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What do all of Jake Paul’s tattoos mean?

JAKE PAUL is the founder of his own clothing brand and has become a fashion icon to his millions of followers – and he faces Mike Tyson in the boxing ring TONIGHT.

The Problem Child faces the biggest fight of his life when he takes on Tyson on Netflix — here we take a look at his tats and the meanings behind them.

Richard Pelham / The Sun
Jake Paul has an impressive collection of tattoos[/caption]

The American boxer and social media influencer is known for his numerous tattoos, each with its own unique story and significance.

Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of Jake Paul‘s ink and the meanings behind each piece…

Where are Jake Paul’s tattoos and what do they mean?


Jake‘s journey into the world of body art began with a discreet tat that allowed him to keep it hidden — the word “Venture” inked on the inner side of his bottom lip.

This placement was strategically chosen to conceal it from his parents, marking the beginning of his tattoo collection.

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On his YouTube video titled Jake Paul: Tattoo Tour, he explained: “My first tattoo was actually on my lip on the inside and I didn’t want my parents to know or like see it.

“My parents didn’t know about the lip tattoo, but they were at my surprise 21st birthday party, which had tattoo artists at it and everyone got drunk as f*** — and I started getting a tattoo on my hip.”

Head tattoo

Behind The Problem Child‘s left ear there’s some ink depicting a tiger surrounded by butterflies.

While he hasn’t gone into detail about what it signifies or why he got it done, he has mentioned that it’s his most prominent tat.

Jake said: “The tattoo that most people notice is my head tattoo on the side the tiger and the butterflies.”

Back Sword

One of Jake Paul’s most prominent tattoos is a long black sword on his back, accompanied by the words “To Live Ex Die”.

He told Romeo Lacoste it represents the proverb, ‘You live and die by the sword’.

Jake added: “It’s true like you know, sometimes the best things in your life are the ones that are free… yeah what?”

“Sometimes some of the things are like the same things that hurt you. Does that make sense?”

Custom design

Jake has a tattoo on his ribcage he designed himself, which took an astonishing 22 hours to complete.

He said: “The tattoo that took the longest to complete is my ribs right here.

“It’s a giant piece, my boy I drew it did it, 22 hours of sheer pain and misery, and I was limping around for like two weeks afterwards.”


Jake sports an angel design on his right calf.

While he hasn’t explicitly opened up on its meaning, it may well symbolise protection or guidance in his life and career.

The Problem Child simply stated: “On my right calf I have an angel, it’s one of my bigger tattoos.”

Jake’s angel design


Jake has last name tattooed his last name tattooed across his chest.

This prominent placement of his family name demonstrates pride in his identity and lineage.


An octopus design adorns Jake’s chest and abdomen area.

While the man himself hasn’t shed any light on this one, tattoos of octopuses often symbolise intelligence, adaptability and the ability to navigate complex situations.

All of these traits are valuable assets in both boxing and the entertainment industry.

Skeleton Warrior

On his left thigh, Jake has a large tattoo of a skeleton warrior in armour.

While he hasn’t given any meanings behind this piece, it could well represent strength and resilience.


The letters “RNBO” are inked on Jake‘s body, which he explained stands for his clothing brand.

He said: “The letters ‘RNBO’ are inked on my body, which stands for my clothing brand Rise n’ Be Original.”

This tattoo serves as a permanent advertisement for his business venture and a reminder of his entrepreneurial spirit.

‘RNBO’ stands for his clothing brand Rise n’ Be Original[/caption]


Below the skeleton warrior on his left thigh, there’s a huge butterfly tattoo.

Butterflies often symbolise transformation, change, and personal growth.

These themes align with Jake‘s evolving career, from social media influencer to professional boxer.

Tiger face

A tiger face extends from his left shin down to his foot.

Tigers are often associated with strength, courage and ferocity — qualities a boxer should hope to embody.

That said, Jake hasn’t revealed the explanation behind this one.


Some of his tattoos commemorate specific moments or people in his life.

On his wrist, Jake has a small tattoo of the words “BAYOU BOYS”.

I would get a lot of areas tattooed, but probably just not my like uh private areas

Jake PaulYouTube

Jake describes as one of his most nostalgic — it’s dedicated to his friendship with someone named Jasper and serves as a reminder of their happy times together.

He said: “The tattoo that brings back the best memories is my byou boys tattoo, which is me and my best friend Jasper and it’s kind of like this inside joke.”


One of Jake’s most emotionally significant tattoos is a memorial to his late bodyguard Shadow.

It shows the time of his knockout victory over Ben Askren — one minute and 59 seconds — as per Shadow’s request before his passing.

It serves as a touching tribute and a permanent connection to someone who was important in Jake’s life.

He said: “The tattoo that’s the most meaningful to me is on the front here for my bodyguard Shadow who passed away.”

Gotcha hat

Jake got this tat at an airport after pranking Floyd Mayweather by taking his hat.

The impulsive tattoo demonstrates his spontaneous nature and his pleasure in commemorating even fleeting moments in his life.

He said: “I would say my most random tattoo is the ‘Gotcha Hat’ Tattoo that I got in the airport after I took Floyd’s hat.”

The Problem Child‘s tattoos are more than just decorative body art.

They form a visual autobiography, marking significant events, relationships and personal growth.

His collection of body art is likely to grow, but he has said there’s one place he won’t get inked.

Jake said: “I would get a lot of areas tattooed, but probably just not my like uh private areas.”

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