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Новости за 01.03.2018


31 coworkers just won one of the biggest Canadian jackpots ever

They work in a small town called Come By Chance. And, by chance, 31 refinery workers won one of the largest jackpots in Canadian history. The $60 million jackpot (about $46.7 million USD) is the biggest ever awarded from Atlantic Lottery. The instant millionaires appeared Wednesday in a ceremony to pose with their photo-op check and wore matching shirts and beaming smiles. ???? #AtlanticWin pic.twitter.com/PP33k53l65 — Atlantic Lottery 19+ (@AL_Lottery) February 28, 2018 As members of the Boilermakers Local 203 union... Читать дальше...

Brotherly Game 

Bethlehem Steel FC sign Union SuperDraft pick Mike Catalano

Another impressive preseason, another pro deal. Funny how that works.

Bethlehem is going to be increasing their badger population this year. Joining from the University of Wisconsin by way of the recent MLS SuperDraft, Mike Catalano has inked a deal with Bethlehem Steel FC for the 2018 season.

Finding a perfect balance between destructive defensive presence and goal scoring machine, Catalano put together an incredible college career and fell to the Philadelphia Union in the third round (54th overall). Читать дальше...

Europe Online Magazine 

Autor Saviano zu Journalistenmord in Slowakei: Mafia dort lange aktiv

Rom (dpa) - Die Mafia hat in der Slowakei nach den Worten des italienischen Schriftstellers und Mafia-Experten Roberto Saviano seit langem ein festes Standbein. Nach dem Mord an dem Journalisten Jan Kuciak und dessen Verlobter schrieb Saviano am Donnerstag auf Facebook: «Die «‘Ndrangheta, Camorra und Cosa Nostra investieren und verstecken sich seit Jahren in der Slowakei.» Saviano ist mit Recherchen über die Mafia und mit seinem Buch «Gomorrha» international bekannt geworden. Der 27-jährige Journalist... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Need a Name for a Nuclear Weapon? Launch an Online Contest

After announcing Russia had developed new nuclear weapons, President Vladimir Putin on Thursday invited the nation to offer names for some of them - apparently not worried by Britain's red-faced experience doing the same thing.   In 2016, the most popular choice in an online competition to name a British polar survey vessel was Boaty McBoatface. That ship was eventually christened the Sir David Attenborough in honor of the naturalist, but the goofy moniker became the name of one of the country's remotely operated submarines. Читать дальше...

Pacific Free Press 

A Foundation of Elections Skullduggery

Elite Anxiety: The True Foreign Skullduggery Behind Election 2016

by Chris Floyd - CounterPunch

February 27, 2018  

There was indeed a foreigner responsible for the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016. This is not an “allegation” or a supposition or any kind of “conspiracy theory;” it is a confirmed fact, backed up by reams and reams of documented evidence. The culpable foreigner was not named Vladimir Putin, however; he was called James Wilson, and he was born in Scotland. Читать дальше...


Neymar's eventful debut season at PSG full of highs, lows and plenty of drama

ESPN FC's Alejandro Moreno analyses what PSG need to do to find success without Neymar in their UCL second leg against Real Madrid. Brazil's national team doctor Rodrigo Lasmar has revealed that it will take PSG forward Neymar up to three months to recover after the surgery on his right foot due to take place on Saturday. ESPN FC's Julien Laurens believes PSG were trying not to give too much away on Neymar's injury before his dad revealed the Brazil star would miss 6-8 weeks. ... Читать дальше...

Top Stories (us) - Google News (com) 

Putin, before vote, unveils 'invincible' nuclear weapons to counter West - Reuters


Putin, before vote, unveils 'invincible' nuclear weapons to counter West
MOSCOW (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin announced an array of new nuclear weapons on Thursday, in one of his most bellicose speeches in years, saying they could hit almost any point in the world and evade a U.S.-built missile shield. Putin was ...
Putin claims Russia is developing nuclear arms capable of avoiding missile defensesWashington Post
Why would Putin... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Popular Alaska peak weighs new rules for climbers’ poop

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Climbers on North America’s tallest mountain may have to start packing out more of their poop after a researcher determined a glacier in which much of it has been dumped over the past decade probably is not decomposing the human waste. Michael Loso, a glacier geologist, calculates that 36,000 climbers between 1951 and 2012 deposited 152,000 to 215,000 pounds of feces onto Kahiltna Glacier, part of the most popular route to Denali’s summit. For more than a decade... Читать дальше...


Republicans furious as Trump announces huge new tariffs: 'A massive tax increase on American families'

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

  • President Donald Trump announced new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports on Thursday.
  • The decision set off a firestorm among Republicans.
  • Sen. Ben Sasse called the move "a massive tax increase on American families."
  • Conservative policy groups also came out against the decision.

Republicans and conservative groups were furious with President Donald Trump's Thursday announcement to impose new tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. Читать дальше...

New York Post 

Cuomo: NYCHA problems stem from poor management

Gov. Cuomo took another sharp slap at Mayor de Blasio’s oversight of the New York City Housing Authority, saying the agency’s numerous problems stem from poor management, not underfunding. “The answer’s always more money – failing schools, failing housing,” Cuomo said on WNYC radio. “The politicians say ‘more money.’ NYCHA’s problem is a management problem.”...

Griffin Park Grapevine 

[Google] - Brentford's Dan Bentley beats Premier League rivals to win Goalkeeper of t

[TR] [TD="width: 80, align: center"]Image: http://www.griffinpark.org//t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRXcrvLVi6vz4zV1zLsJP6bJd_AL4dvyVLo7Fh5kKZhm-bPVw4xHiDBpcIkqwKfo3RtsbDe1em2 Evening Standard (http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&ct2=uk&usg=AFQjCNE8_gwdY8gnR0LuViphG0opCSdbuA&clid=c3a7d30bb8a4878e06b80cf16b898331&ei=ymKYWoiINMfCW8m4jIAD&url=https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/brentfords-dan-bentley-beats-premier-league-rivals-to-win-goalkeeper-of-the-year-gong-at-london-a3779236.html)[/TD] [TD="class... Читать дальше...

Sounder at Heart 

USWNT v. Germany: Gamethread

The SheBelieves Cup begins.

The SheBelieves Cup — a battle between four of the top-ranked teams in the world — kicks off on Thursday, and the U.S. Women’s National Team will face Germany in the first round. That match begins at 4:00 PM PT on ESPN2. Seattle Reign FC players Megan Rapinoe and Allie Long have been named to the 23-player U.S. roster for the tournament. The early match features new Reign FC striker Jodie Taylor and England facing off against France at 1:00 PM PT on WatchESPN. Читать дальше...


Texas Republicans are getting spooked by huge Democratic turnout in the primaries

What the spike in early Democratic voter turnout in Texas tells us.

Democrats want to make Texas blue — or at the very least, purple — and a massive surge in voter enthusiasm is giving them hope.

Early vote totals for Texas’s midterm election primaries are looking good for Democrats, who are showing extremely high levels of enthusiasm. Democratic turnout has increased by 90 percent compared to the 2014 midterms and is even above the 2016 presidential election year levels. Republican... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Women’s Day: dialogue of Chinese and Maltese artists

As the world celebrates women next week, two female artists – one Chinese and the other from Malta – will enter into a dialogue about nature, humankind and the cosmos. In an exhibition of paintings at the China Cultural Centre, Valletta, Ya Li’s vast spaces contrast with Catherine Cavallo’s humanity. Ms Cavallo destroys the precarious balance and produces strain, stress and tension, and the world she paints is imperfect compared to the perfectly ideal one created by Ms Li, according to curator E.V.... Читать дальше...

The Week 

The week's good news: March 1, 2018


Hundreds of kids in Flint, Michigan, were treated to a day at the movies recently, courtesy of Little Miss Flint. Mari Copeny, 10, raised more than $16,000 through a GoFundMe campaign so local children could see Black Panther. Working with the Flint Boys and Girls Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and churches, she put together a list of kids who would benefit from seeing the film, paid for 150 tickets at the Rave Cinema in Flint Township, and distributed 650 tickets on gift cards. Copeny... Читать дальше...

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Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

Аделина Панина: какие элементы фэншуй должны быть на кухне, чтобы есть и худеть

Компании Группы "Интеррос" взяли ряд наград премии FINAWARD

Исполнитель хита “На Заре 2020” Сергей АРУТЮНОВ оживил ещё один хит из 20-го века и выпустил песню “Лететь” вместе с её создателями - группой Амега.


Собянин: Под заселение по реновации с начала года передали 20 жилых комплексов

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Музыкальные новости

Игорь Бутман

Бутман и Хабенский представят джазовую версию «Пети и волка» Прокофьева

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Аделина Панина: какие элементы фэншуй должны быть на кухне, чтобы есть и худеть

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России