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RFK Jr. debunks claims Jan. 6 was 'insurrection'


Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Democrats for years now have claimed that the Jan. 6, 2021, protest-turned-riot at the U.S. Capitol was a full-fledged "insurrection."

That would include plans by the rioters to seize the government, its economy, its military, is executive branch, its legislature, its courts and international relations.

Despite the fact that the evidence of that was simply not there, Democrats have championed their talking point because they want, under an obscure constitutional provision adopted after the Civil War, to prevent President Donald Trump from running for office again.

In fact, charges of "insurrection" are ostentatious by their absence from the hundreds and hundreds of court cases brought against those who protested, including the small number who vandalized the Capitol that day. And when leftists in several states, including Colorado, simply decided on their own and without evidence, that they would banish Trump from the ballot, the Supreme Court had to step in and rein them in.

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The protesters that day were concerned over the undue influences on the 2020 election, which was hit by the $400 million plus that Mark Zuckerberg handed out to elections officials, who often used it to recruit Democrat voters. Never before had such a sum been injected into an American election.

Further was the FBI's interference, when it warned media corporations to suppress reporting on the Biden family scandals revealed in a laptop computer abandoned by Hunter Biden.

Turns out that evidence was factual, and polling later showed had it been reported as other issues during the runup to the election, Joe Biden almost certainly would have lost the election.

Now Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a longtime Democrat but running as an independent because of Democrat party allegiance to Biden as a candidate, says if elected president, he'd have a special counsel look at the disputes.

And he debunked the standard Democrat talking point against Trump and his voters.

"January 6 is one of the most polarizing topics on the political landscape. I am listening to people of diverse viewpoints on it in order to make sense of the event and what followed. I want to hear every side," he said.

"It is quite clear that many of the January 6 protestors broke the law in what may have started as a protest but turned into a riot. Because it happened with the encouragement of President Trump, and in the context of his delusion that the election was stolen from him, many people see it not as a riot but as an insurrection.

"I have not examined the evidence in detail, but reasonable people, including Trump opponents, tell me there is little evidence of a true insurrection. They observe that the protestors carried no weapons, had no plans or ability to seize the reins of government, and that Trump himself had urged them to protest 'peacefully,'" he said.

But he does have concern for how Joe Biden and his appointees have manipulated the situation.

"Like many reasonable Americans, I am concerned about the possibility that political objectives motivated the vigor of the prosecution of the J6 defendants, their long sentences, and their harsh treatment. That would fit a disturbing pattern of the weaponization of government agencies — the DoJ, the IRS, the SEC, the FBI, etc. — against political opponents," he warned.

"One can, as I do, oppose Donald Trump and all he stands for, and still be disturbed by the weaponization of government against him," he said. "As president, I will appoint a special counsel — an individual respected by all sides — to investigate whether prosecutorial discretion was abused for political ends in this case, and I will right any wrongs that we discover.

"Without the impartial rule of law, there is no true democracy or moral governance. That’s why John Adams, a staunch patriot, defended the British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre in court. If we betray justice in pursuit of an ideal, that betrayal will corrupt anything we accomplish," he said.

He said political opponents in America should be defeated "at the ballot box," rather than through "legal maneuvers and dirty tricks."

In fact, Democrats have launched a multitude of criminal charges, often on the shakiest of foundations, against President Trump, trying to hamstring his 2024 presidential campaign.

Kennedy said political parties now appear to be campaigning "on the demonization of their opponents and all who support them."

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