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The Vivienne’s tragic cause of death revealed by family who say Drag Race winner ‘brought sparkle to life’

RuPaul’s Drag Race winner The Vivienne found dead in bathroom after ‘unnatural’ death aged just 32, inquest told
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THE Vivienne’s tragic cause of death has been revealed by the drag legend’s “devastated” family.

James Lee Williams, 32, died from a cardiac arrest caused by the effects of taking the drug Ketamine, their family has said.

The Vivienne died after taking ketamine, family said[/caption]
The TV star died from cardiac arrest caused by the effects of taking the drug[/caption]
Williams won the first season of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK, which aired in 2019
Sister Chanel Williams said her family ‘continue to be completely devastated’[/caption]

The TV star, who won the first series of RuPaul‘s Drag Race UK, was discovered at home near Chester on January 5.

Sister Chanel Williams said her family “continue to be completely devastated” by the tragedy.

She said they will be working with the substance abuse charity Adferiad to raise awareness.

Ms Williams continued: “Ketamine is an extremely dangerous drug that is becoming more and more prevalent in the UK.

“If we can help raise awareness of the dangers of this drug and help people who may be dealing with ketamine addiction then something positive will come from this complete tragedy.”

Simon Jones, The Vivienne’s manager and close friend, added: “I hope by us releasing this information we can raise awareness about the dangers of ongoing ketamine usage and what it can do to your body.”

Donna Chavez, a spokesperson for Adferiad, said: “Their courage in sharing James’ story will help raise vital awareness of the devastating impact substance use can have.

“We are seeing a worrying rise in the number of people using ketamine, often unaware of the serious risks it poses to their physical and mental health.

“By opening conversations and challenging misconceptions, we can help prevent further tragedies and support those in need to find hope and recovery.”

Williams’ family said The Vivienne “brought the sparkle to life” and will be missed “for eternity” during a vigil in Liverpool shortly after the death.

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An inquest previously heard how a post mortem identified an “unnatural” cause of death but further tests were needed.

Cheshire Coroner’s Court was told Williams was identified by their father, Lee Williams.

The inquest was adjourned ahead of a full hearing scheduled for June 30.

Cheshire Police previously confirmed Williams’ death was not being treated as suspicious.

The tragedy was first announced by publicist Simon, who paid tribute to the “incredibly loved, warm-hearted and amazing person”.

He added that Williams would be remembered for their “immense talent” and “the light they brought to every room was astonishing”.

Simon added: “Their family are heartbroken at the loss of their son, brother and uncle.

“They are so proud of the wonderful things James achieved in their life and career.”

Williams won the first season of RuPaul’s Drag Race UK, which aired in 2019.

The Vivienne was commended at the time for raising awareness of substance abuse while appearing on the show.

They bravely told how they sought help for their ketamine addiction.

The drag star went on to compete in an all-winners season of the franchise in the US in 2022 – the only Brit to do so.

Williams also starred on BBC Three show The Vivienne Takes On Hollywood in 2020 and appeared on Channel 4’s Celebrity Hunted For Stand Up To Cancer in 2022.

In 2023, Williams came third place on Dancing on Ice – with judge Oti Mabuse leading tributes to the “phenomenal entertainer” and “trailblazer”.

Presenter Holly Willoughby also shared her heartache at the start of last month’s new series.

She said: “Before we move on, like us, many of you will have been saddened by the tragic news of The Vivienne’s passing last weekend.

“Now they were a huge part of our show, making it all the way to the final in 2023.

“They’ll be very sorely missed and our thoughts are with The Vivienne’s loved ones at this time. So sad.”

RuPaul’s Drag Race judge Michelle Visage also paid tribute to Williams, writing that their death was “heartbreaking”.

Alongside pictures of them together, Visage wrote on Instagram: “We go back to when I started coming over here to the UK.

“You were always there, always laughing, always giving, always on point.

“Your laughter, your wit, your talent, your drag. I loved all of it but I loved your friendship most of all. You were a beacon to so many.

“Seeing you make your West End debut was amazing for me to witness your dream come true right in front of my eyes.

“I’m the lucky one to have known you and to have laughed together with you so many times.”

Williams was born in Wales but moved to Liverpool as a teenager to launch a career as a make up artist.

They met husband David Ludford after moving to Gran Canaria in 2017.

The couple announced their separation in April 2023.

David paid tribute following the tragedy, saying: “My heart literally sank when I got the call.

“Never in a million years did I ever think I’d ever be writing anything like this about James Lee Williams.

“This man changed my life so much from the day we first met in August 2017 in Gran Canaria! We literally clicked straight away and we knew we was going to be together for along time!

“He made me feel love and shown me what it was really like to love someone.

“You will always have a place in my heart. Going to miss you more than people will ever know. Sleep tight angel.”

Ketamine is used by vets as a horse anaesthetic but is misused as a party drug.

Home Office figures seen by The Sun on Sunday show that use of the drug more than doubled in a year, from 10.6 tonnes in 2023 to almost 25 tonnes in 2024.

Williams also starred on BBC Three show The Vivienne Takes On Hollywood in 2020[/caption]
They appeared on Channel 4’s Celebrity Hunted For Stand Up To Cancer in 2022[/caption]
In 2023, Williams came third place on Dancing on Ice[/caption]

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