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The surprising place in your home mould could be lurking – and the 20p trick to get rid of it once and for all

YOUR bathroom, walls, grout – some of the places many of us usually look out for mould.

But according to experts, there’s a surprising spot in your home where mould could be lurking – luckily, there’s an easy 20p hack to tackle this issue.

Mold or Mould Stains on Damp Wall and Door behind Cabinet due to condensation caused by lack of ventilation.[/caption]

According to research by Homebrite, the problem is huge in the UK – an astronomical 58 per cent of privately rented households are struggling with damp, mould and/or excessive cold.

Not only can mould make for an unsightly mess – and even devalue your property – it can also have a negative impact on your health, leaving people sneezing, with a runny nose, red eyes and even a skin rash.

The NHS have warned that those particularly vulnerable are those with respiratory problems, respiratory infections, allergies or asthma, as well as babies and the elderly.

But although you may be cleaning your walls, there’s another common space many may overlook – your mattress.

Louise Allen, co-founder of Fountain Filters, warned: “Mould in your mattress is more than just uncomfortable, it’s a real health risk,” says Louise Allen. “Inhaling mould spores from your mattress can cause respiratory issues, allergies, and even worsen asthma.

”Our goal this spring at Fountain Filters is to make every home not only clean but also safe and free from mould.

”We’re focusing especially on the places where you sleep because everyone deserves to rest in a healthy environment.”

Why Mould Finds a Home in Your Mattress

Discovering mould in your mattress can be an unexpected and unwelcome surprise.

The growth of mould in such a personal space as where you sleep is concerning due to its potential health risks.

Mould thrives under certain conditions, unfortunately, mattresses can provide the perfect environment for mould development.

Here is why and how mould grows in mattresses:

1. Moisture from the Body 

Our bodies naturally sweat every night, even if we don’t always notice.

This sweat can seep into mattresses, and without a way for the moisture to escape or dry up, it’s like rolling out the welcome mat for mould.

It’s important to ensure good airflow around your mattress and to use breathable bedding to help keep things dry.

2. Poor Air Circulation 

When a mattress is placed directly on the floor or has no proper base, air can’t circulate underneath it.

This can lead to moisture buildup from sweat and the natural humidity in the air.

Using a bed frame that lifts your mattress off the ground can help air move freely, keeping the underside of your mattress drier and less likely to grow mould.

3. Accidental Spills 

Whether it’s a glass of water or a nighttime tea that spills, any liquid that soaks into your mattress can create an ideal environment for mould.

The moisture from spills is often overlooked and can seep deep into the mattress fibres, where it’s difficult to dry completely.

It’s a good idea to clean spills immediately and consider using a waterproof mattress protector to prevent moisture from penetrating in the first place.

4. Lack of Maintenance 

Regular cleaning and care of your mattress can greatly reduce the risk of mould growth.

This includes vacuuming the mattress to remove dust and allergens, airing it out periodically, and flipping or rotating it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Ignoring these maintenance tasks can allow mould to set in and spread unnoticed, gradually degrading the quality and healthiness of your mattress.

How to Combat and Prevent Mattress Mould

Louise has put together tips on how to combat and prevent mould in your mattress to ensure you keep your sleeping environment healthy and mould-free:

1. The 20p Trick

To tackle mould on your mattress effectively, try using a combination of lemon juice, salt, and baking soda.

Start by sprinkling lemon juice over the mouldy area.

The citric acid in lemon juice breaks down the cell walls of mould spores, essentially dissolving the mould.

After applying the lemon juice, sprinkle salt and baking soda over the same area.

These substances help draw out moisture and kill remaining spores.

If possible, place the mattress in sunlight to dry, as the sun’s UV rays further aid in killing mould. 

Eco-friendly natural cleaners. Vinegar, baking soda, salt, lemon and cloth. Homemade green cleaning.[/caption]

2. Regular Maintenance

To prevent mould growth, consistent maintenance of your mattress is key.

Investing in a waterproof mattress protector shields your mattress from spills and moisture.

Not only that but ensuring that your bedroom is well-ventilated and using a dehumidifier in damp climates can significantly lower moisture levels, making it less hospitable for mould. 

3. Proper Ventilation

Proper airflow is crucial in preventing moisture accumulation that can lead to mould.

Make it a habit to let your mattress breathe by airing it out regularly.

This could mean pulling back the bedding during the day to expose the mattress to air or occasionally leaving it near an open window to allow air to circulate around and through it.

Ensuring your bedroom itself has good ventilation is also important, as well as keeping doors or windows open when the weather permits or using fans to help circulate air.

4. Address Spills Immediately

When spills happen, acting fast is key to preventing mould.

Blot up any liquids quickly, and make sure the area is completely dry afterwards.

Avoid letting moisture sink deep into the mattress fibres, where it can become a hidden problem.

Using fans or a hairdryer in a cool setting can help speed up the drying process if the spill is significant.

15 Cleaning Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind

Here are some tips to help you clean your home like a pro:

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