Tom Aspinall out to brutally exorcise ghost of Curtis Blaydes injury and make Jon Jones axe retirement plans at UFC 304
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TOM ASPINALL has seemingly hinted his eagerly anticipated showdown with Jon Jones is on the BRINK of being announced.
Talks over the historic unification bout between the interim and undisputed heavyweight champions began late last year.
YOUTUBE@TOMASPINALLThe UFC began negotiating a heavyweight title indication bout between Jon Jones and Tom Aspinall late last year[/caption]
GETTYJones demanded ‘f**k you money’ for the fight but recently came to terms with the UFC brass[/caption]
GETTYWigan warrior Aspinall met with the UFC brass this week to discuss his future[/caption]
INSTAGRAM@TOMASPINALLOFFICIALAspinall has teased an imminent fight announcement after meeting UFC CBO Hunter Campbell[/caption]
The booking of the mammoth match-up – which the UFC initially targeted for summer – recently appeared to grind to a frustrating halt.
That was despite Jones reportedly coming to terms with the promotion after demanding “f**k you money” to unify the belts.
But Aspinall has appeared to suggest the fight is all systems go following his meeting with the UFC brass.
The Wigan warrior sent the entire MMA world into a tizzy by posting a photo of himself, his dad Andy and the UFC’s Chiefs Business Officer Huter Campbell to his Instagram on Saturday.
His accompanying caption, which included looking eyes and handshake emojis read: “Stay tuned.”
Fight fans around the world were quick to comment, with one saying: “Here we go!!”
Jon Jones Blasts UFC Rival Tom Aspinall In X-Rated Rant
Jon Jones Blasts UFC Rival Tom Aspinall In X-Rated Rant
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Aspinall’s seemingly gargantuan hint that the biggest fight in UK MMA history is on the brink of being announced came just hours after Dana White claimed the bout is “done”.
The 55-year-old told TNT Sports: “It’s going to happen. “It’s done, but it’s not done.
“Not done enough to sit right here now and announce it and give you a date.
“But fight’s going to happen. It’s just a matter of getting it signed now.
“If we pull this off and actually make the fight, announce it and start leading up to it, this will be the biggest heavyweight fight in UFC history.”
Hall-of-Famer Jones hasn’t fought since retaining his undisputed belt with a stunning TKO of former champ Stipe Miocic at UFC 309 last November.
Aspinall, meanwhile, hasn’t competed since decimating Curtis Blaydes in just 60 seconds in their rematch at UFC 304 in Manchester. — быстрее, чем Я..., самые свежие и актуальные новости Вашего города — каждый день, каждый час с ежеминутным обновлением! Мгновенная публикация на языке оригинала, без модерации и без купюр в разделе Пользователи сайта
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