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Новости за 09.04.2024

The Verge 

Acer announces its first two 14-inch gaming laptops

The new Acer Predator Helios Neo 14. | Image: Acer

Acer announced Tuesday its first 14-inch gaming laptops: the Nitro 14 and Predator Helios Neo 14. It’s exciting to see Acer’s fabulous and well-beloved budget-friendly Nitro enter the 14-inch gaming laptop space, but even more so for the new Predator since it’s priced and specced competitively with the Asus ROG Zephyrus G14 and Razer Blade 14. The company is also releasing an updated Nitro 16 that can be configured with either a current-gen AMD Ryzen or Intel Core processor. Читать дальше...

The Verge 

Miku fans wanted a hologram concert — they got a TV show instead

Miku Expo 2024 in Portland, Oregon. | Screenshot: Wes Davis / The Verge

If you made it through that headline and you’re confused, don’t worry — I was, too, at first. Hatsune Miku is an internet fandom thing. She’s not a real person, and she didn’t get her start in some obscure anime — she’s a Vocaloid, which is a synthetic voice that can be fed melodies and song lyrics to output as vocal performances, and she puts on concerts. Here’s a succinct summary from my colleague Jess Weatherbed:

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The Verge 

Destiny 2: The Final Shape is going to break the game, in a good way

Image: Bungie

Destiny 2’s The Final Shape expansion has a lot riding on it. It’s the culmination of a 10-year story and the conclusion of Destiny’s light and darkness saga. After a four-month delay, fans haven’t really seen much of The Final Shape, but today, Bungie delivered a preview of what’s to come. The teaser left me thinking that Destiny 2 is about to feel very different — and very broken — as players will be able to wield Light and Darkness abilities together for the first time ever. Читать дальше...

The Verge 

SwitchBot’s robot vacuums now work with Matter, but the platforms need to step up support

The SwitchBot K10 Plus robot vacuum now works with Matter. | Photo by Jennifer Pattison Tuohy / The Verge

This week, SwitchBot announced that almost its entire line of smart home devices can now work with Matter through its SwitchBot Hub 2. This includes its mini K10 Plus robot vacuum — one of The Verge’s picks for best robot vacuum — as well as the soon-to-be-launched SwitchBot S10.

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The Verge 

Star Wars Outlaws preorders are up, bringing exclusive skins and DLC in tow

The open-world Outlaws could be the biggest single-player Star Wars game ever made. | Image: LucasArts

It’s official: Star Wars Outlaws launches on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X / S, and PC on August 30th. Ubisoft shared the news alongside a new trailer for the upcoming next-gen title, which is an original adventure set in the ever-expanding galaxy of games based on Lucasfilm’s beloved franchise. You can preorder the game starting today, April 9th, and there are several incentives for punching your ticket early to play it. Читать дальше...

The Verge 

Adobe overhauls Frame.io to make it a little more Trello-like

Image: Adobe / Frame.io

Adobe has introduced the latest version of Frame.io, overhauling the cloud-based media collaboration service with oodles of new workflow and tagging capabilities that make it easier for creatives to manage their entire projects on the platform. Initially launching in beta, Frame.io V4 starts rolling out to Free and Pro customers today on web, iPhone, and iPad, with a launch for Team and Enterprise users expected “later this year.”

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The Verge 

The creators of Fallout want the show to have the game’s mix of silly and serious

Ella Purnell in Fallout. | Image: Amazon

Fallout is a mixture of contradictions. In one moment, the games are dark and gruesome; in the next, silly and playful. So when it came time to adapt the series into a streaming show on Amazon, nailing that eclectic tone was key. “I think it’s very fundamental to what Fallout is,” says series co-creator and showrunner Geneva Robertson-Dworet, “this mix of weird comedy and drama and violence and really compelling moral dilemmas.”

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The Verge 

In a first, international court upholds right to be safe from climate change

A woman shows a placard reading “For feminist and social ecologic justice” in Toulouse, France, March 19th, 2021. | Photo by Alain Pitton / NurPhoto via Getty Images

An international court has, for the first time, ruled that a country violated human rights by not protecting people from the effects of climate change. A Swiss association representing more than 2,000 older women (a third of whom are over the age of 75) filed a complaint to the European Court of Human Rights saying that their... Читать дальше...

The Verge 

Beeper was just acquired by Automattic, which has big plans for the future of messaging

Beeper is a messaging app for your messaging apps. | Image: Beeper

Beeper, the upstart messaging app that attempts to corral all your messaging services into one inbox, is being acquired by Automattic, the giant that runs Wordpress.com, Tumblr, and a number of other hugely popular web properties. The deal closed last week and was announced officially on Tuesday. Along with the announcement, Beeper is also opening up its app to everyone for the first time across platforms, shutting down its waitlist for good. Читать дальше...

The Verge 

Peloton is a media company now, with media company problems

Jessica Fernandez uses Peloton about two hours a day — maybe even four if she’s training for a marathon. In her house, you’ll find not one but two Peloton machines. There’s the bike that the company is known for, and in her garage, there’s the company’s smaller treadmill. A rack of running medals hangs on the wall right near it. On our video call, she shows up in a Peloton shirt, a little shy, but her enthusiasm practically buzzes through the screen.

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The Verge 

The Aboard app is a totally different take on what an AI bot can do

Aboard is for tracking stuff — and for building the tools for tracking stuff with AI. | Image: Aboard

Aboard is not an easy app to explain. It used to be easier: at first, it was a way to collect and organize information — Trello meets Pinterest meets that spreadsheet full of links you use to plan your vacation. The company’s founders, Paul Ford and Rich Ziade, are two longtime web developers and app creators (and, in Ford’s case, also an influential writer about the web) who previously ran a well-liked agency called Postlight. Читать дальше...

The Verge 

The Fairbuds noise-canceling earbuds have an easily swappable battery

The buds’ modularity have made for a chunkier design. | Image: Fairphone

Fairphone, the makers of the ultra-repairable Fairphone 5, have launched a new pair of easy-to-repair wireless earbuds. Instead of tossing away your earbuds when the batteries eventually die, Fairphone’s new Fairbuds let you replace the batteries inside the buds themselves and their charging case.

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The Verge 

Google’s first Arm-based CPU will challenge Microsoft and Amazon in the AI race

Illustration: The Verge

Google is making its own custom Arm-based CPU to support its AI work in data centers and introducing a more powerful version of its Tensor Processing Units (TPU) AI chips. Google’s new Arm-based CPU, dubbed Axion, will be used to support Google’s AI workloads before it rolls out to business customers of Google Cloud “later this year.”

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The Verge 

The TikTok ban and the iPhone monopoly

Image: The Verge

A few weeks ago, it looked like the US government was on a fast track to banning TikTok. A committee in the House of Representatives voted unanimously in favor of a bill that would see the app either banned or sold, before the broader House passed the same bill in sweeping fashion, and even President Joe Biden said he’d sign the bill if it hit his desk. Then, the momentum just... stopped. The bill is in limbo and TikTok is still here, for now, while the debate rages over... Читать дальше...

The Verge 

With Vids, Google thinks it has the next big productivity tool for work

In Vids, you can either make a video or ask the AI to make one for you. | Image: Google

For decades, work has revolved around documents, spreadsheets, and slide decks. Word, Excel, PowerPoint; Pages, Numbers, Keynote; Docs, Sheets, Slides. Now Google is proposing to add another to that triumvirate: an app called Vids that aims to help companies and consumers make collaborative, shareable video more easily than ever.

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The Verge 

Google’s Gemini 1.5 Pro can now hear

Illustration: The Verge

Google’s update to Gemini 1.5 Pro gives the model ears. The model can now listen to uploaded audio files and churn out information from things like earnings calls or audio from videos without the need to refer to a written transcript.

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The Verge 

Intel investigating games crashing on 13th and 14th Gen Core i9 processors

Photo by Tom Warren / The Verge

Owners of Intel’s latest 13th and 14th Gen Core i9 desktop processors have been noticing an increase in game crashes in recent months. It’s happening in games like The Finals, Fortnite, and Tekken 8, and has even led Epic Games to issue a support notice to encourage Intel Core i9 13900K and 14900K owners to adjust BIOS settings.

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The Verge 

Logitech’s new wireless keyboard targets pro gamers needing portability

The Logitech G Pro X 60 Lightspeed offers plentiful features in a compact form factor. | Image: Logitech

Logitech has announced the Pro X 60 Lightspeed, the first wireless gaming keyboard from the company to come in a compact 60 percent format. Available through the gaming-focused Logitech G sub-brand, the keyboard is available now for $179 in a choice of two GX optical switch types (tactile or linear) and three colors (black, white, or pink).

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

В мире могут закрыть поставки из Китая. «Святой Ленин» на встрече В.В. Путина и Си Цзиньпина повышает качество жизни народам России, Китая, всего мира.

Ефимов: в Щербинке построили спортивную арену с искусственным льдом

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» правит миром, расшифровал «ДНК В.И.Ленина», отменяет налоги. И… отключает институты времени. Разгадка «научных теорий заговоров».

Кем были музы и натурщицы Бориса Кустодиева


Разделение изотопа


Патриотическую акцию «Синий платочек» провели в Нижнем Новгороде в день прибытия «Поезда Победы»

Фестивальный праздник «Музыка моего города» в Улан-Удэ включил в программу спектакль Театра кукол «Ульгэр»: Россия и Культура, Праздник и Дети

Азербайджанский мигрант возмутился из-за того, что в Калининграде суд назначил 4,5 года лишения свободы за убийство в ДТП школьницы. Видео

В Парке Горького вновь пройдет Московский детский фестиваль искусств «НЕБО»


Сергей Собянин. Главное за день

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Музыкальные новости


Хронология слухов о свидании Чимина из BTS и Сон Да Ын

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

В Москве пройдет заплыв «Кубок Чемпионов» от организаторов Swimcup. В старте, который пройдет в гребном канале «Москва», примут участие более 1000 пловцов

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Ярославское шоссе стало лидером сезонного спроса на спортивные площадки в коттеджных комплексах


Свёнтек прошла в полуфинал турнира WTA-1000 в Риме

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России