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I’m 45 with youthful, glowing skin but don’t ‘fight’ signs of aging – my skincare methods get far better results

A 45-YEAR-OLD beauty fan has admitted that she doesn’t fight the signs of aging but leans into it to give herself a youthful appearance.

Her less-is-more approach to skincare brings far better results than many ten-step regimens on the market.

Natasha St. Michael/ Inspire Beauty Shop
Inspire Beauty Shop owner Natasha St, Michael is 45 with youthful, glowing skin[/caption]
Natasha St. Michael/ Inspire Beauty Shop
Her simple skincare methods get far better results[/caption]

Certified health coach Natasha St. Michael has an approach to anti-aging that is a little different than most.

The Inspire Beauty owner shared how she gets “far better results” by not trying to “fight” the signs of aging with The U.S. Sun.

Instead of using “aggressive treatments and products,” she supports the health of her skin, which she said automatically slows the signs of aging.

“When you see someone with great skin, it’s not necessarily because their skin is free of wrinkles and imperfections, but because their skin is so radiant, plump, and healthy looking,” she explained.

So how do you get youthful, glowing skin at any age?

St. Michael said that it’s all about “keeping your skin balanced and super healthy.”

Also, avoid anything that will irritate or damage it, including beauty products with harsh chemicals.


St. Michael said she steers clear of any products that dry out her skin for starters.

Any beauty buy that makes her skin feel dry usually makes it “look more old and lined.”

She also doesn’t use soaps or foaming face washes because they strip the natural oils from her skin.

“I also don’t use hot water to wash my face, which I find to be just as drying as soap,” she added.

“Years ago I switched to using only cold water on my face, and the difference was remarkable – no more tightness, less redness, and much more even skin tone.”

The entrepreneur gets “far better results” by using a cleansing milk, balm, or oil that moisturizes as it cleanses.


Another anti-aging tip she shared that is “essential for youthful-looking skin” is exfoliation.

“It removes surface buildup making your skin appear smoother, clearer, and more radiant,” she said.

St. Michael warned that you have to be careful how you exfoliate and what kind of products you use because “there’s a fine line between amazing glowing results and really hurting and damaging your skin.”

She incorporates an exfoliating mask once or twice a week to keep her skin smooth and bright.

“I find as I get older, my skin doesn’t tolerate abrasive scrubs or strong exfoliating acids as it used to,” she admitted.

“I get much better results using a gentle facial mask made with exfoliating enzymes, lactic acid, or clay.”

St. Michael exfoliates once or twice a week to keep her skin smooth (stock image)[/caption]


Another item that should always be in your routine is a good serum.

St. Michael explained how it can deliver amazing results, especially “deeper skin concerns” like hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines, and big pores.

Her favorite anti-aging serum is Retinol, “just because it does so much.”

Retinol helps lift and firm sagging skin, smooth fine lines and diminishes the appearance of enlarged pores.

The sooner you start, the better. It’s one of those things that later on in life, you’ll be thankful you did.”

Natasha St. Michael

But she admitted that she “equally loves a good peptide serum.”

Like retinol, it plumps and smoothes skin and softens deeper lines and wrinkles, but St Michael said it also “gives your complexion a natural luminosity.”

A big mistake could be “layering too many products at once,” so she suggested being “strategic with what kind of serum you use.”

“I only use one serum at a time, and if needed, I pair it with a moisturizer or facial oil,” she said.

Many dermatologists and skincare experts agree with its age-defying benefits.


Although the above are great recommendations, the business owner admitted that the ” most important anti-aging product” in her skincare routine is sunscreen.

If you want glowing youthful skin, she said you have to wear it daily.

“The sooner you start, the better. It’s one of those things that later on in life, you’ll be thankful you did,” she added.

St. Michael prefers a mineral, zinc-based sunscreen because it offers UVA and UVB protection, as well as zinc oxide, an ingredient that can help balance sensitive skin.

Anti-aging tips

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  • Keep your skin hydrated internally by drinking water and externally with moisturizer.
  • Always use sunscreen, even if you’re not in direct sunlight.
  • Use Vitamin C to brighten the skin and don’t forget to apply to your neck.


Lastly, if you want to “supercharge your youthful glow,” St. Michael emphasized the importance of a regular fitness regimen.

“There’s nothing like the healthy glow you get from exercise,” the skincare lover said.

St. Michael “especially recommends” doing exercise that gets you sweating.

Not only does it refresh your complexion, and reduce puffiness and water retention in the face, but it also cleans out pores, softens and firms skin, and “adds beautiful color to your complexion.”

Exercise can diminish puffiness and pores, firm skin & reduce water (stock image)

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