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Новости за 08.08.2017

Cyprus Mail 

Real Madrid see off United to win European Super Cup

Real Madrid beat Manchester United 2-1 to lift the European Super Cup for the fourth time on Tuesday as they became the first team to retain the trophy since AC Milan in 1990. Brazilian midfielder Casemiro struck the opening goal with a left-foot strike midway through the first half while Spain international Isco consolidated Real’s […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Elderly couple hospitalised after gas explosion

An elderly couple was taken to Larnaca general hospital on Tuesday night, the one with injuries, the other with respiratory problems after an explosion in their apartment caused by a gas leak. According to police, the explosion occurred at around 9.05pm at the couple’s Larnaca apartment. Police believe the explosion was due to a gas […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Tourists leaving thousands of traffic fines unpaid

Ayia Napa Mayor Yiannis Karousos called for a change of policy on Tuesday to make sure that tourists are made to pay traffic fines before leaving the island as thousands remain unpaid due to lack of checks. Speaking to state broadcaster CyBC, Karousos said that many tourists, mostly young, who rent motorcycles or quad bikes, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Argentine soccer legend Maradona says he is a ‘soldier’ for Venezuela’s Maduro

With Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro facing criticism from around Latin America and the world amid a deepening political crisis, Argentine soccer legend Diego Maradona said he was willing to fight for the embattled leftist regime. “We are chavistas until death,” Maradona wrote on his official Facebook page on Monday night, using a term to refer […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus leads other EU states for its citizenship scheme

Cyprus ranks 7th out of 12 countries studied in an analysis of citizenship-by-investment programmes by the Financial Times group’s Professional Wealth Management, ahead of Malta, Bulgaria and Austria, the other European Union member states on the list. The research group ranked Dominica as the top jurisdiction in scope of the study, scoring an overall 90 […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Hospital cleaner jailed for putting urine in colleagues’ water

A 57-year-old female former cleaner at the Famagusta state hospital who was caught in 2015 adding urine to her colleagues’ drinking water was sentenced to nine months in prison on Tuesday. The woman was caught red-handed in August 2015 after the hospital’s management installed  a surveillance camera as part of efforts to discover the cause of illness […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Three Turkish families apply for asylum

The three families of Turkish nationals – in total 12 people – who were caught on Monday after attempting to travel with fake documents from Larnaca airport have filed for political asylum, it was reported on Tuesday. Around noon on Monday, three families of Turkish nationals –  six children and six adults – arrived at […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cypriot and Egyptian presidents discuss Cyprus problem and bilateral relations

President Nicos Anastasiades and his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah el-Sisi discussed the Cyprus issue, energy, and bilateral relations during a long telephone conversation on Tuesday, government spokesman Nicos Christodoulides said. In a written statement Christodoulides noted that during the call the two heads of state “exchanged views on regional developments and agreed of the need to undertake […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Eco animations and short films in Paphos

The Akamas Eco Film Festival 2017 in Paphos continues this week, showing films that aim to raise awareness about the planet’s contemporary environmental problems. The remaining films will be shown on Saturday in Peyia and in Kathikas on Sunday. Screenings will begin at 8pm on both days, with a free entrance and Greek and English […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Students learn cooperation at Winpeace

FORTY students aged 15 to 18 from Greece, Turkey and the two communities in Cyprus participated in the 17th Winpeace workshop on peace education, conflict resolution analysis, social entrepreneurship and communication skills which took place from July 22 to 29 at the Technical Educational Institute in Heraklion, Crete. According to a press release, the youngsters […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Venezuela ‘using excessive force, arrests to crush protests’

Venezuelan security forces have systematically wielded excessive force to suppress protests, killing dozens, and have arbitrarily detained 5,000 people since April, including 1,000 still in custody, the United Nations human rights office said on Tuesday. It called on the government of President Nicolas Maduro to rein in security forces and investigate alleged abuses and release […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Policeman who filmed nude sunbathers from helicopter jailed

A former police officer who filmed naked sunbathers and a couple having sex from a helicopter in northern England was sentenced to 12 months in prison on Tuesday. Adrian Pogmore, 50, used a South Yorkshire police helicopter camera to shoot footage of a mother and her daughters sunbathing naked in their garden, naturists at a […]

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Cyprus Mail 

NGO says boat drifting after Italy and Malta refuse access

A Spanish aid group operating in the Mediterranean said on Tuesday one of its boats had been barred by Italy and Malta from disembarking migrants rescued two days ago. Humanitarian groups have played a growing role in rescuing migrants who pay criminal gangs for passage from Libya, prompting accusations in Italy that they are facilitating […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Hotel says it’s not to blame for athletes’ stomach bug

The London hotel at the centre of an outbreak of sickness that has struck down scores of competitors at the World Athletics Championships said on Tuesday it was not the source of the illness. Several Botswana, German, Canadian, Irish and Puerto Rican athletes staying at the Tower Hotel, near Tower Bridge, have been taken ill […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Football fan given three-year match ban

A 37-year-old man has been banned from attending football matches for three years by the Larnaca district court on Tuesday. The football fan broke his leg when he tried to enter the football field during the Ael – Austria Wien match in Larnaca on August 2. About 37 minutes into the Europa league match at […]

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Cyprus Mail 

French farmer gets suspended jail term for aiding migrants

A French farmer who helped hundreds of illegal African migrants was handed a four-month suspended jail sentence on Tuesday, but he said he would challenge the “over the top” ruling because he was doing a job that the state should be doing. Cedric Herrou, an olive farmer who says he aided and lodged as many […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Kids glued to phones could save UK, ex-spy chief says

Parents who think they are being responsible by limiting their children’s time online should think again: they could be putting their kids and Britain’s security at a disadvantage, according to a former British spy chief. “If you appear to be spending your holiday unsuccessfully attempting to separate your children from Wi-Fi or their digital devices, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Plastic money transactions up 16% in July, JCC says

The value of transactions completed with plastic money rose 16 per cent in July to €250.4m compared with the respective month of 2016, JCC Payment Systems said. From January to July, the value of transactions with cards rose an annual 13 per cent to over €1.5bn, the electronic payment processing company said in an emailed […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Expat UK Cypriots protest ‘TRNC’ tourist promotion

The National Federation of Cypriots in the UK has written letters to the Sunday Telegraph and the MailOnline, which promoted holidays in the Turkish-held area of Cyprus, it announced on Tuesday. In a statement, the federation, which described itself as the umbrella organisation representing Cypriot community associations and groups across the UK, said that “the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Harmonised inflation seen at 0.1% in July, Cystat says

The harmonised consumer price index fell an annual 0.1 per cent in July as cheaper food and beverages and other industrial products offset the impact of higher energy prices, the statistical service said. From January to July, the harmonised annual inflation rate was 1 per cent, Cystat said in a statement on its website on […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Line up for 2017 VMAs released

The flame-haired star is expected to sing a song from his recent chart-topping album ‘Divide’ when he takes to the stage at the Forum in Los Angeles on August 27, where Lorde, 30 Seconds to Mars and Shawn Mendes will also play. Katy Perry and The Weeknd are also set to perform on the night, […]

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

В Москве пырнули ножом охранника «ВкусВилла», помешавшего украсть 3 пачки суши

Дерматолог Егорова объяснила, почему SPF-крем может вызвать сыпь

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» спасает население от борьбы с перенаселением, 5 серия, СЕРЬЁЗНЫЙ НОВОСТНОЙ СЕРИАЛ.

Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов


«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» спасает население от борьбы с перенаселением, 5 серия, СЕРЬЁЗНЫЙ НОВОСТНОЙ СЕРИАЛ.


Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)

Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?

Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”


Пожарной охране Москвы исполнилось 220 лет — Сергей Собянин

103news.comмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "103 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. 103news.com — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Музыкальные новости


KP: муж изменял Алсу последние 10 лет

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

На ВДНХ пройдет Удмуртский национальный праздник Гербер

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‘Please don’t play that at matches next season’, beg Luton fans after Coldplay reveal new song for Hatters at festival

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России