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Prince Harry Could Soon Rule the U.K. - If Kate Middleton Rumors Are True


Prince Harry likely met the 2013 birth of Prince George with some relief. For his entire life, he’d been third in line for the throne, with his father Charles the heir and William next up. Though it was unlikely both Charles and William would die before their time, it was certainly not impossible.

After George was followed by Princess Charlotte in 2015 and Prince Louis in 2018, Harry would have felt the heat was truly off him for good. As such, in 2020 he and his wife Meghan made the bombshell announcement that they were standing down as working Royals and promptly upped sticks to California. And, after learning how his family treated him and Meghan, who could blame him?

But now...





















































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As 2024 began, the Royals seemed in a relatively secure position. Charles has comfortably settled into life in the top job and avoided major controversies, with the public having finally warmed to Camilla as Queen Consort. William and Kate provide a dash of glamor at state functions and, while Harry and Meghan are an itch they can’t scratch, at least there’s the buffer zone of the Atlantic Ocean.

But the confetti had barely been swept away from the Buckingham Palace New Year’s Eve party when it all began to fall apart. First up was the shocking confirmation that the King is suffering from cancer. Precisely what kind of cancer and how serious his condition is remains unknown, though a Greek newspaper has reported that he has pancreatic cancer. That’s not great for his long-term prospects, to say nothing of his past statements on cancer treatment.

And then there’s the mysterious disappearance of Kate Middleton. She was rushed to hospital in mid-January for "abdominal surgery" and hasn’t been seen

All this leaves the Royal Family in a very precarious position. If Charles does succumb to his cancer, William will become King far sooner than anyone ever expected. But if there really is some kind of cover-up about his wife’s condition, to say nothing of William somehow being the cause of it, then there would be a ludicrous amount of drama and anger in the British public and press.

In theory, a King or Queen is immune from public opinion; they rule because they were born into the position. In practice, as the French can attest, a monarch can run afoul of public opinion and be removed rather quickly (and violently!). It’s not quite time to dust off the guillotine yet, but make no mistake, if William’s reputation were to catastrophically collapse to the point that his being King would threaten the existence of the crown itself, then it’s time for abdication and for the 10-year-old George to become King.

If that happened, a Regent would need to be appointed to rule in George’s stead until he turned 18. And, under the 1937 Regency Act, guess who’d be called up to take the job? That means goodbye California for Harry and Meghan, and hello mindbending scrutiny at the weakest the Crown has been since the English Civil War. Given how much the British press despises the pair, you would expect them to be met with a deluge of negative press, to say nothing of having to juggle their relationship with a teenage King George.

If Harry said no, they’d have to turn to the next in line: none other than Jeffrey Epstein’s BFF Prince Andrew. And, uh, let’s just say he comes with his own PR complications, to say nothing of the fact that nobody wants him within a million miles of anyone’s children ever again.

Granted, Harry becoming Regent and assuming direct control over the monarchy remains unlikely, but with Charles’ condition and Kate’s vanishing act, who really knows? We’re still hoping for some actual announcements that would put the conspiracies to rest, but right now every

Meghan Markle faced another round of backlash from her critics after she said that tabloids are toxic. British journalist Dan Wootton and political commentator Calvin Robinson clapped back at the duchess for her bold statement against the press.

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Meghan Markle Called Hypocrite, Should Come With A Warning Label

The Sun executive editor, Wootton, is one of Markle's critics. On his GB News show, he called out Markle for her recent statement.

"Hopefully, one day [tabloids] come with a warning label like cigarettes do. Like, 'This is toxic for your mental health,'" she said.

Wootton called Markle "duchess of work" and a "hypocritical Hollywood wannabe." He also shared how the former Suits star was desperate to get into the British tabloids before she met and started dating Prince Harry.

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According to Wootton, Markle contacted one of his friends, a showbiz columnist. The duchess reportedly bragged about footballer Ashley Cole pursuing her because she wanted to be talked about on tabloids.

Due to Markle's relationship with tabloids before and her recent statement, Wootton concluded, "Meghan, I think you should come with a warning label."

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He also encouraged the public not to listen to her. Calvin Robinson, who also spoke with Wootton about the matter, slammed the duchess.

Robinson called Markle a "hypocrite." He also added that the Duchess of Sussex "milked the tabloid press to get where she is today."

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Twitter Agreed That Meghan Markle Is Toxic And Should Come With A Label

Markle's statement calling tabloid toxic backfired. Several Twitter users share the same opinion as Dan Wootton. For them, the Duchess of Sussex is toxic and should come with a warning label.

"Can we have a toxic warning on Megan," one commented.

"The only toxic warning needed is the one about the Sussex's," another wrote.

"I call for a toxic warning on Meghan!!" a third user added.

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"Maybe a toxic warning every time she opens her gob," a fourth critic commented.

"Harry and Meghan need the warning label — hazardous to your health, especially if you are frail and elderly," a fifth user wrote.

To be fair with Markle, some supporters stood by her. For them, she has a point — that tabloids can be toxic and unhealthy.

What do you think about the issue? Do you agree that tabloids are toxic?

Stay tuned for updates about Meghan Markle, Prince Harry, and the other members of the royal family.Prince William and Kate Middleton were reportedly busy with their three children when Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s documentary aired last week. But even if they weren’t preoccupied with their family’s needs, a royal author insisted that the couple wouldn’t have still watched Harry & Meghan.

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Prince William And Kate Middleton Still Haven’t Watched Harry & Meghan?

Harry & Meghan was filled with stories about the Prince and Princess of Wales. For instance, the Duke of Sussex claimed that The Firm was happy to lie to his brother, but they refused to tell the truth to protect him and his wife.

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Meghan Markle Detailed Her First Meeting With Prince William And Kate Middleton In Harry & Meghan

Markle, on the other hand, detailed her first meeting with Prince William and Kate Middleton, which took place at Prince Harry’s home.

"When Will and Kate came over and I had met her for the first time, they came over for dinner. I remember I was in ripped jeans and barefoot. Like I was a hugger, always been a hugger. I didn't realize that that is really jarring for a lot of Brits. I guess I'd start to understand very quickly that the formality on the outside, carried through on the inside. There is a forward-facing way of being and then you close the door and you relax now. But that formality carries over on both sides. And that was surprising to me," she said (via People).

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Royal Family Distancing Themselves From Harry & Meghan?

By the looks of it, these stories about Prince William and Middleton were already relayed to them by their palace aides. After all, royal author Katie Nicholl previously told Entertainment Tonight that the British clan did not have any plans to watch the documentary.

"So, my understanding is that the royals, certainly the King and the Queen Consort, will not be watching the docuseries. And William and Kate, well, my understanding again, was that they were on the school run today. They weren’t at home when the docuseries aired. It was business as usual, family first, and I don’t believe they will be watching it, no," she said.

Nicholl also claimed that the royal family is keeping their distance from the project.

"I think there’s a sense of weariness and fatigue at hearing this story solely through the mouthpieces of Harry and Megan. Of course, William and Kate, the King and Queen Consort can’t answer back, so I think it’s just a case of, we’re not going to engage. Yes, they’re free to do this if this is the path they choose to take. But we’ll only intervene if there is anything deeply damaging. As with Oprah, the palace only intervened over that damaging race allegation about the color of their unborn son’s skin," she said.

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