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Family who bought their own island and turned it into second home may be forced to sell by council – for major oversight

A FAMILY who bought their own island may be forced to close their plush holiday property because of planning red tape.

The new owners turned Ynys Faelog off the coast of Anglesey, North Wales, into their second home after buying it from a university who used it for nature studies.

A family turned Ynys Faelog off the coast of Anglesey, North Wales, into their second home[/caption]
The new owners created a luxury six-bed property and holiday let[/caption]

It is also rented out as a £400-a-night holiday let for visitors to marvel at the views.

But council officials launched an enforcement investigation for a breach of planning control because it was not officially changed from an education office to a holiday home.

The small, isolated island is only reachable at low tide and is described by many as a “slice of paradise”.

Part of the island was put up for sale by Bangor University for £1million in 2019.

The sale included a two storey building with spectacular panoramic views of Beaumaris and Bangor Pier.

The new owners bought the site in 2021 and turned it into a luxury six-bed second home and holiday let.

However an enforcement investigation was launched by Isle of Anglesey County Council on the former office and teaching building.

The council has since invited the owners of Ynys Faelog Limited to make an application for a change of use of the buildings which has now been submitted by Nigel Thorns Planning Consultancy.

In a planning statement they said: “For information the property is used as a personal holiday home by the applicants and is also commercially let out as a holiday home.

“This tourism element allows the property to benefit the local economy over the full year rather than periodically by the home owner visiting the property.”

They added: “The key point here, is that the change of use is contained within the confines of the existing building, meaning that the impact of the physical development is neutral and has no impact upon the character or setting of the local area.

“When the University left the island, the building was boarded up and was vandalised.

“It could be argued that the reinstatement of the residential use and the associated improvements to the building and the site are a significant improvement to the local area.

“The building was constructed and used as a dwelling prior to the intervening University office/teaching use and is wholly suitable for its residential use.”

The statement added: “As part of the holiday let process, local companies/persons are employed to tend the gardens, provide general maintenance and provide turn around facilities between guests.”

What are your retrospective planning permission rights?

A local planning authority can invite a retrospective application, according to Gov.uk.

You should submit your application without delay.

Although a local planning authority may invite an application, you must not assume permission will be granted.

A person who has undertaken unauthorised development has only one opportunity to obtain planning permission after the event.

This can either be through a retrospective planning application or an appeal against an enforcement notice – on the grounds that planning permission should be granted or the conditions should be removed.

The local planning authority can decline a retrospective planning application if an enforcement notice has previously been issued.

No appeal may be made if an enforcement notice is issued within the time allowed for determination of a retrospective planning application.

Rhys Ll Jones, Anglesey council’s planning development manager, said: “A retrospective application has been submitted to the Local Planning Authority following an enforcement investigation.

“The application is a retrospective application for the change of the former office and teaching building into mixed use as a dwelling and holiday let accommodation with a curtilage at Ynys Faelog, Menai Bridge.

“The enforcement investigation resulted in an Enforcement Warning Notice and the Local Planning Authority invited the applicant to submit a planning application to remedy the breach of planning control.

“However, the enforcement investigation was for the unauthorised use of the building as a holiday let and did not include a permanent residential dwelling.

“As the application includes use (or part thereof) of the building as a permanent residential dwelling, outside of any defined settlement, it is a departure from the Local Development Plan.”

There is said to be no impact on the Ynys Faelog holiday let business or Ynys Faelog Cottage which goes for £252 a night and is also owned by the family.

No action is currently being taken and the planning committee will now consider the application.

The small, isolated island is only reachable at low tide[/caption]
Part of the island was put up for sale by Bangor University for £1million in 2019[/caption]
Council officials launched an enforcement investigation for a breach of planning control[/caption]

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