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Historian Marcia Jo Zerivitz shares her concerns regarding the rise of antisemitism

Historian Marcia Jo Zerivitz shares her concerns regarding the rise of antisemitism

Author and lecturer Marcia Jo Zerivitz is the Founding Executive Director of the Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU. On April 9th Marcia gave a presentation at the museum titled, “Can I See the Horns: Roots of Antisemitism”. Her discussion, created from 40 years of research, included the challenges of social media and the internet in the spread of antisemitism and actions to help combat Jew-hatred that began 2,300 years ago.

Marcia Jo Zerivitz.Courtesy of Marcia Jo Zerivitz
Courtesy of Marcia Jo Zerivitz
Marcia Jo Zerivitz. Courtesy of Marcia Jo Zerivitz

Following her presentation, Marcia shared her concerns regarding the rise of antisemitism (especially since October 7th).

“If antisemites would only open up to the truth – the facts! Six months/185 days ago, on October 7th, 2023 Hamas attacked Israel to slaughter Jews and destroy the Jewish state. The Hamas Covenant claims that there will be a day when ALL Jews will be killed/eradicated/exterminated. This was a pogrom all over again – the ultimate expression of antisemitism – which is Jew-hatred. Antisemites believe that because Jews are different – ‘the other’ – that we need to be eradicated. Antisemitism has been around for 2,000 years. There have been too many centuries when people have been taught to hate Jews – especially during times of economic and political upheaval. We are not going to cure it – it is an inborn disease – it is ubiquitous. With the Hamas attack, we are seeing that much of the world really cannot accept ONE Jewish state. The Arab League is comprised of 21 Arab states representing 650 million people in 5 million square miles. Israel has about 7 million Jews and less than 10,000 square miles including Judah, Samaria and Golan. So, the Arabs are 100 times as numerous as Israeli Jews and spread over an area 500 times the size of Israel, which is the size of New Jersey. ALSO, there are more
than 50 Muslim-oriented countries – among them 27 are officially Muslim. They and much of the world reject the right of one Jewish state. ASK any anti-
Zionist: Why are the Palestinians entitled to separate land when the Jews are not? Why haven’t any of these Arab or Muslim states taken in the Palestinians since 1948 when their leaders told them before Israel’s War of Independence, ‘Leave Palestine and you will return when the Jews have been pushed into the sea?’ Anti-Zionism is antisemitism. What is happening in Israel and the protests and demonstrations around the globe are threats to all Jews. But this is not just about the Jews. The threats to Jews have always been ‘the canary in the coal mine,’ a warning that society is breaking down and every group is at risk – Muslims, African Americans, Asian Americans, LGBTQ, women, or others. We must never become complacent about any threats to any people. If hate against any minority is allowed to fester, it damages all people. Antisemitism creates distrust in government, because if there are feelings of one group controlling the media, the banks, the gov’t agencies, etc. (antisemitic myths and tropes), people feel ‘Why trust democracy?’ We are all asking – what can we do about it – especially at a time when many Americans (chiefly younger)  endorse ancient antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories (that I cover in my PowerPoint lecture). First, it is imperative that we educate ourselves so that we can recognize it. Antisemitism is a lack of moral clarity and critical thinking. It comes from everywhere on the political spectrum – from the left, right, Christians, Muslims, atheists — even sometimes from Jews. The Internet and social media have caused so much misinformation to erupt into the public square like a burst sewage pipe. The template used against Jews is the same: Jews are all-powerful, all-wealthy, conniving, evil, devils and tricky. We work behind the scenes and have dual loyalty. We see antisemitism in music, film, sports, at work, on campus and constantly in the news globally. The reality is that antisemitism has now become normalized and fashionable. Jews represent just 2.4% of the US population and less than a quarter of ONE percent globally. Yet, much of the world thinks that everything Jews do is wrong – and that all wrongs are done by Jews. Following the start of the Israel-Hamas War, antisemitism was up 400% in the US; 1,350% in London and just as bad in France. The AJC reports that most American Jews feel less safe than they did prior to October 7th and think that antisemitism is a problem.”

Charter members of the 10I Club, Orlando, 1933.Jewish teens attending Orlando High School formed the 10I Club because they were excluded from the high school fraternities and sororities. There was no Jewish youth group in town, so they made the 10I Club, the name created from the number ten (the number needed for a minyan) and the letter I from the word Israelites. Seated left to right are Irene Braverman [Meyer], Gertrude Haimowitz [Cooper], Pearl Safer [Kramer], Myer Sigal, Florence Wittenstein [Tobias], and Beatrice Lieberman [Lippton]. Standing left to right are Morton Levy, Morris Haimowitz, Maxine Braverman [Lazarus], Dorothy Baker [Gordon], George Wolly, and Abe Kamenoff. Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz
Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz
Charter members of the 10I Club, Orlando, 1933. Jewish teens attending Orlando High School formed the 10I Club because they were excluded from the high school fraternities and sororities. There was no Jewish youth group in town, so they made the 10I Club, the name created from the number ten (the number needed for a minyan) and the letter I from the word Israelites. Seated left to right are Irene Braverman [Meyer], Gertrude Haimowitz [Cooper], Pearl Safer [Kramer], Myer Sigal, Florence Wittenstein [Tobias], and Beatrice Lieberman [Lippton]. Standing left to right are Morton Levy, Morris Haimowitz, Maxine Braverman [Lazarus], Dorothy Baker [Gordon], George Wolly, and Abe Kamenoff. Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz
Marcia explained why there are so many hate groups in Florida.

Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz
“Gentile Clientele” brochure for the Coronado Hotel, Miami Beach, 1940s. In 1953 the ADL’s survey showed 57 percent of five hundred Florida hotels discriminated against Jews. By 1965 this had been reduced to 5.4 percent. Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz

“There are 89 active hate groups in Florida today – the second highest number in the US. Stormfront (launched in Florida in 1995) is a white supremacist and neo-Nazi Internet forum that was the Internet’s first major hate site. The logo features a Celtic cross surrounded by the motto ‘white pride, worldwide.’ Stormfront has been linked to acts of murder and terror in the US. The biggest challenge in fighting antisemitism today is in the world of internet and social media. The white supremacist cyber-community has a much easier time spreading their message and recruiting new supporters to engage in the most destructive acts. White Supremacy is America’s burden and challenge for years to come. In Florida, new white supremacist groups have formed, including White Lives Matter (think back to the eugenics theory and Henry Ford), Sunshine State Nationalists, National Socialist Florida and Florida Nationalists, while existing neo-Nazi and accelerationist groups have broadened their audience both online and on the ground activities. The Goyim Defense League moved their headquarters to Florida last year because of the high level of acceptance here.  GDL overlaps with a network of white supremacists and antisemites that routinely distribute propaganda and hold small street actions. Other extremist groups such as Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys have shifted their strategies to focus on the local level, disrupting school board meetings and even running for political office.”

Window sticker supporting a boycott of Jewish businesses, Miami, 1938. Adopting a technique pioneered in Nazi Germany, antisemites in Florida attempted a boycott with these 2.5-inch-diameter stickers on storefronts that appealed to their passions and religious intolerance. This artwork is taken directly from European Nazi sources, with a mangled English-language translation of the original German text. To the credit of the Miami community, gentiles led the effort to remove the offensive propaganda.Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz
Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz
Window sticker supporting a boycott of Jewish businesses, Miami, 1938. Adopting a technique pioneered in Nazi Germany, antisemites in Florida attempted a boycott with these 2.5-inch-diameter stickers on storefronts that appealed to their passions and religious intolerance. This artwork is taken directly from European Nazi sources, with a mangled English-language translation of the original German text. To the credit of the Miami community, gentiles led the effort to remove the offensive propaganda. Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz

Marcia shared examples of antisemitism throughout Florida’s Jewish history.

“I wrote a big book on the History of the Jews of Florida. In the 1980s, I trekked 250,000 miles around the Sunshine State over eight years to unearth the hidden history. I had to learn the historical context in Florida history to present the Jewish history AND I discovered a story of DISCRIMINATION. DID YOU KNOW THAT – 511 years ago…in 1513 –  when Ponce de Leon discovered Florida, only Catholics could settle? BECAUSE PONCE DE LEON SAILED FOR SPAIN, Spain became the owner of Florida. It was during the Inquisition – SO ONLY CATHOLICS COULD LIVE IN FLORIDA FOR the NEXT 250 YEARS. This is Antisemitism. So it started with the Spanish. I cover dozens of examples of antisemitism in my lecture and there is a litany on the ADL site. The antisemitism that began with the Church has raised its ugly head in various forms over time and one is the KKK which started after the Civil War, primarily targeting freed slaves, they expanded to include Jews – and still intimidate people who are different. Samuel Fleischman had lived in Florida from the 1840s, had a wife and children and was a respected hardware merchant in Marianna.. In 1869, the KKK ordered him to leave town because he had defended blacks and given credit and employment to freed slaves. Fleischman resisted, and when the KKK escorted him out, he walked to the State capitol in Tallahassee where he asked for protection. Getting none, he set out to return to his store and family. The next morning his body was found on the outskirts of the city. His assassins were never apprehended, but many people said, ‘KKK….’ Over the years in Florida, there have been employment and school restrictions, crosses burned on lawns of Jews by KKK, synagogue bombings, hate graffiti on Jewish buildings, hate demonstrations and marches, Holocaust denial protest marches at Holocaust museums, land deed restrictions, country and golf club restrictions, high school club restrictions, hotel restrictions (think Gentlemen’s Agreement) and so much more. It was not until 1949, that a Florida law ended real estate and hotel discrimination. On Miami Beach, Jews could not live north of Fifth Street in the beginning because antisemites owned the property and had restrictions that only Caucasians could purchase property and Jews were not considered ‘white.’ It’s a very long story!”

Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz
“Always a View, Never a Jew,” Gulf Motel, Miami Beach, 1930s. This bigoted motto was adopted by many of the hotels and apartments on Miami Beach and elsewhere around Florida in the 1940s. Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz

Marcia shared how the museum has reacted to potential threats.  

“Some people are ignorant and/or misinformed. I had a couple ask me if our building had a basement. They wanted to see where the Jews kidnapped and
killed Christian children to drain/use their blood to make matzah for Passover. This is a myth taught by the church in England in 1144 that spread rapidly
throughout Europe. In these times, during the Israel-Hamas war, a rocket fired by Hamas from Gaza toward Israel fell short after launching and hit the hospital next to the rocket launcher in Gaza City – killing 500 of their own people. Of course, Israel was blamed, calling out ‘blood libel’ by the international press. Since I opened the Museum in April 1995, we have had many drills with the Miami Beach Police and FBI to be prepared for hate attacks. In August 1999, I was in Los Angeles, CA the day that white supremacist Buford Furrow walked into the Jewish Community Center and shot children and teachers
in the kindergarten. He said he picked that Jewish building because there were no guards and he wanted to make a statement as a ‘wake up call to America to kill Jews.’ I called our museum president to say that we needed to hire a security guard for the front of our building along with a metal detector at the entrance. The Museum board agreed and we have had a guard at the Jewish Museum of Florida since that time (1999).”

Cover of Marcia Jo Zerivitz's book, "Jews of Florida: Centuries of Stories."Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz
Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz
Cover of Marcia Jo Zerivitz’s book, “Jews of Florida: Centuries of Stories.” Courtesy/Marcia Jo Zerivitz

Marcia listed takeaways from her discussions.

• Gain insight on the background of 2,000 years of antisemitism/awareness to recognize it today

• Speak out! If you are Jewish, Be PROUD of achievements of Jews to quality of life of global community – even for those who hate us
• Know Jewish history
• Know the facts to call out hate/ EDUCATE/combat misinformation of myths and tropes
• Appeal to social media platforms to shut down extremists
• Get involved in civic life
• Have government officials legislate and enforce laws and to call out hate over the long haul. AND WHEN THEY DO – THANK THEM PROFUSELY!

• Protect free and fair elections – Protect our Democracy!

• Listen to what others say and if it spews antisemitism, start a Dialogue. Find out if their view is based on ignorance or ill-will. ASK: What do you mean by that? What are your reasons for thinking that? Think: Is their answer possible, plausible, probable? Then, Ask leading questions, cross examine and explore inconsistencies



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