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Новости за 19.07.2017

Cyprus Mail 

Fire still out of control between Ora and Vavatsinia (Update)

A fire has been raging out of control since 3.30pm in the area of Ora, Larnaca, headed toward Vavatsinia village, the Fire Service announced on Wednesday. According to spokesman Andreas Kettis, the effort to extinguish the blaze has thus far engaged some 20 vehicles – “over thirteen” from the fire service, five from the Forestry […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Refugees urge rethink of decision to open fenced-off Varosha beach

THE Turkish military’s decision to open up part of the beach in occupied Deryneia that falls within the fenced-off area of Varosha, is in violation of UN and European resolutions that call for the return of Famagusta to its rightful owners, the refugee municipality said on Wednesday. In an announcement, the Famagusta municipality condemned “the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Chelsea agree deal to sign Morata from Real Madrid

Chelsea have agreed a deal to sign Real Madrid striker Alvaro Morata, subject to the Spain international agreeing personal terms and passing a medical, the Premier League champions said on Wednesday. The 24-year-old, who had been strongly linked by British media with a move to Manchester United earlier in the transfer window, helped Madrid win […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Charity speaks out against unfriendly Lady’s Mile restaurant

A school for children with special needs in Limassol confirmed on Wednesday the reports of aggressive behaviour by a restaurant owner on the Lady’s Mile strip to a group of its students last week that subsequently caused a furore on social media. According to the head of Apostolos Loukas summer school, Aris Papageorgiou, the incident […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Spokesman satisfied with UNSC commitment to talks

DEPUTY government spokesman Victoras Papadopoulos expressed his satisfaction on Wednesday for the statement of the UN Security Council that it remains committed to support the two sides in their effort to reach a settlement of the Cyprus problem based on UN resolutions. Speaking to state broadcaster CyBC TV, Papadopoulos said that a reflection period will […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Record entries for Stelios awards, conference in October

THE number of applications received for the Sir Stelios Hadji-Ioannou 2017 Bi-Communal Awards in Cyprus has hit a record high, it was announced on Wednesday. At the close of applications, 424 teams made up of 848 people who have applied with a partner from the other community — either Greek Cypriot or Turkish Cypriot — […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Ryanair recruiter to host open day for cabin crew

CREWLINK, an official recruitment and training partner of Ryanair, is holding a recruitment day in Limassol on September 28 for an unlimited number of cabin crew positions on board the European airline. No cabin crew experience is required, while a ‘competitive package’ is on offer to successful companies, Crewlink announced on Wednesday. After the successful […]

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Cyprus Mail 

‘Ecological dangers’ delay EAC solar park plans in Akrotiri

PLANS by the state-owned EAC to build he island’s biggest solar park in the Akrotiri area have stumbled upon objections from the government’s own environment service, saying the construction of the 20 megawatt plant would require extensive tree-cutting and will result in air pollution. An environmental impact report prepared by the Agriculture ministry’s department was […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Rocking festivals on Saturday in Nicosia

Two festivals coming our way on Saturday that bring music centre stage. The first is the second Summer Hop (Hip Hop) Festival that will see hip hop, DJs, MCs, breaking and graffiti artists take on the Exandas Music Stage in Nicosia from 5pm until midnight. The festival will include on the mike MC Iratus and […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Diko cold-calling in hot water, data watchdog also a ‘victim’

DIKO leader Nicolas Papadopoulos’ presidential campaign may find itself in hot water as the office of the Personal Data Commissioner investigates complaints from several citizens who received calls inviting them to attend a protest against the 1974 Turkish invasion on Thursday, at which the presidential hopeful will be the main speaker, it was reported on […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Government makes early partial repayment to IMF

The Public Debt Management Office (PDMO) said that the government made a partial debt repayment earlier this month to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). “The prepayment of the order of €0.3bn reduced the outstanding balance of the loan to €0.7bn,” the PDMO said in a statement on its website. “The prepayment (is) related to tranches […]

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Cyprus Mail 

New US sanctions on Iran ‘violate nuclear accord’

President Hassan Rouhani said on Wednesday new US economic sanctions imposed against Iran contravened the country’s nuclear accord with world powers and he vowed that Tehran would “resist” them, state television reported. The Trump administration slapped the new sanctions on Iran on Tuesday over its ballistic missile programme and said Tehran’s “malign activities” in the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

High Commission goes Potter with online quiz

THE British High Commission in Nicosia is organising an online trivia quiz to mark the 20th anniversary of the publication of the best-seller ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’, JK Rowling’s first book in the popular series, with box office sales of the film topping nearly $1bn. Those who know what the only antidote to […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Germany summons Turkey ambassador to protest activist arrests

Germany has summoned the Turkish ambassador to protest Ankara’s arrest of six human rights activists including a German, a foreign ministry spokesman said on Tuesday. Spokesman Martin Schaefer added during a regular government news conference that Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel had interrupted his summer vacation and returned to Berlin for government consultations. Schaefer said it was […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Nations Cup to be expanded and timing changed: CAF

The African Nations Cup finals are set to be expanded to 24 teams and moved to dates in June and July but will continue to be held every two years after recommendations on the tournament at a symposium in Morocco on Wednesday. The decision must still be ratified by the Confederation of African Football’s executive […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Thai general, politicians held guilty in major trafficking trial

An army general, two provincial politicians and police officers were among the 46 people held guilty on Wednesday by a judge in Thailand‘s biggest human trafficking trial, from a total of 103 defendants, with judgments expected to run late into the day. Some of those found guilty of trafficking were also convicted of taking part in […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Israel, Central European states say better EU-Israel ties needed

The leaders of Hungary and Israel on Wednesday called for improved relations between the EU and Israel, notably in security and technology, in an era defined by terrorism threats and migration. Israeli premier Benjamin Netanyahu and Hungary’s Viktor Orban both said relations should be reassessed as Israel was being criticised in Brussels while playing a stabilising role in the Middle […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Turkey PM tweaks cabinet, keeps economic teams largely in place

Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim announced a limited cabinet reshuffle on Wednesday, keeping the government’s economic management team largely in place and replacing most of the deputy premiers. Speaking to reporters after meeting President Tayyip Erdogan at the presidential palace, Yildirim said that 15 ministers remained in their posts with five new ministers joining the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Queen biopic on the band confirmed to come out soon

The legendary rock band – comprised of Brian May and Roger Taylor, as well as past member John Deacon and the late great Freddie Mercury – have announced that work on the movie is officially underway, with principal photography due to start in September. The movie is to star Rami Malek as Freddie – who […]

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Cyprus Mail 

EU urges Poland to stop judicial changes or face action (Update)

The European Union’s executive called on Poland on Wednesday to put on hold judicial reforms it said would “have a very significant negative impact” on courts’ independence, or face disciplinary action as early as next week. The European Commission’s First Vice-President Frans Timmermans also told a briefing: “These laws considerably increase the systemic threats to the rule […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus makes early payment on IMF loan

Cyprus on Tuesday repaid part of its bailout loan from the International Monetary Fund before the payment was due. The government paid €288m, cutting its debt to the IMF down to €700m, according to data released by the public debt management office. The early repayment took place following the issuance of a seven-year 2.75 per […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Philippines cancels rebel talks after attack on Duterte’s guards

The Philippines on Wednesday canceled talks with Maoist-led rebels due on the weekend in the Netherlands after guerrillas attacked a convoy of President Rodrigo Duterte’s security men, killing a paramilitary guard and wounding six. Duterte was not in the area on the southern island of Mindanao when the clash between the presidential guards and New […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Islamist insurgents clash across Syria’s Idlib

Clashes between rival insurgent groups broke out in Syria’s Idlib region in some of the heaviest fighting between Islamist factions which hold sway in the north-western province, war monitors reported on Wednesday. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Hayat Tahrir al-Sham – a jihadist alliance that includes al Qaeda’s former Syria branch – had […]

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России

103news.com — ежеминутные новости с ежедневным архивом. Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "103 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Не нравится, не хотите слышать — не читайте, читаете — будьте взаимно вежливы и корректны в своих высказываниях. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. 103news.com — обозреватель новостей. Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть —онлайн с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии. 103news.com — живые новости в живом эфире! Быстрый поиск от 123ru.net — это не только возможность первым узнать, но и преимущество сообщить срочные новости мгновенно на любом языке мира и быть услышанным тут же. В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость - здесь.

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» спасает население от борьбы с перенаселением, 3 серия, СЕРЬЁЗНЫЙ НОВОСТНОЙ СЕРИАЛ.

В Японии возмутились тем, что Вьетнам пригласил президента России, чтобы уйти из-под влияния Запада и поддержать Москву

83 пензенских бойца СВО приняли участие в программе «Время Героев»

Глава Дагестана раскритиковал члена СПЧ за его слова о русофобии в республике


Новости фармацевтики в России и в мире


Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

Стоматолог Владимир Лосев: сколько времени нужно носить брекеты

Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?

Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)


Собянин посетил парад кадетского движения «Не прервется связь поколений!»

103news.comмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "103 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. 103news.com — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Музыкальные новости

Игорь Бутман

Концерты оркестра Бутмана посмотрели более 50 миллионов китайцев

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)

VK Fest 2024: Музыка и Развлечения на Открытых Площадках России

Представители KAMA TYRES приняли участие в 57-й легкоатлетической эстафете

Миомир Кецманович

Кецманович отказался от борьбы в игре с Медведевым на "Ролан Гаррос"

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Стоматолог Владимир Лосев: сколько времени нужно носить брекеты

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России