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Новости за 01.05.2018

Voice of America 

Rosenstein: Justice Dept. Won’t be ‘Extorted’ by Congress

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein is defending himself following a report that some House Republicans have drafted articles of impeachment against him. At a Newseum event Tuesday, Rosenstein took aim at allies of President Donald Trump who drafted the document, according to The Washington Post.  He says the lawmakers “can't even resist leaking their own drafts” and says he won’t talk about a document that “no one has the courage to put their name on.” Rosenstein says the Justice Department won’t be “extorted” or give in to threats. Читать дальше...

The National Interest 

A Real Missile Gap Is Looming In Hypersonic Weapons

Dan Goure


In a speech on the Senate floor on August 14, 1958, then-Senator and aspiring presidential candidate John F. Kennedy proclaimed the existence of a “missile gap” between the United States and Russia. Kennedy went on to warn that unless this gap was immediately addressed, the result would be the erosion of the U.S. strategic forces’ ability to deter the Soviet Union. It later became apparent that the balance in nuclear-capable ballistic missiles decisively favored the United States. Читать дальше...

SB Nation: Toronto Raptors 

Trevor Bauer accused Astros pitchers of cheating and their response was hilariously savage

Alex Bregman with the critical hit.

This morning, Indians pitcher Trevor Bauer woke up and decided he wanted to stir some shit up on Twitter by suggesting that the Astros pitchers are cheating by using illegal methods to increase the spin rates on their pitches. Which is such a specific way to jump on the “Astros pitchers are very good therefore they must be cheating” train, he almost deserves credit.

Bauer pulling this move is not exactly a surprise, since Bauer is intent on speaking... Читать дальше...

New York Post 

NBC pressured on-air talent to talk about the ‘grassroots’ Brokaw letter

After Tom Brokaw was accused of sexual misconduct by a former employee, a “grassroots” letter floated around NBC defending the anchor under fire. Among the 115 signatures on the list were big names such as Rachel Maddow and Mika Brzezinski. Since then an internal standards memo reportedly went out at the Peacock detailing how on-air...

Yahoo Autos 

Top prosecutor 'won't be extorted' over Republican threat

US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said Tuesday the Justice Department would not bow to threats after Republicans in Congress prepared documents to remove him. "The Department of Justice is not going to be extorted," said Rosenstein, who has direct authority over the investigation of possible links between Donald Trump's presidential campaign and Russia during the 2016 election. "Any kind of threats that anybody makes are not going to affect the way we do our job," said Rosenstein, speaking at a Freedom Forum event in Washington. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Kansas lawmakers OK self-serve beer taps, longer bar hours

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Legislators in the state that made saloon-smasher Carrie Nation famous have approved a bill to allow self-serve beer taps and longer hours for bars and taverns. The Kansas House approved the measure Tuesday on a 94-28 vote. The Senate approved it Monday on a 34-4 vote, so it goes next to Republican Gov. Jeff Colyer. Kansas is among a few states that do not allow self-serve beer taps in restaurants and bars. The move to legalize them was spurred by the prospects of a new restaurant in downtown Topeka... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Man charged with shooting smoke detector to quiet it

BARTON, Vt. (AP) — A Vermont man is facing charges that he used a shotgun to silence a smoke detector in the kitchen of his apartment. Police say two shots fired Monday afternoon from the 20-gauge shotgun owned by 68-year-old Leroy Mason, of Barton, hit the adjoining wall of an occupied apartment. Police say Mason has complained about frequent false alarms from his smoke detector, and he was upset fire crews wouldn't relocate it so he "took it upon himself to relocate the smoke detector, and shot... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Report: 8 women claim sex harassment at California institute

SAN DIEGO (AP) — A Salk Institute biologist has denied allegations that he sexually harassed at least eight women over 30 years at the renowned Southern California research center. The eight spoke to the journal Science and alleged a pattern of harassment by star biologist Inder Verma dating to 1976. His alleged behavior included forced kisses, pinching women's behinds and touching their breasts. Five of the women spoke on the record to Science and three did it anonymously. His attorney tells the... Читать дальше...


‘These Are Sanctions Directly Aimed at the Civilian Population’

Janine Jackson interviewed Joe Emersberger on Venezuela for the April 27, 2018, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript. Play Stop pop out X MP3jPLAYLISTS.MI_0 = [ { name: “1. CounterSpin Joe Emersberger Interview “, formats: [“mp3”], mp3: “aHR0cDovL3d3dy5mYWlyLm9yZy9hdWRpby9jb3VudGVyc3Bpbi9Db3VudGVyU3BpbjE4MDQyN0VtZXJzYmVyZ2VyLm1wMw==”, counterpart:””, artist: “”, image: “true”, imgurl: “” } ]; MP3jPLAYERS[0] = { list:MP3jPLAYLISTS.MI_0, tr:0, […]

The 1Eyed Eel 

Baby Eel posted a discussion

Baby Eel posted a discussion

Matagi on the out?

SHHHHHHHWhich Sydney based club is chasing the signature of Suaia Matagi?It’s understood this team wants to bring the 30-year-old into their team before June 30 but have some work to do before the deal is done.A journeyman, Matagi started his career with the Warriors before moving to the Roosters, Panthers and the Eels who are his most recent club.Matagi started in the forward pack on the weekend.https://www.foxsports.com.au/nrl/nrl-premiership/market-watch-dogs-fix-for-cap-squeeze-rew


Johnny Depp Sued by Former Bodyguards for Unpaid Wages, Exposing Them to 'Illegal Substances'

Johnny Depp’s former bodyguards are taking the actor to court.

Two men are suing the Oscar nominee for unpaid wages and forcing them to work in dangerous conditions, which they say included exposure to “illegal substances” and loaded weapons. They also claim they were made to work as de facto babysitters for Depp’s minor child and were also “forced to protect from himself.”

Eugene Arreola, a retired police detective, and Miguel Sanchez first started protecting Depp, 54, in 2013... Читать дальше...


'The Department of Justice is not going to be extorted': Rod Rosenstein blasts pro-Trump GOP critics threatening his impeachment

REUTERS/Joshua Roberts

  • "They can't even resist leaking their own drafts," Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said in response to reports that members of the House Freedom Caucus are preparing articles for his impeachment.
  • Rosenstein is responsible for overseeing the special counsel Robert Mueller's probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.
  • "The Department of Justice is not going to be extorted," he said.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein... Читать дальше...

Maple Leafs Hot Stove 

Sheldon Keefe on Timothy Liljegren: “Perhaps the thing I’m most impressed with is how physical he’s been and how he’s handled the physical play”

Toronto Marlies head coach Sheldon Keefe joined Leafs Lunch on Tuesday to discuss the Marlies’ playoff run, the return of Andreas Johnsson and Travis Dermott, the winning vs. development balance, and the development of Timothy Liljegren. What an incredible year it has been for the Toronto Marlies. How would you describe this season for you […]

Читать дальше...


15 facts about space that will blow your mind


Space exploration in real life is just as mind-blowing as it looks in the movies.

The universe's size and scope are incomprehensible even to the most advanced scientists, but we're learning more and more about the final frontier every day.

Keep reading to learn 15 facts you didn't know about outer space.

NASA has recorded eerie space "sounds."


NASA uses a technique called data sonification to take signals from radio waves, plasma waves, and magnetic... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Hawaii lawmakers to vote on several bills as session ends

HONOLULU (AP) — Hawaii lawmakers are expected to vote on a slew of bills as this year's legislative session wraps up this week. Among the bills up for votes Tuesday are a bill that would ban sunscreen that contains oxybenzone as a means to protect coral reefs, legislation that would prohibit licensed professional counselors from attempting to change the sexual orientation of minors and a bill that would test the implementation of all-mail elections with a pilot program in Kauai County in 2020. The... Читать дальше...

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Real zitterte sich mit 2:2 gegen Bayern ins CL-Finale

Real Madrid hat den vorletzten Schritt auf dem Weg zum dritten Titel in der Fußball-Champions-League in Folge gemacht. Der Titelverteidiger zog am Dienstagabend mit einem 2:2-Remis gegen Bayern München ins Finale der "Königsklasse" ein, nachdem er das Hinspiel in München mit 2:1 vergangene Woche gewonnen hatte. Finalgegner ist am 26. Mai in Kiew Liverpool oder die AS Roma.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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НАЛОГИ С ЗАРПЛАТ И НДС МОГУТ ОТМЕНИТЬ?! Государственная Дума и Правительство РФ оптимизируют налоги.


Ефимов: город выделил участок под строительство производства медицинского оборудования


Компактные ирригаторы, электрические щетки и насадки ДиФреш по старым ценам с доставкой в РФ


Количество пользователей-инвесторов на платформе «Атомайз» превысило 72000

Афиша театра кукол Бурятии "Ульгэр": Россия, Культура, Театр, Дети - Спектакль "Курочка ряба"

Эксперт по семейному капиталу Светлана Петрова: «Мой путь предпринимателя был прямой, как стрела»



Собянин: Работы в пяти корпусах нового кластера Бауманки практически завершены

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Музыкальные новости

Игорь Бутман

Московский джазовый оркестр Игоря Бутмана выступит на площадке у Великой Китайской стены

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

«Адвокат Валиевой: ей подсыпали допинг и сделал дедушка». Серьёзное расследование.

«Адвокат Валиевой: ей подсыпали допинг и сделал дедушка». Серьёзное расследование.

Завершилась сап-экскурсия на фестивале «Москва — на волне. Рыбная неделя»


Российский теннисист Сафиуллин опустился на две позиции в рейтинге ATP

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Путин разорвал договор с олигархами, заключённый в конце 90-х, считает Хазин

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России