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U.S. military makes radical gay activist its poster boy for 'Pride Month'


First in a series. The U.S. Air Force has sent a "Pride Month" celebration memo to its entire workforce that uncritically regurgitates biased "gay" history, including a tribute to anti-Christian gay activist Harvey Milk that whitewashes Milk's predatory "marriage" to a a teenage boy when he was in his thirties. WND acquired the memo from…

The post U.S. military makes radical gay activist its poster boy for 'Pride Month' appeared first on WND.

The U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron Thunderbirds perform in Biloxi, Mississippi, April 29, 2023. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Dakota Carter)

The U.S. Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron Thunderbirds perform in Biloxi, Mississippi, April 29, 2023. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Dakota Carter)

First in a series.

The U.S. Air Force has sent a "Pride Month" celebration memo to its entire workforce that uncritically regurgitates biased "gay" history, including a tribute to anti-Christian gay activist Harvey Milk that whitewashes Milk's predatory "marriage" to a a teenage boy when he was in his thirties.

WND acquired the memo from a concerned individual who received it as a USAF employee. It was sent out "for widest dissemination" at an Air Force base in the U.S. on June 1, the first day of "Pride Month." That is what LGBT advocates and their allies call the entire month of June as they dedicate it to celebrating homosexuality, bisexuality, transgenderism and other aberrant sexual and gender lifestyles – behaviors that millions of Americans, religious and secular, consider wrong or sinful.

WND is withholding the name of the source, who could face severe retribution if it were revealed.

Graphic for the Defense Department's 2023 LGBT "Pride Month" celebrations shows homosexual activist Harvey Milk, who is said to represent DoD's 2023 "Pride Month theme," "Equality Without Exception." Milk was a radical gay activist who reportedly was homosexually molested as a young teenage boy himself, and who went on to live in a perverse homosexual 'marriage' with a teen runaway boy when Milk was in his thirties. (Screenshot / DEOMI)

The Air Force-circulated memo declares, "Pride Month is a time to celebrate the contributions and rights of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer/Questioning (LGBTQ+) community, spanning over the entire month of June each year."

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"President Bill Clinton officially declared June as Gay and Lesbian Pride Month on 2 June 2000. President Barack Obama expanded the observance to National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Month on 1 June 2009," the memo states.

"Pride celebrations are held in cities throughout the country celebrating the LGBTQ+ community. Celebrations range from picnics, festivals, parades, parties, workshops, and concerts."

The memo comes with the full authorization of the Department of the Air Force at a time when growing numbers of Americans are expressing outrage at the promotion of LGBT "pride" in once-trusted institutions, especially as it affects children bombarded with pro-homosexual and, now pro-transsexual, messages. Conservative boycotts against Bud Light and Target for promoting transsexuality and, in Target's case, LGBT "pride" clothing for little kids, have reached levels of success not seen in decades.

Meanwhile, American military recruitment has lagged in recent years due in large part, critics say, to military's "woke" policies, which turn off patriotic conservatives and which inevitably are most radical under Democrat administrations like Joe Biden's.

Biden super-charging military recruitment crisis by going 'woke'

But as conservatives and everyday Americans bemoan Biden's "woke military" for devastating recruitment and making the United States a laughingstock in the eyes of aggressive foreign enemies, the Air Force memo says its version of "diversity" is just what the military needs to expand its ranks:

“Members of the LGBTQI+ community serve their country, fully contribute to the DoD mission, and deserve a welcoming environment which enables them to reach their full potential. As the largest employer in the world, DoD's reputation as a diverse and inclusive organization is essential to attracting and retaining the highly qualified talent necessary to execute our national security mission. To remain the world's preeminent military force, we need to ensure DoD provides a professional, innovative, and globally competitive work environment where all qualified Americans can serve their country."

Little-known agency now pushes LGBT propaganda

Buttressing the memo is advocacy material produced by a little-known DoD-affiliated research and press agency called the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute, or DEOMI. In a classic example of bureaucratic mission creep, this organization, which was formed to help build race relations in the military, is now engaged in full-fledged LGBT advocacy, effectively serving as the press center for the military's "woke" DEI initiatives. Readers can view the DEOMI's "pride" campaign information here.

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Ironically, the same DEOMI that is lionizing "gay" icons like Milk without mentioning relevant facts such as his live-in, sexual "relationship" with an underage runaway boy (as documented by a sympathetic homosexual journalist, Randy Shilts) is also tasked with assisting the Pentagon in "extremism prevention" education within the Armed Forces.

Conservatives have assailed the Biden administration for promoting "progressive" narratives that paint the "extremist" label on patriotic Americans defending the Constitution.

This exclusive WND series will examine the tendentious LGBT "history" claims found in the DEOMI "Pride Month" materials, as well as other examples of its one-sided approach toward this cultural issue, for example:

  • A DEOMI Press "Pride Month Resource Base" document features a glowing article about the radical homosexual and "AIDS activism" group ACT UP, even going so far as describing the group's notorious invasion and disruption of a Catholic mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in 1989 as an example of "powerful visuals";
  • The DEOMI guide states that Harvey Milk "realized he was gay an an early age" without mentioning that Milk as a boy was molested by adult homosexual men, as documented by Shilts in his 1982 biography on Milk, "The Mayor of Castro Street." (Ironically, the report mentions Shilts' book two pages later.)
  • The same DEOMI document lists the following radically pro-LGBT organizations – which largely cater to Democrat constituencies – as resources for "Pride Month": GLSEN, National LGBTQ Task Force, Anti-Defamation League and ACLU.
  • The report gives a blurb on early homosexual "rights" activist Harry Hay, who first conceived of homosexuals as a "minority," without mentioning that Hay was a Communist before leaving the party.
  • In a section on "Milestones in Pride History," DEOMI refers to Gilbert Baker, creator of the original, gay "rainbow flag," as a "renowned San Francisco activist." Yet the same Baker was a longtime member of the anti-Catholic group "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" who once mocked Jesus Christ at a San Francisco "pride" parade (see below).

IMPORTANT NOTE: “Election denier!” “Science denier!” “Climate-change denier!” “Conspiracy theorist!” And then there’s “hate speech,” “fake news,” “disinformation,” “misinformation,” even something called “MALinformation.” A bizarre new lexicon has been conjured up by America’s elites, the SOLE PURPOSE of which is to discredit and ridicule – and if at all possible, CENSOR ENTIRELY – speech that doesn’t support their increasingly dark and deranged agenda. Tucker Carlson is just the latest.

In the greatest imaginable irony, the nation once boasting the most robust culture of freedom of speech and the press – undergirded by the strongest constitutional protections for those rights – is now ground zero for a total war on free expression.

How could this possibly happen in the United States of America? It’s all explained as never before in the sensational new issue of WND’s critically acclaimed WHISTLEBLOWER magazine, titled “THE ELITES’ ALL-OUT WAR ON FREE SPEECH.” WHISTLEBLOWER is available in both the popular print edition and a state-of-the-art digital version, either single issues or discounted annual subscriptions.

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The post U.S. military makes radical gay activist its poster boy for 'Pride Month' appeared first on WND.

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