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Venezuelan Migrant Who Instructs Illegal Aliens on How to Invade American Homes and Invoke Squatter’s Rights is Now a Fugitive

Leonel Moreno, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant who has gained notorious attention for instructing illegal aliens on how to squat in American homes, is now evading authorities, as confirmed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) according to the New York Post.

The post Venezuelan Migrant Who Instructs Illegal Aliens on How to Invade American Homes and Invoke Squatter’s Rights is Now a Fugitive appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

Illegal immigrant from Venezuela, Leonel Moreno

Leonel Moreno, a Venezuelan illegal immigrant who has gained notorious attention for instructing illegal aliens on how to squat in American homes, is now evading authorities, as confirmed by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) according to the New York Post.

Moreno’s activities came to light when his TikTok account @leitooficial_25 was suspended for violating the platform’s policies against promoting criminal behavior. He had attracted a following of over 500,000 before the suspension.

“If a house is not inhabited, we can seize it,” he asserts in the video, which has now been viewed nearly 4 million times.

In the controversial clip, Moreno speaks in Spanish, elaborating on his plans to squat in the U.S.

“I have thought about invading a house in the United States,” he says. “I found out there is a law that says if a house is not inhabited, we can seize it. Here in the United States, the law of land invasion applies, and I think that will be my next business: invading abandoned houses.”

He further mentions collaborating with friends from Africa who have purportedly already taken over multiple houses. Moreno suggests that the law allows for the takeover of dilapidated and poorly maintained homes, which can then be repaired, lived in, or even used to secure credit lines.


The video has sparked a vehement outcry on various platforms, with users accusing Moreno of promoting illegal activity and some going as far as to label his advice as ‘promotional terrorism.’ Calls have been made for intervention by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security.

Following this controversial video, his account has been suspended.

“I am in danger of death in the US! I need protection! I am being persecuted! My account has been blocked!” he said in a snotty sobbing video.

“My people, I need you to pay attention to what’s happening because my family is on danger. They erased my TikTok accounts. I have received threats from powerful people. Help!”

“My people, they have gotten what they wanted! The envy has reached my family! Everything that’s happening is because of your evilness! The want to silence me!”

WATCH: (Viewer discretion is advised)

Moreno’s journey into the US began when he crossed the border illegally at Eagle Pass, Texas, in April 2022, after which he became a part of the Alternatives to Detention program.

This program, designed to monitor migrants through ankle monitors and other technologies, was Moreno’s pathway to freedom within the United States. However, he soon violated the terms and became what is referred to as an “absconder” by ICE officials.

In one of his videos, Moreno boasted about receiving $350 weekly from the federal government. He also said he ‘doesn’t like to work because it gives him allergies.’

GB News reported in February:

Leonel Moreno, a Venezuelan migrant, bragged in a video online that he survives by living off of US taxpayers’ money.

An influencer migrant who “doesn’t like to work because it gives him allergies” has urged his 300,00 followers to beg for money instead of getting a job.

Leonel Moreno, a Venezuelan migrant, bragged in a video online that he survives by living off of US taxpayers’ money.

Moreno, who arrived in the US in September, said that he once made $275 from “three hours [of] asking for money at traffic lights”.

His content revolves around his lifestyle in America and how he earns an income by living off of money handed out by the government.

In another video posted on February 21, Moreno explained his intention behind migrating to the United States, stating: “You came to the United States to work, and I came to vacation, look at the difference. You and I didn’t come with the same purpose. You came to the United States to pay the taxes that you didn’t pay in Venezuela.”

Later that day, he posted another clip online, admitting: “I confess that I don’t like to work because it gives me allergies. You work, I don’t, but in the end, neither of us have money. They keep criticising us because I live off of taxes that you pay monthly.”

Despite his fugitive status, Moreno was audacious enough to post a video of himself in front of a Gahanna police car, though the local police have professed ignorance of his whereabouts, according to The Post.

Gahanna police have informed the media that while they are aware of the videos, they have had no interactions with Moreno and cannot ascertain his location.

Moreno’s release into the US was initially granted due to overcapacity at detention facilities. It was revealed that ICE in Miami had issued Moreno a court date for immigration proceedings in November 2022, which he failed to attend. The lack of follow-up with such cases is indicative of the program’s inability to maintain oversight over its participants.

John Fabbricatore, former ICE field office director, and current candidate for Colorado’s Sixth District, condemned the Alternatives to Detention program pushed by the Biden regime as a “failure,” citing the million-plus individuals enrolled and the high rate of those who abscond.

The post Venezuelan Migrant Who Instructs Illegal Aliens on How to Invade American Homes and Invoke Squatter’s Rights is Now a Fugitive appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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