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More Than 10 Million Illegal Immigrants Under Joe Biden and the Real Employment Numbers Since He Took the White House

  Far-left detractors are calling the Republican National Convention a Nazi convention because Republicans want to secure the border and deport illegal immigrants.

The post More Than 10 Million Illegal Immigrants Under Joe Biden and the Real Employment Numbers Since He Took the White House appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


Immigration is top of mind — not only at the RNC — but for Americans across the country.” — ABC News (screenshot from video)

Far-left detractors are calling the Republican National Convention a Nazi convention because Republicans want to secure the border and deport illegal immigrants.

They also claim that Republicans are falsely demonizing illegal immigrants. However, protecting the border and enforcing the law is not a Nazi act; it is a normal function of government and part of the contract a government has with its citizenry.

As for demonization, the claims of illegal immigrants taking jobs and lowering wages are 100% true. To cover for the negative impact of immigration on jobs and wages, Biden lies about his job numbers, and Democrats and the mainstream press support his false claims.

As of June 2024,  approximately 6.8 million Americans were unemployed. In fiscal year 2023, the United States hit a record of 3.2 million encounters with illegal immigrants nationwide, including more than 2.4 million encounters at the Southwest border alone.

Over the past four fiscal years, from October 2019 to January 2024, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) reported more than 9.8 million border encounters across the country. This number represents approximately 2.93% of the current U.S. population, which is estimated to be around 334 million.

The Biden administration claims that unemployment is at the lowest level in fifty years. However, the unemployment rate is currently 4.1%, which is higher than during most of the Trump administration.

During the first three years of Trump’s administration, the unemployment rate averaged around 3.9% in 2018, 3.7% in 2019, and 3.5% in early 2020 before the pandemic struck.

The Biden administration claims to have created nearly 14.8 million jobs since taking office in January 2021. However, the raw numbers, which support Biden’s claim of record job gains, gloss over the reality that the U.S. economy remains about 5 million jobs under its pre-pandemic peak.

Furthermore, approximately 2.5 million of the jobs created have been part-time positions, accounting for about 17% of the total job gains. Using raw numbers of job gains also ignores population growth. During the same period, the official U.S. population increased by 3 million citizens, plus 10 million illegal aliens.

A significant portion of the illegal immigrants in the U.S. come from Latin American countries. As of recent data, nearly 30% of illegal immigrants are from Mexico, 9.1% from Guatemala, and 8.9% from Honduras.

These migrants tend to work in specific industries such as construction, where they make up about 15% of the workforce, drywall installers (31%), roofers (29%), and construction painters (26%). In agriculture, they represent 26% of the workforce.

In addition, illegal immigrants are prevalent in the service industry, holding 32% of service occupations, which include roles in food service, cleaning, and maintenance​​.

In their home countries, the GDP per capita is relatively low, contributing to the push factors driving migration. For example, the GDP per capita is $11,477 in Mexico, $5,535 in Guatemala, and $3,154 in Honduras.

When broken down to an hourly wage, this equates to approximately $5.52 per hour in Mexico, $2.66 per hour in Guatemala, and $1.52 per hour in Honduras. Low wages are the primary reason these people flee their home countries.

The law of supply and demand shows that an increase in the total pool of workers will bring down the wages in those fields. Having people who are willing to work for as low as $5.52 per hour in Mexico, $2.66 per hour in Guatemala, and $1.52 per hour in Honduras further suppresses wages.

The normal wages in these fields are higher, but the influx of illegal immigrants willing to work for less drives down the overall wage levels. The competition from illegal immigrants not only lowers wages, but causes displacement among low-skilled native-born workers and legal immigrants.

Illegal immigrants in the United States predominantly work in sectors such as construction, agriculture, hospitality, and manufacturing, where they often face lower wages.

Construction workers earn an average hourly wage of about $18, with specialized roles like drywall installers potentially earning slightly more. In agriculture, farmworkers typically earn between $11 and $13 per hour.

Hospitality workers, including food service employees, earn around $12 to $14 per hour, while housekeeping and cleaning staff earn about $13 per hour. Manufacturing workers, particularly in food processing and textiles, generally earn between $14 and $17 per hour.

Illegal immigration tends to lower wages for low-skilled workers due to increased labor supply, with studies showing a 3-4% reduction in wages for these workers when the immigrant population increases by 10%.

Native-born workers and authorized immigrants in low-skilled jobs face more competition and potential job displacement, although the overall impact on employment rates of native-born workers varies across sectors and geographic areas.

The sectors most affected by illegal immigration include agriculture, construction, hospitality, service, and manufacturing. Ironically, the very people the Democrats claim to be helping, African Americans and Latinos, are most adversely impacted by illegal immigration.

African Americans, particularly low-skilled workers, are disproportionately affected, experiencing significant wage depression and job competition. Native-born Hispanics and legal immigrants also face wage suppression and job competition, especially in agriculture, construction, and service industries.

With over 3 million illegal immigrants entering each year, wages will continue to drop and unemployment will persist among low-skilled workers.

The post More Than 10 Million Illegal Immigrants Under Joe Biden and the Real Employment Numbers Since He Took the White House appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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