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Is Baby Reindeer based on a true story? Richard Gadd’s stand-up comedy career, his stalker, and his abuser explained

WITH its gripping plot about stalking, Baby Reindeer has got everybody talking.

The Netflix series follows a man who is relentlessly perused by an obsessed woman, with fans wondering if the show is a true story.

Baby Reindeer has wowed fans who have hailed it a ‘masterpiece’[/caption]

Who is the series Baby Reindeer based on?

Baby Reindeer‘s harrowing plot is based on Scottish comedian and leading star Richard Gaad’s real-life experience of having a female stalker.

At first he turned his traumatic story into a critically-acclaimed play, before Netflix made it into a series of the same name.

Like the plot of Baby Reindeer, Richard’s stalking nightmare started with a chance encounter at the pub he was working in.

The unnamed woman would show up at his house and place of work, while sending him thousands of emails and voicemails. 

Ultimately, it became a harassment case that spanned over four years. 

The real-life Martha – who’s name Richard has never disclosed – is now required by law not to approach him or any of his friends or family.

Having started his career as a stand-up comic in local pubs and clubs, Baby Reindeer is comedian Richard’s biggest role yet.

He has has starred in a handful of other shows including Tripped and Peacock’s Code 404, and also written for Sex Education.

How accurate is Baby Reindeer?

Writer Richard has been very honest that Baby Reindeer is a true depiction of what happened to him.

He has talked about how important it was to him to drive home just how terrifying his ordeal was.

“When a man gets stalked, it can be portrayed in films and television as a sexy thing. Like a femme fatale who gradually becomes more sinister,” he told The Times

He continued: “It doesn’t carry as much threat of physical violence, is less common and can be trivialised. 

“I was physically scared because I didn’t know how far she could take it.

The feeling you get most of all when you’re getting harassed is relentless tediousness and frustration

Richard Gadd

“She could have a knife, but I did think how terrifying it would be if she was a tall, scary man.”

However, Richard admitted he did add more tension and suspense for the sake of the show.

“The feeling you get most of all when you’re getting harassed is relentless tediousness and frustration,” he said. “I didn’t want the audience to feel that.”

Ed Miller/Netflix
Baby Reindeer tells a gripping true story about stalking[/caption]
Ed Miller/Netflix
Richard Gaad wrote Baby Reindeer and plays a fictional version of himself called Donny[/caption]

What happens in Baby Reindeer Netflix?

Baby Reindeer follows struggling stand-up comedian Donny (played by and based on Richard) who works in a pub to support himself.

But his life takes a terrible turn when he offers a woman named Martha a free cup of tea.

Mistaking this act of kindness for affection, she becomes obsessed with him.

Donny initially appreciates the attention he’s getting from Martha and flirts with her.

However, she soon crosses the boundary from friend to stalker, which brings to light Donny’s past trauma of sexual abuse.

With it’s harrowing narrative and shocking plot, the show has already been dubbed “a true masterpiece” by viewers.

Ed Miller/Netflix
Outlaws star Jessica Gunning plays stalker Martha in Baby Reideer[/caption]

Why is it called Baby Reindeer?

The series is called Baby Reindeer as this is the nickname Martha gives to Donny.

She names him this because he reminds her of a beloved cuddly toy she had as a child.

Martha said: “I had this wee cuddly toy when I was young. Went with me everywhere.

“Anyway, this reindeer was this cuddly, fluffy thing. It had big lips, huge eyes, and the cutest wee bum.”

Martha went on to reveal that not only did she still have the toy, but that it was “the only good thing” about her childhood.

She then went onto say that Donny apparently reminded her of this reindeer toy.

You can watch Baby Reindeer right now on Netflix.

What to do if you suspect you're being stalked

Tony Neate, CEO of Get Safe Online, tells Sun Online: “The perpetrators commonly obtain details about you via online information of personal and financial affairs, social and work life, relationships and your location.

As a starting point, ensure only the minimum information about you is available online and take stalking seriously.

Report it before it has serious effects on you and others and keep a record of all that takes place so you collate evidence whilst it is happening.

For expert advice visit Get Safe Online.”

How to watch Baby Reindeer

Baby Reindeer is available to stream on Netflix now.

The seven-part miniseries dropped on April 11, 2024 and already boasts 100% critical rating on Rotten Tomatoes. 

Netflix fans have raved about the gripping show with many dubbing it “a true masterpiece.”

Those who have binge-watched the series took to X, formerly Twitter, to discuss their thoughts. 

One fan said: “Binged all of Baby Reindeer on Netflix yesterday and it’s just completely incredible.”

“Richard Gadd is brilliant in Baby Reindeer! If you haven’t seen it on Netflix, you have too!!!! It’s absolutely mind blowing!” praised another.

A third commented: “It goes from funny, weird & creepy, all the way to being genuinely harrowing. not an easy watch, but feels like a really important one.”

“My Goodness Baby Reindeer on Netflix is bleak but brilliant. Black humour and so much more than a stalking story,” a fourth viewer said. 

Other viewers agreed that the miniseries tells an important story. 

One said: “A powerful study into trauma, abuse & mental health. Incredible writing, performances and production. Not an easy watch at times, but utterly gripping.”

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