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These Victorian diseases are surging in the UK – here’s why

Look out for the symptoms.

A man examined by a dentist. The diagnosis of gingivitis. Gum bleeding and inflammation close up.
The cost of living could be one factor behind the rise in Victorian diseases(Picture: Getty Images)

Health experts have warned that several Victorian-era illnesses are making a comeback in the UK.

Dickensian diseases like scurvy, tuberculosis and gout are on the rise thanks to a number of factors, including poor access to healthy food and treatment shortages.

Here’s what you need to look out for.

Scurvy and rickets 

Cases of two diseases linked with malnutrition are growing in number – with some scientists worried that the rise is linked to the cost of living crisis,

Scurvy, which is caused by a vitamin C deficiency, has tripled in case numbers since 2007.

L0062031 Leg of a patient with scorbutus (scurvy), 1887 Credit: St Bartholomew's Hospital Archives & Museum, Wellcome Images. Wellcome Images images@wellcome.ac.uk http://wellcomeimages.org Watercolour drawing of the leg of a patient, aged 50, who had scorbutus of 12 months' standing. The limb is affected with a purpuric eruption, which resembles psoriasis with subcutaneous haemorrhage. Apr 1887 By: Godart, ThomasSt Bartholomew's Hospital Archives & Museum Published: - Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
A illustratrion from 1887 shows the the symptoms of scurvy (Picture: Wellcome Library, London)

It’s known as the disease of pirates or sailors, as they would often become ill with scurvy while on long sea voyages without access to fresh fruit and vegetables.

Symptoms include joint pain, swollen and bleeding gums, and extreme tiredness.

Luckily, today it can be easily treated with vitamin supplements and foods like oranges.

Rickets is also making a comeback.

It’s caused by a vitamin D deficiency and a lack of calcium.

M0002829 Scurvy; male figure. Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images images@wellcome.ac.uk http://wellcomeimages.org Scurvy: male figure showing skin eruptions, back view. Skorbut Published: - Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Scurvy is caused by malnutrition (Picture: Wellcome Library, London)

28,379 Brits were diagnosed with rickets between 2019 and 2023, and between January 2022 and April 2023, 405 children had the disease.

It weakens bones and can cause curved spines and stunt growth if left untreated.

Both rickets and scurvy are related to malnutrition. 

10,896 people were hospitalised for malnutrition in the year to April 2023, and cases of it have more than doubled in a decade.

Dr Clare Gerada, president of the Royal College of GPs, told The Times: We’re going back to a situation where unless we look after our poor, we’re going to end up with more of these diseases of the Victorian era.’

‘This isn’t about the health system, it’s about the social determinants of ill health, indicative of the last 15 years of austerity,’ she added.

Lib Dem health and social care spokeswoman Daisy Cooper, said: ‘In 21st century Britain, no one should be suffering with these Victorian era diseases.’


Tuberculosis, a disease that was so widespread in the Victorian era that it became fashionable for women to lighten their skin to emulate the illness, is also on the rise in the UK.

July 1922: A nurse tends to young patients in a river ambulance for sufferers from infectious diseases such as tuberculosis (TB). The ambulance belongs to the London Metropolitan Asylum Board. (Photo by Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)
Tuberculosis was so widespread in 1922 that boats on the Thames were turned into hospitals (Picture: Topical Press Agency/Getty Images)

It’s one of the world’s deadliest infectious diseases, killing more than a million people each year.

It’s spread through coughing and breathing.

Cases of TB rose by 10.6% in England in 2023 compared to 2022. 

There were 2408 alerts for TB in the UK in the first half of 2023, according to the UK Health Security Agency.

Symptoms include coughing up blood or mucus, a high temperature and night sweats, but thankfully today it can be treated with antibiotics.


Another disease that’s on the rise in the UK has royal links.

Tudor king Henry VIII was famous for having gout, and it’s known by some as the ‘disease of kings’.

Visible gout inflammation on the foot of a man
Gout can be pretty painful (Picture: Getty Images)

The number of patients being treated for the disease has risen by 20 per cent in the last three years.

An estimated 1.5 million Brits have gout, and more than 250,000 people were admitted to hospital with the disease between 2021 and 2022.

A despondent looking man rests his foot on a stool with his slipper slit to accommodate a foot painfully swollen from gout. (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
A despondent looking man rests his foot on a stool with his slipper slit to accommodate a foot painfully swollen from gout (Picture: Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Symptoms include swollen, painful joints. It can last from three to ten days.

It’s caused by a build-up of uric acid in the blood.

Eating too much red meat or seafood or drinking too much beer or spirit can cause this.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is also back.

Between September 2021 and March 2022, a total of 3,488 cases of scarlet fever were identified in England by the NHS.

Boy with scarlet fever speckled tongue
Scarlet fever can cause a bumpy tounge (Picture: Getty Images)

Symptoms include a flu, a sore throat, and swollen glands in the neck. It also causes a rash on the torso.

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