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Pelosi wants Trump's help on agenda during 'coup'


President Trump promised as a candidate to work on America’s economy, to restore the nation’s stature around the world – after ex-President Barack Obama’s constant “apology” tours – and fight for religious rights for Americans.

Much of his results are evident: “Starting with the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1953, there has never been a president who oversaw such a robust employment market at this point in his presidency,” reported the Examiner.

The government confirmed unemployment was 4.1 percent for the first 26 months of his tenure.

Regarding international relations, his critics have charged that he has not succeeded in denuclearizing North Korea or getting a fair trade deal with China. But the fact is there have been talks as never before on those very topics.

Regarding religious rights, it is fact that the abortion profiteers at Planned Parenthood now are excluded from at least one federal program from which they had been drawing millions for many years.

Job done? Probably not, but definitely progress.

But now a Marketwatch article condemns the president for not reaching hope-for projections of economic growth of four, five or six percent.

Rex Nutting wrote: “After the tax cut in late 2017, the U.S. economy briefly grew faster than 3% before slipping back. President Trump argues that he couldn’t possibly be guilty of anything because the economy is so great. Which makes me wonder: Whatever happened to his boast that the U.S. economy would be able to grow not only at 3% but at ‘4%, 5% or even 6%’ per year?”

However, the article doesn’t mention the complete and total “resistance” from the Washington “swamp” to literally block everything President Trump has proposed. Since before he was elected.

Border security walls? Nancy Pelosi snarked she’d allow “one dollar.”

New trade agreements? Stalled in Congress.

Relaxing federal rules to encourage business? Halted by activist judges.

Cutting down on immigration from those parts of the world that sponsor and export terrorism? Stopped by leftists in federal district courts, who routinely have been ruling in the manner of the Supreme Court – for the entire nation.

Then what about the affirmative assault on his presidency by those resisters?

More than two years of investigations into his campaign’s “collusion” with Russia. Only there wasn’t any.

This would be when those in the Washington “deep state,” starting under the Barack Obama administration and continuing, used Democrat money to assemble a made-up “dossier” about Trump, which was then the basis for the Obama administration to use America’s intelligence corps to investigate and undermine the candidate, then also as president.

Then claims of obstruction. Again, no charges.

Then there were corruption allegations, which fell flat.

And his promise to appoint Constitution-oriented judges to the federal bench? Democrats have been uniform – nearly unanimous – in opposing every one of his 150-plus nominees, who have been installed only by the grace of a small GOP majority in the Senate.

Who can forget the campaign of hate launched against Supreme Court nominee-now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh? Multiple women making uncorroborated claims about his behavior decades ago while he was a teen.

All against a backdrop of Rep. Maxine Water’s trademark rant “Impeach!”

The latest are the claims of “quid pro quo” in the president’s telephone call with the president of Ukraine, for which the Democrats have demanded impeachment, even though the transcript doesn’t support that claim.

Nutting explains how Trump’s Tax Cut and Jobs Act did prompt the economy to “soar … a little bit, for a little while.”

Then it was back to about 2.6 percent growth, he said.

“The ability of any president to make large improvements in our living standards is exaggerated,” he explained. “The ability of a president to make things worse, however, is really the more relevant story today.”

There are a few noting the headwinds President Trump faces in his agenda, although they, too, cast the blame on the president for Congress refusing to cooperate.

American University noted after his first year in office, that Congress was resisting Trump’s agenda because, “of Trump’s personality and leadership shortcomings.”

Elliot Williams at CNN even picked at the Trump administration for programs set up in the Air Force under which military members stayed overnight at Trump hotel facilities – a program that was begun under Obama.

He called it a “Trump administration scandal” and said the Obama administration program is “yet another example of an administration with an unprecedented level of contempt for Congress and its constitutional duty to oversee the executive branch.”

The attitude hit a new level on Wednesday, when Pelosi stunningly insisted that the president should work with Democrats in the House on their priorities – even though they are in the middle of a madcap rush to impeach him.

At Twitter social media aggregator Twitchy came the comment, “Nancy Pelosi hopes that just because Dems are trying to destroy his presidency doesn’t make Trump unwilling to work with them on other issues.”

Asked how she’ll work with Trump on agenda points while trying to run him out of town on the rails, she said, “The two have nothing to do with each other.”

President Trump has often described the situation as nothing more or less than a “coup” attempt against the government of the United States.

The post Pelosi wants Trump's help on agenda during 'coup' appeared first on WND.

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