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Новости за 22.01.2021

Contact.az (en) 

On Iranian Foreign Minister\'s Visit to Baku

Tehran/22.01.21/Turan: On January 24, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will visit Baku as part of a regional tour. Irna agency reports that Zarif will be received by Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and other officials.The topic of the meetings will be "various aspects of bilateral relations and cooperation, as well as regional issues." In particular, they will discuss "the opportunities for cooperation created in the region after the liberation of ...


There’s a Lot More to Ella Emhoff, Inauguration Star, Than Her Fabulous Coat

Photo Illustration by The Daily Beast/Photos Getty

This much is certain: Ella Emhoff wore a great coat. It came from Miu Miu, which is a subsidiary of Prada. It was full-length, fawn-colored plaid, with a high neckline and crystal embellishments. The aesthetic skews sort of girl detective doing a homage to Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s collar after purchasing a bedazzle gun on eBay.

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‘We are moving from just tiles to surface designs’

In the forthcoming Union Budget, we expect the Finance Minister to bring tiles in the 12 per cent GST slab, down from the 18 per cent currently, as it’s no more a luxury item, says Vivek Talwar, MD, Nitco

France24.com (en) 

India's Siraj says Australia abuse made him 'mentally strong'

India bowler Mohammed Siraj has given his first public account of the crowd abuse he suffered during the Australia Test series, saying it made him "mentally strong". Siraj said India, who stunned Australia to win the series 2-1, declined an offer from the umpires to walk off the field as players were abused in the third Test in Sydney. According to Indian media, shouts of "monkey" and other insults rang out when Siraj and fellow fast bowler Jasprit Bumrah were fielding near the boundary. "The... Читать дальше...


Scientists gain an unprecedented view of irradiated nuclear fuel

West Lafayette IN (SPX) Jan 20, 2021
In a feat requiring perseverance, world-leading technology, and no small amount of caution, scientists have used intense X-rays to inspect irradiated nuclear fuel. The imaging, led by researchers at Purdue University and conducted at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory, revealed a three-dimensional view of the fuel's interior structure, laying the groundwork for bet


EGA and DEWA make the UAE the first country in the world to produce aluminium using the power of the sun

Dubai UAE (SPX) Jan 20, 2021
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) and Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) has announced a new global milestone placing the United Arab Emirates as the first country in the world to produce aluminium using the power of the sun. The milestone supports the vision of HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to make Dubai the mo


Russian chemists developed polymer cathodes for ultrafast batteries

Moscow, Russia (SPX) Jan 20, 2021
In the face of the surging demand for lithium-ion batteries and limited lithium reserves, scientists are searching for lithium technology alternatives. Russian researchers from Skoltech, D. Mendeleev University, and the Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics of RAS have synthesized and tested new polymer-based cathode materials for lithium dual-ion batteries. The tests showed that the n


Could "Power Walking" fuel an energy revolution

Berlin, Germany (SPX) Jan 20, 2021
India has an energy problem. It currently relies heavily on coal and consumer demand is expected to double by 2040, making its green energy targets look out of reach. Part of the solution could come from harvesting energy from footsteps, say Hari Anand and Binod Kumar Singh from the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies in Dehradun, India. Their new study, published in the De Gruyter journa


Evidence of intermediate state of matter between crystal and liquid

Moscow, Russia (SPX) Jan 20, 2021
Scientists from the Joint Institute for High Temperatures Russian Academy of Sciences (JIHT RAS) and Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) have experimentally confirmed the presence of an intermediate phase between the crystalline and liquid states in a monolayer dusty plasma system. The theoretical prediction of the intermediate - hexatic - phase was honoured with the Nobel Pr


Light-controlled Higgs modes found in superconductors

Ames IA (SPX) Jan 20, 2021
Even if you weren't a physics major, you've probably heard something about the Higgs boson. There was the title of a 1993 book by Nobel laureate Leon Lederman that dubbed the Higgs "The God Particle." There was the search for the Higgs particle that launched after 2009's first collisions inside the Large Hadron Collider in Europe. There was the 2013 announcement that Peter Higgs and Franco


Lab-grown plant tissue could ease toll of logging and agriculture

Boston MA (SPX) Jan 21, 2021
It takes a lot to make a wooden table. Grow a tree, cut it down, transport it, mill it ... you get the point. It's a decades-long process. Luis Fernando Velasquez-Garcia suggests a simpler solution: "If you want a table, then you should just grow a table." Researchers in Velasquez-Garcia's group have proposed a way to grow certain plant tissues, such as wood and fiber, in a lab. Still in i


Seeing in a flash

Paris (ESA) Jan 21, 2021
Two images of the same front steps: one taken with a camera and the other with a flash imaging 'lidar', the laser equivalent of radar, under development for future space missions. This image was acquired by the CECILE prototype lidar, developed with the Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology, CESM, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, FBK, in Italy, Visitech in Norway and the German Aerospa


Designing customized "brains" for robots

Boston MA (SPX) Jan 21, 2021
Contemporary robots can move quickly. "The motors are fast, and they're powerful," says Sabrina Neuman. Yet in complex situations, like interactions with people, robots often don't move quickly. "The hang up is what's going on in the robot's head," she adds. Perceiving stimuli and calculating a response takes a "boatload of computation," which limits reaction time, says Neuman, who recentl


Squid-inspired robot swims with nature's most efficient marine animals

Southampton UK (SPX) Jan 21, 2021
Scientists at the University of Southampton and University of Edinburgh have developed a flexible underwater robot that can propel itself through water in the same style as nature's most efficient swimmer - the Aurelia aurita jellyfish. The findings, published in Science Robotics, demonstrate that the new underwater robot can swim as quickly and efficiently as the squid and jellyfish which


How to get more electric cars on the road

Boston MA (SPX) Jan 22, 2021
A new study from researchers at MIT uncovers the kinds of infrastructure improvements that would make the biggest difference in increasing the number of electric cars on the road, a key step toward reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation. The researchers found that installing charging stations on residential streets, rather than just in central locations such as shopping mall


Judge rejects request to restore web access to Parler platform

San Francisco (AFP) Jan 21, 2021
A federal judge on Thursday rejected a request by the conservative-friendly social network Parler that would have forced Amazon's web hosting service to allow it back online. The tech giant had pulled Parler for incitements to violence on the platform, which was home to many supporters of former president Donald Trump and was actively used ahead of the January 6 siege of the US Capitol.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

НАЛОГИ С ЗАРПЛАТ И НДС МОГУТ ОТМЕНИТЬ?! Государственная Дума и Правительство РФ оптимизируют налоги.

Работы по улучшению водоснабжения провели в Лобне


В преддверии празднования Дня победы сотрудники Росгвардии приняли участие в патриотических акциях


С чего начинается любое заболевание?


Творческие способы использования мозаики из стекла в садовом дизайне


Количество пользователей-инвесторов на платформе «Атомайз» превысило 72000

С чего начинается любое заболевание?


Собянин рассказал о реализации программы реновации в районе Филевский Парк

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Музыкальные новости

VK Fest

"Ноги поболят и пройдут, а воспоминания останутся". Зачем волонтеры идут на VK Fest

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Анимационной компании «ЯРКО» – 3 года!

Эксперт оценила развитие района Филевский парк

Финал командного чемпионата ФНТР по настольному теннису пройдет в Москве

Людмила Самсонова

Самсонова с «баранкой» разгромила Хаддад-Майю и вышла в полуфинал турнира в Страсбурге

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Выставка к 595-летию города открылась в Лыткарине

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России