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I met my fiancé on reality TV – friends acted differently after the show, he was the only person I could be myself with

WHEN Ika Wong took the opportunity to go on her favorite reality TV show, she had no idea just how much it would change her life.

The mom of two is now set to tie the knot with her Big Brother Canada co-star Demetres Giannitsos.

Ika Wong and Demetres Giannitsos are set to tie the knot after meeting on Big Brother Canada[/caption]
Ika said her life was ‘very different’ and revolved around her two sons before going on the reality TV show

The couple, who boast over 451,000 subscribers on YouTube, found fame after appearing on the show in 2017.

They revealed to The U.S. Sun how their lives have changed in the years since and how their shared TV experience benefited their relationship.

“My life before the show was pretty simple,” Dem said.

“I lived in a small town of 8,000 people, where everyone knew everyone. 

I owned a contracting company in the oil fields and I also started investing in properties.”

“My life revolved around my sons,” Ika chimed in.

“Their school, sports, and activities. I was also a financial manager.  

“My life was pretty busy between work and the boys. Our lives were so different before meeting each other.”


The pair revealed the Big Brother casting process took months and it wasn’t until the last minute that they found out they’d be on the show.

Dem said he auditioned three times before he was accepted. 

They had very different first impressions of each other with Dem having to pick his “jaw off the ground” and struggling to get his thoughts together.

Meanwhile, Ika said she remembers being focused on being on the show rather than any eligible bachelors.

After you leave the show, friends and family act a little differently.

Ika Wong

“I didn’t have the best first impression of Dem lol but it changed during the first week,” Ika said.

“When I first walked into the Big Brother Canada house, I was thinking more about the game and who I could and couldn’t work with and I just thought he was someone I couldn’t work with based on first impressions. 

“But I quickly realized that I was wrong. He is the most genuine, kind, caring, and loyal person. 

“I think we were destined to meet and be together.”

Dem had to pick his ‘jaw off the ground’ when Ika entered the Big Brother house

“It sounds cliche to say but it truly was love at first sight for me,” Dem said.

“I had watched her on her previous season of Big Brother but she was even more beautiful in person. 

“Even as we began talking in our first conversations I was very drawn to her fun personality.

“She was confident, fun, and absolutely stunning.

“Right after the show, I stayed in Toronto for a bit to hang out with Ika before going back to Alberta. 

Dem and Ika
Dem said he was drawn to Ika’s ‘fun personality’ when they began to speak[/caption]

“We were pretty attached. It was hard to separate, especially after spending so much time together.”


The couple spent a month apart before they saw each other again and sustained a long-distance relationship.

Despite Dem saying Ika was the only person he wanted to be around, Ika believes their separation was more taxing on her.

We laugh about all the times I tried to run away from him. 

Ika Wong

“We were in the house for about three months but it felt like a year,” she said.

“I felt like he was the only person who understood everything that I was going through and he was the only person I could be myself 1,000% with. 

“After you leave the show, friends and family act a little differently. 

“So it was definitely lonely being away from Dem.”

Big Brother Canada
Dem returned to the Big Brother house to propose to Ika in March 2022[/caption]


The pair now live together in Toronto and announced their engagement in March 2022.

They have decided to keep their wedding plans private but have teased on YouTube that their nuptials will take place in Greece.

“We had a lot of challenges and there were times I didn’t know if it would work,” Ika said.

“We went through a couple of hard years and I would say Dem never gave up. 

“If he didn’t believe in us the way he did, I’m not sure I would have felt so confident in our relationship. 

Big Brother Canada
Ika said Dem never gave up when their relationship faced challenges[/caption]

“He always showed up for us and always made me feel very loved.

“Now, we laugh about all the times I tried to run away from him. 

“He’s literally my best friend. I feel so lucky that I found my person.”

“I always loved Ika, I knew she was the person I would be with for the rest of my life,” Dem said.

“I knew I found my person. 

Ika admits there were times that she tried to ‘run away’ from Dem[/caption]

“Even when things were challenging, I knew we would make it work and I was right.

“There is no one like her. I wish people knew her the way I do.”


The couple have over 208,000 Instagram followers combined and over 400,000 on their shared TikTok.

Having met on a reality TV show and shared a large part of their lives on social media, they’ve experienced unsolicited opinions about their relationship.

Ika said she was ‘scared’ to start a YouTube channel before doing it with Dem
Dem and Ika

Ika said they have “thick skin” so there aren’t any misconceptions that get to them.

“I’ve always wanted to do YouTube, even before going on Big Brother Canada, but I was always scared,” she said.

“I asked Dem if he could do it with me and he said sure.

“We both didn’t think it would have gotten as big as it did.

“I remember telling Dem that I don’t think it’ll do well but we should just have fun. 

“We had no idea what we were doing. 

“YouTube is so hard and it’s not easy building a community.

“We are so grateful for our audience and how they have grown with us.”

How to get on Big Brother

The CBS casting site is currently open to online applications for Big Brother season 26.

Applicants have to upload photos and videos of themselves in the hopes of being contacted by producers for an interview.

In some instances, the casting team will also host open calls to find their perfect reality TV stars.

Applicants have to be citizens of the U.S. and able to stay in the Big Brother house located in Los Angeles for approximately 100 days.

Successful housemates will be recorded and observed 24/7.

A $500,000 prize is up for grabs.

Ika and Dem have teased that they will get married in Greece but want to keep their wedding private
Dem and Ika

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