом языке мира и быть услышанным тут же. В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость - здесь.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Всем украшениям свое время: пять аксессуаров, которые вас старят

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ТАСС: шесть мужчин задержаны при попытке похитить борца ММА Учаева из больницы

Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность футбольного матча в Дагестане


Поздравления с днем референдума о независимости


Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии провели встречу со студентами финансового университета

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок на футбольном матче «ЦСКА» - «Краснодар» в Москве


Собянин: К учебному году в МЭШ обновили популярные сервисы и запустили новые

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Музыкальные новости


Shaman отменил концерт в Магнитогорске вслед за Нижним Тагилом

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Владимир Ефимов рассказал, каким будет комплекс «Олимпийский» после реконструкции

Власти Алтая попросили 2 млрд рублей у Москвы, чтобы достроить ледовую арену

Баскетболисты ЦСКА начнут защиту титула в Единой лиге ВТБ

Ирина Хромачёва

Хромачева и Данилина вышли в финал турнира в Хуахине

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Территорию у метро «Бульвар Генерала Карбышева» ждёт масштабное озеленение

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России