Emmerdale favourite unmasked as an OnlyFans star in shock twist
soap shock
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EMMERDALE fans have ‘figured out’ who is blackmailing Manpreet Sharma – and it’s all thanks to Leyla Harding.
Manpreet has been chargingmoneyfor racy pictures on a subscription site – and someone knows.
ITVViewers think they’ve worked out who is blackmailing Manpreet in Emmerdale[/caption]
ITVLeyla could be the key to cracking the mystery – despite her death last month[/caption]
ITVA new theory suggests Tracy could be the culprit[/caption]
Meanwhile, viewers only recently learned about Manpreet’s bombshell secret.
The GPhad been acting shiftily and worried whenever she got a text.
After a while, Ella got through to her and convinced Manpreet to open up.
Manpreet Sharma tries to kiss Billy Fletcher in mortifying Emmerdale scenes
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She explained: “I think I’m being blackmailed.
“I have been posting photos of myself online,” clarifying they were very explicit photos.
“I was so low after Charles. He moved on with Laurel so quickly, I felt rejected.
“It was just a few photos on my socials at first. I kept getting likes – a confidence boost, you know.
Darkest soap storylines
Over the years the likes of EastEnders, Emmerdale and Coronation Street have all tried to try outdo each other with their outlandish plots in a bid to keep us tuning in each week. But here are some of the darkest that had fans in shock…
EastEnders: Tony grooming Whitney (2008-2009) – Tony King first appeared in Albert Square in 2008 as the boyfriend of Bianca, played by Patsy Palmer. But it was quickly revealed he was a paedophile who had been grooming vulnerable Whitney, Bianca’s adopted stepdaughter from a previous relationship, since she was 12. The shocking storyline attracted more than 200 complaints within a week of it beginning. Whitney waited until her 16th birthday to reveal the truth to a horrified Bianca, who called the police.
Emmerdale: Holly’s drug addiction and shock death (2010-2016) – In 2010, Holly Barton (played by Sophie Powles) became Emmerdale’s first teenage drug addict. The shocking storyline saw her taking cocaine on a night out before developing a deadly heroin habit. Parents John and Moira desperately tried to help get their daughter clean but when Holly returned in 2016, following a four-year absence, she quickly relapsed. Fans were left stunned and heartbroken when distraught Moira found Holly dead in her bed from a heroin overdose.
Hollyoaks: Luke’s rape (2000) – Actor Gary Lucy was just 17 when he took on this groundbreaking storyline, which saw his character Luke Morgan become soap’s first male rape victim. Luke had endured a long-running bullying campaign by football rival Mark Gibbs – who raped him after Luke stood up to him. Luke was left suicidal following the brutal attack, before opening up to his brother Adam. Gibbs was sentenced to eight years in prison. Gary won the Best Actor gong at the British Soap Awards in 2000 for his performance.
Coronation Street: Evil Richard Hillman (2001-2003) – Just a mere mention of ‘Richard Hillman’ is enough to send a shiver down the spines of soap fans. He is often ranked one of the most evil soap villains and it’s not hard to see why. The smooth-talking financial adviser bashed his ex-wife Patricia over the head with a shovel. In a bid to keep his mother-in-law Audrey quiet, he set fire to her house. And when Maxine caught him trying to murder Emily Bishop, he took a crowbar to her head. He made his exit from the cobbles in 2003 when he drove Gail Platt, played by Helen Worth, and her family into the canal. They survived, but he didn’t.
“It did wonders for my self esteem, I felt desired.
“Then one of my followers suggested a subscription site, and I know what you’re going to say, but I just felt so validated and it was empowering.
“People judge. It’s not good. Not now someone’s trying to use it against me.”
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