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I Write About Costco for a Living & These are My Best Money-Saving Hacks

Few stores rival Costco’s appeal for cost-conscious consumers and savvy shoppers. As a writer specializing in all things Costco, I’ve had the privilege of diving deep into the warehouse giant’s aisles, uncovering hidden gems, and mastering the art of saving money while enjoying its quality products. 

On my blog, Warehouse Wanderer, I help readers maximize their membership benefits by examining prices to identify the best sales, providing honest product reviews with thorough research and taste-testing, and divulging insider tips and tricks. Through countless visits and careful research, I’ve found several money-saving Costco hacks that elevate the everyday shopping experience. 

Today, I am unveiling some of my best strategies for maximizing value and minimizing cost within Costco’s sprawling aisles. Whether you’re a superfan like me or a newcomer eager to navigate its vast offerings, prepare to embark on a journey towards smarter spending and greater satisfaction with every purchase.

Freeze Your Rotisserie Chicken

Even people who aren’t Costco fanatics know about the famous $4.99 rotisserie chickens — and for good reason — they’re delicious. The famous $5 chicken is easily one of the best deals in the warehouse so my first tip is to grab an extra one (or two, or three) to freeze at home during your next visit. I’ve experimented with various freezing methods and discovered that removing the meat from the bone is the most effective approach. Removing the meat makes it easier to defrost and reheat when needed. Simply place the meat in a freezer bag and store it for up to three months, although I recommend using it within a month for optimal taste. To defrost, place it in the refrigerator overnight, then reheat it using a microwave. You’ll save time and money and you’ll get the additional bonus of not having to cook a thing.

Learn the Pricing System

The last two digits of an item’s price hold a wealth of info; standard pricing ends in .99, while prices set by the manufacturer end in .79, .69, and .49. If you see a .97, the item is being discontinued, so snatch it up. Manager’s Specials end in .88 and .00, which means the price is likely only at this location and has limited availability.

Decode The Product Tags

The product tags offer a wealth of information beyond the price and a quick glance can reveal a lot. Green tags indicate organic products, and if you spot an asterisk in the top right corner, it’s called the “death star,” which indicates that the product is being discontinued. When you see this symbol, you should stock up on the product because it will soon no longer be available at a Costco-worthy price. To find the item number, look just above the product name on the item card.

Take Advantage of the Pre-Made Meals

In the refrigerated vegetable section, you’ll find convenient bagged salads that make perfect work lunch shortcuts. These ready-to-go kits contain all the ingredients for a quick and tasty meal. While popular options like Caesar and Mediterranean Crunch are usually available, you’ll also find seasonal products that rotate in, like the current Thai Chili Mango, ensuring your lunches stay exciting.

You can also pick up some of the ready-made sandwiches, wraps, and even tacos for easy and delicious zero-prep lunches.

Time Your Visits

This tip is less about money and more about bettering your Costco experience, but it’s worth noting because we all know how miserable a packed Costco warehouse can be. I have found that Tuesdays through Thursdays tend to have the least shoppers. Mornings are best, and while you may be turned off by those waiting for the doors to open, shoppers quickly disperse, so it ends up not being a concern. Most stores open at 10 a.m. and I’ve found the optimal time to arrive is 10:30 a.m. This timing allows the Instacart shoppers to finish their early orders, the big rush hasn’t begun, and since samples typically start at 11:00 a.m., you can indulge without the masses. 

You Don’t Need A Membership To Shop

Last year, a TikTok went viral for revealing a hack that allows non-members to take advantage of all the deals at Costco. The popular TikTok explained that all you have to do is know someone with an active membership and ask them to purchase a gift card for you. That way, non-members can enter the warehouse and shop without a membership. While this technically could save you money, we don’t recommend this method as Costco is cracking down on these tricks. A sign at our local store states, “Members are welcome to bring guests into the warehouse and as a reminder, only active, paid members may purchase merchandise.”

You can shop at Costco with a friend with an active membership and ask them to pay for you, but the easier (and way more convenient option) is to have your Costco haul delivered to your door through Instacart. Instacart’s prices are slightly higher than in-store Costco prices but it’s still usually a good bargain considering how much product you are receiving.

Don’t Skip the Pantry Aisle

In my opinion, the best deals at Costco are found outside the refrigerated and freezer sections. Yes, you should still absolutely check out those sections, but also be sure to not skip the spices and pantry aisles. Here you’ll find famous brand-name products like Kinder’s The Blend Seasoning and Bachan’s Japanese BBQ Sauce for up to 50% less than other retailers. The Bachan’s Japanese BBQ Sauce (34 oz) costs $24 Amazon, but you’ll only pay $11.99 through Instacart and it still gets delivered right to your door. Even with Instacart’s inflated pricing, that’s still a savings of 50%.

Before you go, check out our gallery below:

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