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ReadyGo Diagnostics initiates volume manufacturing of its sample collection and preparation device with Porex

 ReadyGo Diagnostics initiates volume manufacturing of its sample collection and preparation device with Porex Wednesday 17 April, 2024

ReadyGo Diagnostics partners with Porex to scale up production of innovative Sampler, with applications in human and veterinary diagnostics, drug testing, and forensics.

Press Release: April 17th, 2024, Bath, United Kingdom: ReadyGo Diagnostics Ltd. (ReadyGo™), an innovator in diagnostic technology solutions, is excited to announce a strategic manufacturing partnership with Porex, a global leader in custom-engineered porous polymer solutions. This collaboration marks a significant step toward the commercial availability of ReadyGo's cutting-edge Sampler, designed to revolutionize sample collection and preparation for a wide array of diagnostics including lateral flow, molecular, and biochemical testing.

Key Partnership Highlights:

Manufacturing Excellence: Porex will leverage its ISO 13485 manufacturing capabilities to produce and distribute the ReadyGo Sampler, aligning with ReadyGo's vision to offer the product globally. This partnership underscores our commitment to meeting the high demand and competitive pricing necessary in the diagnostic landscape to make the Sampler available across diverse diagnostics markets.

Innovative Design: The Sampler distinguishes itself through its user-friendly design, providing a streamlined alternative to traditional swab-based sample collection protocols. It integrates sample collection and processing into a single disposable, compatible with various assay types such as lateral flow, molecular, immunoassays, and biochemical assays.

Precision and Efficiency: Engineered for consistency, Porex® collection media in the Sampler enables precise sample volumes, ensuring reproducible results across tests. Its incorporation of materials and chemistries makes it a biochemistry disposable. For example, inclusion of ReadyGo’s biosafe chemistry allows for instant cell lysing as sample is automatically taken up by the Sampler. This further exemplifies ReadyGo's dedication to advancing diagnostic testing through clever design and materials.

Versatile Application: Designed for both consumer and professional testing, the Sampler is adaptable for a wide range of sample types including saliva, buccal, blood, and urine. Its versatility extends to applications in human and veterinary diagnostics, forensics, and drug testing.

Through this partnership, ReadyGo and Porex are set to enhance diagnostic testing accessibility and efficiency, reinforcing a joint mission to support healthcare professionals, diagnostic companies, and consumers worldwide.

Richard Walker, Vice President and General Manager of Diagnostics at Porex, on the New Partnership:

"We are excited to partner with ReadyGo Diagnostics, a step that underlines our commitment to enabling diagnostics companies to push the boundaries of diagnostic testing. At Porex, we strive to produce innovations that not only meet but exceed the demands of diverse healthcare environments—from remote field locations to homes, primary care clinics, and central labs. The introduction of ReadyGo's Sampler, an advanced sample collection device, marks a pivotal advancement in our efforts. It impresses us with its capability to simplify and enhance the efficiency of diagnostic sample collection. Through our collaboration with ReadyGo, we are poised to redefine sample collection methodologies, driving significant improvements in diagnostic accuracy and patient care outcomes."

Ben Cobb, CEO of ReadyGo Diagnostics, on the Partnership with Porex:

"We are thrilled to expand our partnership with Porex for the production of our innovative sample collection device, the Sampler. The healthcare industry urgently needs better sample collection methods, and the Sampler is our answer to this challenge. By integrating swab and chemistry into a single, user-friendly device, the Sampler simplifies the collection process for users of all skill levels, supporting both antigen and molecular tests. Partnering with Porex, a globally renowned manufacturer, is a strategic move to ensure we can meet the high demand and scale production efficiently. We're excited about the potential of this collaboration to transform diagnostic testing."

- End –

About ReadyGo Diagnostics Ltd.

ReadyGo Diagnostics is at the forefront of the new consumer focused diagnostics industry, innovating and commercialising breakthrough sample collection devices and diagnostic solutions. Our commitment to accessibility drives us to develop technologies that simplify testing for everyone. The Sampler, our proprietary device, redefines sample preparation by seamlessly integrating collection and processing into one easy-to-use disposable, ensuring consistent and reliable results across molecular, biochemical, and lateral flow assays. Our flagship molecular diagnostic platform, Geo, revolutionises testing by enabling low-cost, decentralised results in under 30 minutes. Further extending our innovative approach, Snapshot merges our efficient sample handling with an integrated molecular test, delivering a comprehensive diagnostic solution in a single device.

For more information, please refer to the website: www.readygotest.com

About Porex

Porex Corporation, a Filtration Group company, takes pride in 60+ years of partnering with our customers to deliver engineering and design innovations that turn their product ideas into reality. Through a collaborative engineering partnership, Porex develops high-value porous solutions to our customers’ product design challenges in absorption, application, diffusion, filtration, venting, and wicking. The Certified Pure Porex® program substantiates the purity of Porex® porous media via comprehensive testing conducted by independent laboratories. With unmatched engineering experience, stringent regulatory and quality standards, and an extensive global footprint, Porex partners with you to bring your next product to life – and create a safer, healthier, and more productive world.

Additional information on the Company can be found at www.porex.com


ReadyGo Diagnostics Ltd

Ben Cobb, Chief Executive Officer

Ben Reed, Chief Commercial Officer



Isabella Rodriguez, CG Life for Porex

(708) 833-1572


Distributed by https://pressat.co.uk/

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