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Новости за 08.03.2024


ASEAN, Australia decry actions that 'endanger peace' in South China Sea

Melbourne (AFP) March 6, 2024
Southeast Asian and Australian leaders on Wednesday warned against actions that "endanger peace" in the South China Sea, following fresh confrontations between Beijing and the Philippines in contested waters. Simmering tensions in the trade corridor threatened to boil over this week, when Chinese boats in the Spratly Islands were accused of hounding Philippines vessels. Beijing on Wednes


Spekboom bushes protect earth but can they cool Earth

Van Wyksdorp, South Africa (AFP) March 7, 2024
Andre Britz pulled over his pick-up truck on a rocky mountain track to show off the nature-preserving powers of southern Africa's spekboom shrub. The 62-year-old Afrikaner is an evangelist for Portulacaria afra, a red-stemmed bush or small tree with thick, dense green leaves that acts as a sponge for carbon dioxide. "Here you can see the difference between degraded land and what we call


Two Philippine crew among dead in Huthi missile attack: govt

Manila (AFP) March 7, 2024
Two Filipino crew members were among those killed in a missile attack by Yemen's Huthi rebels on a ship in the Gulf of Aden, the Philippine government said Thursday. The Iran-backed Huthis have been targeting merchant vessels transiting the vital Red Sea trade route for months but Wednesday's deaths were the first reported fatalities resulting from such an attack. "The Department of Fore


Fears grow for Hong Kong's finance hub status under proposed security law

Hong Kong (AFP) March 8, 2024
As Hong Kong fast-tracks a new national security law, the legislation and questions about its implementation have raised fears among the business community. The draft bill, introduced at the city's legislature on Friday, includes major offences such as treason and insurrection, which could be punished with life imprisonment. The government has said it intends to pass the bill as soon as


EU demands answers over Epic-Apple feud

Brussels, Belgium (AFP) March 7, 2024
Apple must explain its decision to halt Epic Games' effort to develop a competing app store for its devices, EU regulators said Thursday, as they consider whether the iPhone-maker violated any laws. "We have requested further explanations on this from Apple under the DMA," a spokesperson for the European Commission, the EU's powerful antitrust regulator, said, referring to the bloc's new lan


EU curbs kick in to make big tech play by its market rules

Brussels, Belgium (AFP) March 7, 2024
The EU's landmark curbs on how tech titans do business online kick in from Thursday, but just how far Brussels succeeds in bringing the giants to heel will hinge on bitter battles that lie ahead. Wielding a tough new legal arsenal, Brussels is determined to force a change in behaviour by the world's biggest tech firms, to create a more competitive online field that allows smaller players to


US-listed companies required to disclose climate emissions

New York (AFP) March 6, 2024
US-listed companies responsible for significant greenhouse gas emissions will be required to report and address climate risks for the first time under a new rule enacted Wednesday by securities regulators. The rule, which is expected to be challenged legally, aims to respond to investor demands to standardize reporting of climate-related risks and the corporate response, according to backers


Sinking US cities more exposed to rising seas: study

Paris (AFP) March 6, 2024
Sea level rise could hit major US cities like New Orleans and San Francisco harder than expected by mid-century because coastal land is sinking, researchers said Wednesday, warning current flood defences leave people and property at risk. Global warming is melting ice sheets and glaciers and raising ocean water levels across the world, with predictions that the United States will see some


UN, France co-host first forum to decarbonise construction sector

Paris (AFP) March 7, 2024
France warned Thursday that the world's construction sector was not on track to decarbonise by 2050 as it co-hosts with the UN Environment Programme the first ever conference aimed at reducing the industry's impact on climate change. Some 1,800 government officials, investors and industry representatives from 50 countries are gathering in Paris for the Buildings and Climate Global Forum, whi


China to submit UN draft resolution on AI cooperation

Beijing (AFP) March 7, 2024
China will submit a draft resolution to the United Nations calling for stronger international cooperation on artificial intelligence (AI), Beijing's foreign minister said Thursday. The rapid development of AI has become a topic of global concern, turbocharged by the 2022 launch of ChatGPT, a generative programme by the US-based OpenAI that can pen stories, create pictures, write computer cod


Planet Labs Secures Major Contract for Pacific Vessel Monitoring with NIWC

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Mar 07, 2024
Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL), a leader in the provision of Earth observation data, has been awarded a significant contract by the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Pacific, underscoring the company'growng role in maritime surveillance and security. This contract, valued in the 'seven-figure range', aims to bolster vessel detection and monitoring across pivotal regions of the Pacific Ocean, m


ICEYE launches advanced SAR product for enhanced Maritime Domain Awareness

Berlin, Germany (SPX) Mar 08, 2024
ICEYE, a pioneer in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellite operations for Earth observation, has unveiled ICEYE Ocean Vision, a new SAR product line aimed at bolstering maritime domain awareness with actionable intelligence. With ocean shipping facilitating nearly 75% of global trade, ensuring the safety and legality of maritime operations has become critical amidst rising geopolitical t


Global patent filings fall for first time in 14 years: UN

Geneva (AFP) March 7, 2024
International patent filings declined last year for the first time in 14 years due to higher interest rates and economic uncertainty, the UN said Thursday, with India among the few countries bucking the trend. A total of 272,600 international patents were filed in 2023, marking a 1.8-percent decline from a year earlier, the United Nations' World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) said


Karman Space and Defense boosts ULA's Vulcan on Its Maiden flight

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Mar 08, 2024
Karman Space and Defense ("Karman") has released details on its involvement in the first certification mission of United Launch Alliance's (ULA) Vulcan launch vehicle. This collaboration underscored Karman's strategic importance in the landmark debut flight of the Vulcan rocket, which occurred on Jan. 8, 2024. The mission, known as Cert-1, carried two significant payloads: the Peregrine Lu


Nicole McGaa: Ensuring safe travels in space

Boston MA (SPX) Mar 07, 2024
What do meteor showers, medicine, and MIT have in common? Aerospace engineering major Nicole McGaa. The senior has long been drawn to both space and medicine. Growing up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, she would search for good hillsides for watching meteor showers with her brother and father. Meanwhile, her favorite TV shows featured doctors and healers as main characters. The "Star Trek" series w


NASA tests limits of updated engines for future Artemis missions

Washington DC (UPI) Mar 6, 2024
NASA completed a full-duration RS-25 engine hot fire Wednesday, as the space agency continues testing the updated engines that will launch Artemis missions to the moon and beyond. The full-duration test was the ninth of 12 scheduled tests, and took place on the Fred Haise Test Stand at NASA's Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis in Mississippi. The certification engine, which


Mongolia enters the space race with first satellites

Ulan Bator, Mongolia (SPX) Mar 08, 2024
In a significant stride towards the global space arena, Mongolia marked its entry by launching its inaugural satellites, catalyzing an era of innovation and amplifying the potential for investment in its evolving tech domain. On 4th March 2023, Space-X's Falcon-9 rocket, lifting off from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California, carried two Mongolian low-earth-orbit nano satellites, Ondos


Viasat and Rocket Lab unveil advanced data services for LEO satellites

Los Angeles CA (SPX) Mar 08, 2024
In a strategic move to enhance space communications, Viasat Inc. (NASDAQ: VSAT) has partnered with Rocket Lab USA, Inc. (Nasdaq: RKLB) to introduce a groundbreaking spacecraft bus and mission operation support for its upcoming hybrid space communications network demonstrations. These initiatives aim to showcase Viasat's comprehensive suite of multi-band, space-based communication services design

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Захарова посоветовала главе МИД Польши рассказать о роли США в подрыве "СП"

НАЛОГИ С ЗАРПЛАТ И НДС МОГУТ ОТМЕНИТЬ?! Государственная Дума и Правительство РФ оптимизируют налоги.

В автопарке посольства Ливии в Москве появился российский Aurus Senat

Сеть клиник «Будь Здоров» подвела итоги первого квартала 2024 г.


Футболист Тарасов показал средний палец водителю автобуса в Москве


Эксперт по семейному капиталу Светлана Петрова: «Мой путь предпринимателя был прямой, как стрела»

С чего начинается любое заболевание?

Афиша театра кукол Бурятии "Ульгэр": Россия, Культура, Театр, Дети - Спектакль "Курочка ряба"



Собянин: В центре «Профессии будущего» обучают 75 востребованным специальностям

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Музыкальные новости


Рассылка Песни или Музыки на все Радиостанции России, СНГ и Мира, а также по всем СМИ России.

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

"Спартак" и "Оренбург" сыграли вничью в заключительном матче РПЛ

Более двух тысяч спортсменов поучаствовало в параде на ВДНХ в Москве

Футболист Тарасов показал средний палец водителю автобуса в Москве

Ролан Гаррос

В пригороде Парижа открыли корты имени Даниила Медведева

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru

Game News

Microsoft reckons its new Prism x86 emulation for Arm PCs is as good as Apple's Rosetta

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России