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Adele ‘held back in speech’ and ‘wore Disney dress’ as she ‘thought she’d win several Grammy Awards,’ expert says

ADELE pinned her hopes on cleaning up at the 2023 Grammy awards, a body language expert has claimed.

And she’s unsurprised that the pop icon momentarily stormed out of LA’s Crypto Arena after losing out to Harry Styles given her gestures and dress choice.

Adele makes her award acceptance speech at the 2023 Grammys in Los Angeles, which a body language expert says was incomplete[/caption]
Body language expert Patti Wood says Adele’s choice of a powerful dress was deliberate in that she thought she would win several Grammy awards[/caption]

It was the music industry’s biggest night of the year, and following a two-year hiatus because of the pandemic, the much-anticipated 65th Grammy Award ceremony looked to be a glittering one.

For pop star Adele it was no exception, since alongside fellow diva Beyoncé — who had the most nominations of the night — she was up for a whopping three gongs.

This was also a key moment for Adele, since she had released her first album in six years.

The album, 30, was released in 2019 and after she’d announced the end of her marriage to Simon Konecki.

But as the evening progressed — and despite having won one award for Best Pop Solo Performance for her single Easy on Me — things took a turn for the worse for Adele.

During Harry Styles’s acceptance speech for Album of the Year for Harry’s House, Adele was caught on camera leaving.

As the mom of one walked off during his speech, fellow singer Lizzo was seen laughing at her.

In an exclusive interview, body language expert Patti Wood told The U.S. Sun: “Adele thought she was going to have a big night and win several awards.

“This hope showed in the choice of her outfit and the way she delivered her acceptance speech.

“She was aiming for a big win at the Grammys with more than one award.”

Patti said Adele’s acceptance speech after her win for Best Pop Solo Performance was “incomplete.”

“By contrast, Beyonce’s acceptance speech was complete and she said everything she wanted to say.”

Patti also noted the story Adele told with her outfit, which she called “very OTT.”

“It was low cut for her, and almost a Disney character-type deep red dress.

“The dress was a powerful costume dress that was chosen because she thought she was going to win big.

Adele accepts the award for Best Pop Solo Performance at the 2023 Grammys but wanted to be the center of attention, a body language expert has said[/caption]

“It’s an alpha dress which makes her shoulders look bigger.

“Her hair and her makeup are all chosen specifically to win big and for her to be the center of attention,” she said.

Adele even skipped the red carpet process earlier on in the evening, appearing inside as the event kicked off within the arena.

As host Trevor Noah opened the event standing among a star-studded audience, the 34-year-old was sitting next to her partner, Rich Paul, as well as Lizzo.

Adele also chose an expensive ruby dress, which included huge ruffles and sleeves that were cut to just under her elbows.

But after Adele was called on stage to accept her award by actor Dwayne Johnson, Patti noted that she looked difficult and, at first, stilted.

“Rich Paul looks surprised but seems genuinely happy for her at the same time,” added Patti.

Getty Images - Getty
Adele wins a Grammy for Easy On Me and delivers an incomplete acceptance speech on stage as actor Dwayne Johnson looks on[/caption]

“His smile is a bit crooked but he’s showing teeth and has mixed emotions.

“He claps and she goes to him first, but it’s not excited or exuberant, and rather subdued.

“Rich Paul also can’t get around her big outfit and really wants to have a big hug and show her that he loves her.

“He struggles to give her a big hug in that dress.

“She looks like Cruella Deville.”

After Adele finally set foot on the arena stage, the pop star launched into a speech that was smattered with jokes.

It also had a hint of Adele’s infamous North London accent.

“I really was just looking forward to coming tonight,” the star said, tearing up and stammering a bit during the emotional moment. “I just want to dedicate this to my son, Angelo.

Tyler Johnson and Harry Styles accept the Album Of The Year award for Harry’s House at the Grammys[/caption]

“I wrote this first verse in the shower when I was choosing to change my son’s life,” she explained. “He’s been nothing but humble and gracious and loving to me the whole time.”

Analyzing the clip, Patti noted: “Adele walks up to the stage to get the award and her mouth turns downward and her lips go tight. This shows she’s suppressing her true emotions.

“She’s holding it together but then also looks at the camera at one point, and Adele smirks.

“She’s performing, as her language is humble in the acceptance speech but her face and dress and her accent are all pushed. It’s all a complete mismatch.

“Our baseline for Adele is that our memory of her is down to earth and humble.

“In our consciousness that she is this way, humble and fun.

“In the shower statement, she wanted to be funny, and was an attempt by her to say she’s just a real person making a joke and making songs in the shower.

“Then she doesn’t know what to say and looks lost but her language then goes a bit OTT.

“Towards the end of the speech, it seems pushed. This speech was cut off and she thought she would be on stage again.

“It’s hardly surprising she felt snubbed when Harry won the best album gong.

“Adele was ready for a huge night at the Grammys this year and one that she would always be remembered for.”

Getty Images - Getty
Beyonce makes a complete acceptance speech at the Grammys, says body language expert Patti Wood[/caption]

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