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Новости за 26.06.2017

Cyprus Mail 

Foreign investments proving vital for growth, says president

  Foreign investments are the safest and most rational means for Cyprus to achieve economic stability and viable growth, President Nicos Anastasiades said on Monday during the International Investment Awards ceremony held at the presidential palace. The awards were organised for the sixth year running by Cipa (Cyprus Investment and Promotion Agency). Anastasiades told guests […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Club owners outraged over illegal competition

Owners of private entertainment clubs’ association (Pasyka) on Monday said they were considering taking legal action against the state over allegations that several of their competitors are operate without licences yet go unpunished. In a press conference, Pasyka’s general secretary Fanos Levendis said discussions so far had reaped no results and the state was breaking […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Fire in Nicosia apartment, no injuries

A fire on the third floor of a Nicosia apartment began on Monday night with four fire-fighting trucks deployed at the scene to fight the flames. According to spokesman for the fire service Andreas Kettis, the fire, in the Kallipoleos area in central Nicosia was contained to the third floor of the apartment building and […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Forest fire warning

With temperatures reaching as high as 40C, Cyprus is now at great risk of forest fires, the forestry department warned on Monday, calling on the public to be cautious. In a statement, it said “the risk of explosion and expansion of forest fires is high,” and in addition to all the preventative fire measures the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Students collapse after smoking synthetic marijuana

Two 16-year-old students collapsed while in school on Monday after smoking synthetic marijuana when they finished their exam. After submitting their papers, the two went to a quieter area on the school grounds where they started smoking bonsai. According to Cybc, the 16-year-old girl then fell to the ground with her hands shaking while mumbling […]

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Cyprus Mail 

New Zealand win America’s Cup with victory over US

New Zealand won the America’s Cup on Monday, almost white-washing the U.S. holders with a revolutionary boat and a new superstar sailor to avenge a humbling defeat four years ago. A dominant Emirates Team New Zealand claimed international sport’s oldest trophy by 7-1 in Bermuda’s Great Sound, with 26-year-old Peter Burling becoming the youngest helmsman […]

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Cyprus Mail 

A festival that makes lot of noise

Yes there are many, many festivals shaking about this summer season but very few will last for a single day but still bring over 25 acts to the stage. The festival with a positive attitude and a love for the island is the Farma Projekt that will bring together acts from Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Germany […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Akel submits accounts for 2016

Main opposition Akel said on Monday that it has submitted to authorities, as required by law since December 2012, its consolidated financial statements for 2016. Their audited accounts were submitted to the Registrar of Political Parties on June 22 of this year. According to a statement, for the year ended December 31, 2016, the party’s […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Woman detained in north over suspected links to Gulen

Authorities in the north have arrested and detained a woman suspected of belonging to ‘Feto’, short for ‘Fetullah terrorist organisation’. According to Turkish Cypriot media, the woman, Emel Adsiz, was arrested over the weekend. She later appeared in a court, which ordered she be remanded in custody for three days. She denies the accusations against […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Search continues after Colombia tourist boat accident (Update)

Rescue workers searched on Monday for as many as 16 people believed to be missing after a tourist boat sank the previous day in a reservoir in north-central Colombia, killing six people. The cause of the accident was still unclear, officials said. Use of the Penol-Guatape reservoir, a popular site for water-sports and tours, was […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Landmark deal signed for Europe’s largest casino 

  The contract for Cyprus’ first integrated casino resort, the only one of its kind in Europe, was signed on Monday in Nicosia between the gaming authority and the Melco Hard Rock consortium and is designed to provide for an investment of €500m, attract an extra 300,000 tourists a year, and to add 4,000 jobs. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Former interior ministry official linked to landfill scam

  Former interior ministry official Yiorgos Koullapis on trial over the Paphos and Koshi landfills overcharging and bribery scandal, appointed himself a member of the ministry’s project review committee even after his secondment to the Interior ministry had ended, the Nicosia criminal court heard on Monday. Taking the stand as a witness for the prosecution, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Justice minister lauds changing face of drug abuse treatment

Police have confiscated four times the amounts of drugs over the past four years compared to previous years, Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou said on Monday in a speech to mark the UN’s international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking. “With the correct evaluation of information, an increase in police checks, in the last four […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Rubbish piles raise health fears in strike-hit Greece

Sacks of rubbish and rotting vegetables piled high on the pavements of Athens’ port of Piraeus on Monday – signs of a mounting labour dispute fast turning into a public health crisis. Pensioner Fotini Papadaki held her nose as she added her own small bag to the mounds. “It’s deplorable, I understand job worries but […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Water cuts in Famagusta area from Tuesday

Water supply in the Famagusta district will be restricted from Tuesday, the Ayia municipality announced on Monday. Officials said there was a problem with the central pipeline running through the Larnaca-Dhekelia road. The municipality said that the cuts on Tuesday would last from 7am to 7pm leaving the whole district with a restricted supply. The […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Crystal Palace appoint Frank de Boer as new manager

– Crystal Palace have appointed former Ajax Amsterdam and Inter Milan coach Frank de Boer as their new manager on a three-year contract, the Premier League club said on Monday. The 47-year-old Dutchman has been out of work since he was sacked by Serie A club Inter in November after winning just five of the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Hitting that taiko drum in Paphos

If the European of Culture Pafos2017 events have shown us anything so far it is that they do not beat to just any drum, they beat to one that connects cultures and builds bridges. Continuing on this theme and making it very clear that the louder the beat of the drum, the greater the effect, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

UN document: it’s not what we agreed, says Anastasiades

  President Nicos Anastasiades on Monday said that the document prepared by UN Special Adviser Espen Barth Eide did not reflect what was agreed with the secretary-general in New York on June 4. The document, referred to as ‘the common document’ was designed to be a starting point for the talks on security and guarantees […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Disy disquiet over House move on Solidarity’s vacant seat

Ruling Disy on Monday censured House president Demetris Syllouris over a bill that would see the Solidarity Party keep a seat that the supreme court said should be vacated following an appeal. “It is really disappointing for the House president himself to recommend legalising practices to defraud the electorate,” Disy MP Nicos Nouris said. Following […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Three unions to strike on Tuesday at the co-op

The members of three unions working at the bailed out Cooperative Central Bank will stage on Tuesday a three-hour warning strike to protest the employer’s refusal to discuss their demands, a union official said. “We have come to this point because dialogue with the employers did not yield anything,” Elysseos Michael, secretary general of the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Italy’s centre-right wins in local elections, in blow to Renzi

Italy’s centre-right parties hammered their centre-left rivals in mayoral elections, official results showed on Monday, putting pressure on the ruling Democratic Party (PD) ahead of a national vote due in less than a year. An alliance of Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia and the anti-immigrant Northern League won 55 per cent of the votes in Genoa, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

British man jailed for firearm offences

A 69-year-old Briton was jailed for 18 months in Paphos on Monday for the illegal possession of firearms. The man, a helicopter instructor in the British military, was arrested in March after police found a loaded pistol and a silencer, a repeating sawed-off shotgun, and a crossbow in his Peyia home. The court said the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Can the oceans solve water scarcity?

By John Lienhard Will the oceans provide the answer to the world’s growing water crisis? When communities face droughts and growing populations, could seawater treatments prove to be sustainable methods to deliver an essential water supply to those who need it? Freshwater is a limited but essential resource. Our renewable supply is rain and snow that […]

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов


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Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

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Сергей Собянин: фонд музея "Царицыно" собрал 61 тыс. произведений искусства

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Музыкальные новости


Bloomberg: Sony Music обсуждает покупку прав на музыку Queen

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Вышел второй подкаст онлайн-лектория «Иннагрика» о возможностях аграрной генетики для молодых исследователей

МегаФон привёз спасателям и пожарным грузовик связи

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России