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I spent $70 ordering groceries on Getir, the ultra-fast delivery app. The service was super speedy, but it wasn't perfect.

I ordered my groceries through Getir while visitng New York City. For $70, I was able to get plenty of basics delivered quickly and seamlessly.

gia holding up a paper getir grocery bag
I ordered a few groceries through Getir.
  • I ordered groceries through Getir for $70 while visiting New York City
  • The app had a decent product selection and the delivery was quick and seamless.
  • I think the grocery delivery service is worth it if you need a few basics in a pinch.

With the price of groceries on the rise, I'm always looking for efficient and cost-effective ways to keep my fridge stocked.

I decided to order groceries through Getir — a Turkey-based delivery service that also currently operates in Germany, the Netherlands, the UK, and the US.

The app promises to deliver groceries via bike couriers in 20 minutes or less, offers a variety of food and home products, and promises "no substitutions, ever" on orders.

Here's how my $70 order went.

I'd never used Getir before.
hand holding up a phone with the getir app on the screen
Getir has an easy-to-use app.

I live in Chicago and usually go to nearby grocery stores to snag what I need for the week. The errand can take between 20 minutes to an hour, depending on whether I'm going to a specialty grocery store or taking public transportation.

The idea of having my groceries delivered to me in less time is definitely intriguing.

But although Getir has Chicago, New York, and Boston listed as locations on its website FAQ and social-media pages, I was surprised to learn that the company wasn't delivering groceries in Chicago.

When I spoke with customer support after my Chicago address was labeled out of range, they said this was a "temporary closure" and that they planned to return soon. But they didn't provide an estimated or exact date.

Luckily, I was flying to New York City the following week for a quick family visit, and I was able to test Getir out there.

The selection process was easy and user-friendly.
gia on a street corner in manhattan
I had to go to New York City to test out the delivery service.

I wasn't sure what to expect when I opened the app.

I thought the design was very user-friendly, especially with the different product groups. Surprisingly, I didn't feel overwhelmed by the plethora of options.

Sometimes, I find myself at the store with a mental list of the products and produce I need without knowing the actual names, so I heavily rely on visuals to figure out what I'm looking for. The provided images on the app were helpful and made me feel like I was having an actual grocery-shopping experience.

To place my order, I also had to create an account. But that was incredibly easy since I could link it to my Google account.

I wanted to purchase a mixture of home goods and food items.
gia scrolling through the getir app on their phone
There were several different sections of items listed on the app.

I didn't want to purchase too many perishables since I was only in the city for a short trip.

I opted for a mixture of home goods (like a candle and KN95 masks) and food items (like granola bars and bread).

Getir has its own warehouses stocked with products, so the bike couriers aren't running around to different stores to find everything on your list. The prices also weren't wildly different than what I see at New York grocery stores.

My product total was $59.31. With added sales tax, bag fees, and courier tip, my grand total came to $68.83.

I was surprised by some of the selections available.
hand holding momofuku chili crunch and la fermiere yogurt
I have a hard time finding La Fermière yogurt in Chicago.

I was happily surprised by the selection Getir offered.

There were niche food items available, like Momofuku Chili Crunch oil and La Fermière yogurt. I'd usually have to go out of my way to find those in Chicago.

Additionally, Getir has "personal care," "pharmacy," and "sexual health" sections with products like emergency contraceptives, cold medication, and natural menstrual pads, which can all be hard to find in local grocery stores.

I especially liked that I didn't have to deal with substitutions — which has happened to me with other delivery services. The Getir app is supposed to update inventory in real time, so I saw it on my end first if something was out of stock.

The delivery and hand-off went seamlessly.
hand holding a getir grocery bag over a sidewalk in new york
My groceries came in less than 15 minutes.

I was in Midtown Manhattan, so I was immediately skeptical of the under-20-minute delivery the app promised. I've gotten stuck in the city's traffic, and I know it takes a pretty heavy foot on the pedal to get where I need to go on time.

After placing my order at 1:19 p.m., I was notified that the process would take 10 to 15 minutes. I could watch on the app as my order was prepared, on the way, at the address, and delivered.

My groceries were on their way by 1:24 p.m., and I tracked my rider on their bike in real time. The order arrived at 1:30 p.m., less than 15 minutes after confirming my order.

After scanning the bag, the rider handed off the groceries and we both went our separate ways.

The products were all in great condition when I unpacked them — no bent boxes or opened packages. Even the ginger looked fresh and decently sized.

I liked Getir, but I wouldn’t use it as my main grocery source.
groceries from getir on a counter in front of the paper bag
Getir is great if you're in a pinch and need something quickly.

I don't think I'd want to use Getir as my main grocery store, but there were some definite pros. First of all, it was incredibly speedy.

My order took about 10 minutes to be prepared and delivered, and when I got to the checkout screen, it said my standard $4.50 fee was reduced to $0. The app was also very easy to use.

But I don't think I could depend on it week to week. There were some items I needed that were out of stock (or simply not listed).

The bag fee was also a minor inconvenience. I usually bring reusable bags when shopping to avoid extra fees, and I was charged for three bags when I was only given two.

Overall, I could see myself using the service on days when it's simply too cold to leave my apartment, or I'm extra busy. I found Getir to be quick and reliable, so it does the trick for some basics in a pinch.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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