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It looks like faith is about to get real


It has always been easy for both Christians and indeed just about everyone to argue about Bible verses and their origin, meaning, timing and application in the modern world. Arguing is certainly easier than incorporating these verses into our daily lives.

The church admonishes us to "have faith in God." Sometimes a church emerges that goes into detail about what having faith means, but often the admonishment seeps off into the gutters of modern life: big tech, big government, big egos; leaving us to figure out for ourselves just what having faith in God in the here and now actually means.

Faith is obviously important, because Scripture tells us that "Without faith it is impossible to please God:"

"By an act of faith, Enoch skipped death completely. They looked all over and couldn't find him because God had taken him. We know on the basis of reliable testimony that before he was taken 'he pleased God.' It's impossible to please God apart from faith. Why? Because anyone who wants to approach God must believe both that he exists and that he cares enough to respond to those who seek him." (Hebrews 11:5-6 MSG)

It turns out that much of the world actually does believe in various gods, but not necessarily the God of the Bible. Some people even believe they are themselves gods. This might be more prevalent among the uber wealthy or the politically connected and powerful. The rest of us face fewer opportunities to confuse ourselves with God, although some of us still manage to misidentify our role in the world. Since we can't actually do the things God did in the Bible, this misidentification rarely lasts very long, unless we were predisposed to it in the first place, or are continuously reelected to the House, Senate, local library or school board. Being elected to a political office doesn't make us gods. Most often, self-anointed god status simply provides a bit of entertainment for the rest of us.

"Oh, what does it matter if some people think they are god? They'll just get sent off to the looney bin for a while!" Well, I don't know that the looney bin actually exists anymore. Take a look around you. Maybe it does, but they must be full up, booked out into the foreseeable future. I do see plenty of people who belong there, however.

Comforting? Probably what we have now just continues on. Government officials often act like they are gods, ignoring the laws the legislature passes and making their own pronouncements on bettering humanity or exterminating humanity as they go along (making more than a few bucks for themselves as they go). I see how that works for them, but I don't see how it works for the rest of us – or the nation as a whole.

Billionaires seem to be especially afflicted with the "god" delusion. Hollywierd idols, gang leaders, election officials and most local officials, well, the list goes on and on, doesn't it? There's no shortage of those seeking to appropriate the "god" label.

This human tendency (making ourselves into gods) is certainly why the Bible was written down. The same caution was taken with the U.S. Constitution, which was created by men who knew with certainty that they were not gods. Somehow, things in our nation just worked better that way, at least for most of us. Winning an electoral popularity contest does not make anyone a god, although it has been known to create demigods – at least in their own eyes.

Faith in God means trusting someone we know, but cannot see. It means paying attention to the Holy Spirit, which indwells believers. It means believing that the qualities God exhibited in the Old and New Testaments still apply to Him, because He is unchanging. God is not in the process of growing up. He may, however, be in the process of growing us up!

Growing us up means that we accept that all God has said about who He was and what He did in the Old and New Testaments still applies to Him and to us today. [He who is the Glory of Israel does not lie or change his mind, for he is not a human being, that he should change his mind (1 Samuel 15:29).]

Part of "having faith in God" means that we accept that God operates primarily in the supernatural realm. This can be confusing for us, because most of us operate in the natural realm. God's power is such that he can operate through the supernatural (spiritual) realm and act on the natural realm. That is where faith comes in on our parts. Otherwise, what would be the point of prayer? We are petitioning God from the natural world. When God hears and answers that prayer, He causes the supernatural world to operate upon (or modify) the natural world to accomplish what we prayed for supernaturally. We normally live so intensely in the natural world that this can be disconcerting for us. It is not disconcerting for God. It is His normal mode of operation. He has done this from Creation onward (probably forever).

As we gain more experience with God, He may open more of the supernatural realm to us, even though our home (right now) is in the natural realm. We are all destined for the supernatural realm eventually, although our rewards and experiences there may reflect upon our words and deeds here.

So if the world seems dark, as the globalists are setting up their one-world government, and faith in God and the supernatural seems like a fanciful dream, remember that we see through a veil, darkly. God always sees clearly. Sometimes, to accomplish that clear sight, we need to develop our own eyes of faith.

Regardless of our own ultimate destination, we can be sure we are all supernatural beings, and our ultimate destination is not the grave, but eternity in the supernatural realm. Jesus paid the price for us all. Don't let that opportunity slip away while we argue about Bible verses instead of incorporating them into our lives. God's timetable belongs to Him. The globalist attack on God's Creation, of which we are part, will not go unanswered by God. It will be supernatural, it will be spectacular, and we are not the target. Think Egypt and Goshen. ["That which has been will be again, what has been done will be done again, there is nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9 NIV).]

Armageddon, the real story, by Craige McMillan (craigemcmillan.com).
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The post It looks like faith is about to get real appeared first on WND.

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