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Brian Piccolo Awards give biggest honor to senior football players from Westminster Academy, Dillard, Miramar and Nova

Brian Piccolo Awards give biggest honor to senior football players from Westminster Academy, Dillard, Miramar and Nova

South Broward’s Brandon Rabasco, who received a preferred walk-on scholarship to the University of Florida, was selected as the Cerra Enterprises Special Teams Player of the Year.

CORAL SPRINGS — Westminster Academy senior quarterback Anthony Barbar made an impact on the field by setting school records while also displaying his leadership in the classroom and community. Barbar was recognized as one of the four overall winners of the Scholar-Athlete Award at the Brian Piccolo Chapter’s 49th Annual Scholar-Athlete Banquet at The Marriott Coral Springs Hotel and Convention Center on Wednesday night.

The Brian Piccolo Chapter of the National Football Foundation and College Hall of Fame program ceremony honored 41 senior football players from Broward County schools for their academic achievements and volunteer work in the community.

Barbar was named Florida Dairy Farmers Independent Football Player of the Year this past season. He delivered a memorable senior campaign on the field to lead his team to a runner-up finish at the state championship. He was ranked as a top-five quarterback in all classifications and had single-season school records in passing yards (3,568), touchdown passes (40), completions (221) and completion percentage (71 percent). He also holds school records at quarterback for passing yards
(8,407), touchdowns passes (86) and wins (29).

Barbar, who will play football at Wheaton College in Illinois, is the fourth recipient from Westminster Academy to earn the Scholar-Athlete overall winner award. One of those earlier Lions honorees was quarterback Danny Kanell, who starred at Florida State University and played in the NFL, received the honor back in 1992.

“This award holds immense meaning to me not just because of its prestige, but because of the values it represents,” Barbar said.

Barbar was also selected FACA Broward County Player of the Year, All-State First Team and Sun Sentinel All-County first team this past season. He is an Academic Honor Roll recipient for four years. He had a 3.691 weighted GPA and accumulated 1,005 community service hours. He volunteered for Habitat for Humanity and was active in the Gangway Youth Ministry at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. He was a member of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Youth Leadership Broward.

“I am reminded of the responsibilities to continue striving for excellence, lead by example and make a positive impact on the life of others,” Barbar said. “I am inspired to carry forth the legacy of Brian Piccolo in everything that I do.”

Miramar safety Caleb Solomon, Dillard offensive lineman Khamari Griffin and Nova center Andito Wills Jr. also were all honored on stage as recipients of the Scholar-Athlete overall award.

Solomon, a Columbia University signee, was selected as a BCAA All-Star. He served as Senior Class President and finished in the top 10 percent of his class with a 4.59 weighted GPA. Griffin had a 4.4044 weighted GPA with 471 community service hours. He was on the Academic Honor Roll for four years and a member of the National Honor Society.

Wills Jr., who served as a team captain at center, was recognized as a BCAA All-Star. He had a 5.4 weighted GPA and was a member of the National Honor Society and National Science Honor Society.

South Broward’s Brandon Rabasco, who received a preferred walk-on scholarship to the University of Florida, was selected as the Cerra Enterprises Special Teams Player of the Year. Rabasco served as a kicker and punter for the football team and was also a standout soccer player. He had a 4.3 weighted GPA and was a Straight A Honor Roll student.

“I put in a lot of hard work in school on and off the field,” Rabasco said. “I feel honored to represent my school and be here. I am excited to compete at the University of Florida.”

Western’s Brendan Leal was named BSN Sports Defensive Player of the Year. The Wagner University signee had a 4.9615 weighted GPA. He was a Sun Sentinel All-County First Team recipient and recorded the most tackles in District 4M. He was the Vice President of the National Honor Society Youth Group.

Fort Lauderdale’s Luke Hamill was selected as the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital (U18) Sports Medicine Offensive Player of the Year. The BCAA All-Star played tight end as well as long snapper. He finished in the top 10 percent of his class with a 5.09 weighted GPA.

Blanche Ely’s Joshua Lloyd, a Sun Sentinel First Team All-County selection, represented the Tigers at the ceremony. The Western Michigan University signee was on the Principal’s Honor Roll and had a 4.54 weighted GPA.

Jerome and Stockar McDougle were both featured on stage as the Distinguished Americans at the ceremony. Jerome starred at Blanche Ely, won a national championship at the University of Miami and played defensive end in the NFL. Stockar, an offensive lineman, played at Deerfield Beach High School, Oklahoma University and was a first round draft pick in the NFL.

University of South Florida head coach Alex Golesh served as the keynote speaker. Brian Piccolo lost his battle with cancer at the age of 26. He played high school football at St. Thomas Aquinas, collegiate football at Wake Forest University and in the NFL with the Chicago Bears.

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