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Новости за 24.05.2017

Cyprus Mail 

United outclass Ajax to win Europa League

Manchester United’s Paul Pogba and Henrikh Mkhitaryan scored a goal in each half as their team comfortably outclassed Ajax Amsterdam to win an emotional Europa League final 2-0 and qualify for the group stages of the Champions League. A minute’s silence held for the victims of Monday’s suicide bombing at a pop concert inManchester in […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Former co-op official arrested for dodgy loans

Two people were arrested on Wednesday in connection with a money laundering case of almost €10 million by a co-operative credit company. According to police reports, the suspects are a 56-year-old former official of the co-operative and a 65-year-old businessman. The 56-year-old was arrested in connection with offences involving money laundering, theft from directors or […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Footage from peace protest in Nicosia (Video)

Over the past week, the bicommunal group Unite Cyprus NOW has been organising nightly or near-nightly demonstrations at the Ledra Street checkpoint in Nicosia. A small but dedicated number of demonstrators have attended regularly, and tonight were joined by UN Secretary-General Special Advisor on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide.  

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Cyprus Mail 

A story of betrayal: kidnapped Marie’s family speaks out

  The Norwegian man who abducted his four-year-old daughter last month never legally requested contact with her in custody disputes but has always been bent on taking her illegally, the mother’s family said on Wednesday. The events that led to the abduction on April 27 of Marie Eleni Grimsrud, four, by her father, Torkel Grimsrud, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Ten-man Apollon defeat Apoel to win Cyprus Cup

Apollon claimed the Cyprus Cup on Wednesday with a 1-0 win over champions Apoel, retaining the trophy they earned last year. In the headlines last week was Apoel’s Brazilian midfielder Vinicius after signing a contract extension until 2019, but it was his namesake on the other side who would prove to be the protagonist of […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Paphos presentation on benefits of medical cannabis

  A presentation on the use of medical cannabis will be held in Geroskipou in Paphos on Thursday evening. Green party member and Peyia councillor, Linda Leblanc, said she has long been pushing for the presentation to come to Paphos after it was held at various other towns around the island. “I believe that medial […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Smuggled alcohol

Around 400 litres of ethyl alcohol smuggled from northern Cyprus were seized by police on Wednesday after they searched a car on the Pyla-CTO road in Larnaca. The suspect was fined €6,500. He paid part of that amount and was released, but his car was kept by the customs department until the rest of the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Handing over ceremony for remains of Greek soldiers

A formal ceremony to hand over the remains of 17 fallen Greek soldiers from 1974 will take place on Friday in Nicosia. According to an announcement by the commissioner to the presidency, the remains were identified by the use of DNA. Seven cases concern exhumations and identifications taking place in government controlled areas as part […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Barcelona football player Messi loses appeal in tax fraud trial

Spain’s supreme court on Wednesday rejected an appeal by Barcelona star Lionel Messi and stood by a Catalan regional court’s 21-month prison sentence for tax fraud, court documents showed. The five-times World Player of the Year is unlikely to go to prison, however. Messi and his father Jorge were found guilty by a Catalan court last […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Bases officer hospitalised with extensive burns

A Greek Cypriot police officer working for the British bases is still fighting for his life after sustaining burns on more than 80 per cent of his body, the British bases confirmed on Wednesday. The officer, aged 50, was found on Tuesday in a burning vehicle in an open area at the Achna Forest (Dasaki […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Man injured in knife attack

A 23-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday in the Chloraka area for attacking and injuring a 21-year-old with a knife, police said. Paphos police say the fight was a result of personal differences between the two men. According to the doctors, the 21-year-old suffered two injuries, one to his body and one on his elbow. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Green light for Cyprus-Egypt business association

Egypt’s minister of trade and industry has given the green light for its end of a Cyprus-Egypt business association to go ahead even though an agreement to set it up was made in 2001. Aly Basha, commercial counselor at the Egyptian embassy in Nicosia told the Cyprus Mail that he had initiated the move to […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Minister confident Cyprus will avoid EU landfill fine

Agriculture Minister Nicos Kouyialis said on Wednesday that the landfills at Kotsiatis and Vati would soon close thus ensuring the government should avoid being fined by the European Commission over delays in their closure. The commission initiated an infringement proceeding last week against Cyprus after it failed to meet the two-year deadline for closing the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Syrian army says senior Islamic State militant killed

The Syrian army said on Wednesday it had killed Islamic State’s military commander in Syria during operations in the north of the country, where the Russian-backed government forces are seizing more territory back from the jihadist group. If confirmed, this would represent a major blow against Islamic State (IS) ahead of an attack which the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Paphos’ disgraced former mayors stripped of municipal honours

Former Paphos mayors Savvas Vergas and Fidias Sarikas, both found guilty of corruption over the Paphos Sewerage Board (Sapa) scandal, will be stripped of all honours traditionally bestowed upon all former municipal officials, the Paphos municipal council decided on Wednesday. In a statement, the council said it had discussed the issue of the convictions of […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Over a million euros paid in car accident damages

A 40-year-old man received €1.1million in damages earlier this week after a road accident three years ago left him unable to work. his lawyer Marinos Shambartas told the Cyprus Mail on Wednesday the pay-out was one of the largest ever awarded in Cyprus. On January 6, 2014, the man, aged 37 at the time, was […]

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Cyprus Mail 

At least 34 migrants, mostly toddlers, drown off Libya

At least 34 migrants, most of them toddlers, drowned on Wednesday, as coastguard boats and other vessels tried to save hundreds of others packed into boats off the coast of Libya, rescuers said. One of a group of boats listed suddenly, sending about 200 people tumbling into the Mediterranean, Italian Coast Guard commander Cosimo Nicastro told […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Chelsea cancel victory parade after Manchester bomb attack

Chelsea have cancelled a planned victory parade in London on Sunday in light of Monday’s bomb attack in Manchester. Antonio Conte’s side won the Premier League title and could claim the double by winning Saturday’s FA Cup at Wembley. Thousands of fans were expected to turn out for the parade. “In light of these tragic […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Man duped by woman pretending to be president’s secretary

A high-ranking Disy official was the victim of a woman who allegedly tricked him into giving her €22,000 by pretending to be the manager of a high-return investment fund, it was reported on Wednesday. According to the police, the man reported that the suspect, who was remanded for seven days on Tuesday, had also introduced […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Chris Cornell was cremated on Tuesday

The Soundgarden frontman was tragically found dead in his hotel room in Detroit in the early hours of 18 May before his body was transported back to Los Angeles on Sunday (05.21.17). Yesterday, Chris’ brother Peter, his wife Vicky and friends Linda Ramone and J.D. King, gathered at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery to say goodbye […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Online Taxisnet system ready for 2016’s tax returns

The tax department announced on Wednesday that the electronic system Taxisnet is up and running for the submission of income tax forms for 2016. The forms will be accepted electronically until September 30, while any due tax must be paid by June 30. Those wishing to submit their tax form electronically, must first register with […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus Airways announces ticket sales to Tel Aviv and St Petersburg

Cyprus Airways on Wednesday announced the launch of ticket sales for flights from/to Larnaca International Airport to/from Tel Aviv and St Petersburg, the latest addition to the airline’s schedule for this summer. Direct flights to St Petersburg will begin on June 1 and will be offered three times a week. For this destination, Cyprus Airways […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Play never ends at the mall

If you have kids, you will know that the world of Playmobil is one of imagination and endless play. And The Mall of Cyprus in Nicosia is again set to host a Playmobil pop-up playground as of Friday. After the great success of the event last year, supported by Public stores and during which more than […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Risky game culminating in suicide challenge reportedly hits Cyprus

By Stephania Xenophontos A new suicide game, known as the ‘Blue Whale Challenge’, inviting individuals via social media to fulfil risky challenges has emerged in Cyprus, it was reported on Wednesday. According to Phileleftheros, two schoolgirls in Cyprus, who were following instructions, used a sharp object to carve symbols and numbers on their hands. The incident […]

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?

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Сергей Собянин: фонд музея "Царицыно" собрал 61 тыс. произведений искусства

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KP: муж изменял Алсу последние 10 лет

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

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