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Новости за 14.02.2018

Cyprus Mail 

Shooter at large after gunfire at Florida high school

A person opened fire at a Florida high school on Wednesday afternoon, injuring multiple people and sending hundreds of students fleeing into streets as law enforcement officers searched for a shooter who remained at large. Shortly before students were to be dismissed for the day, the sound of gunfire ripped through the air, school officials […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Alarm sounded over Chechnya’s role in World Cup

Human Rights Watch has said world football’s governing body must tackle rights abuses in Russia’s Chechnya region now that one of the teams in this year’s World Cup in Russia has chosen Chechnya as the location for its base camp. Rights groups and Western governments allege that the authorities in Chechnya repress their political opponents, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Transparency International ditches Cypriot branch in money laundering spat

By Stelios Orphanides The non-governmental organisation (NGO) Transparency International has denied official membership status to its Cypriot branch due to fundamental disagreements regarding anti-money laundering work, prompting anger from members in Cyprus. “The affiliation of Transparency International Cyprus was ended in August,” said Stan Cutzach, member of the ethics and governance committee of Transparency International in an emailed statement. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Vast majority of Cypriot students financially illiterate  

Only six per cent of a sample of 880 Cypriot students were able to respond successfully to a questionnaire put to them as part of a study on financial literacy carried out by the Technological University Tepak, it was announced on Wednesday. The study concluded that financial illiteracy was a problem among students in Cyprus […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Artistic look at our collective identity

Ten artists will join forces on Friday at the Nicosia Municipal Arts Centre for the opening of their group exhibition entitled The Presence of Absence, or the Catastrophe Theory. The artists from Albania, Greece, Turkey and Cyprus, along with a British artist of Turkish Cypriot origins will present videos, photographs and installations. These works will […]

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Cyprus Mail 

N.Ireland talks falter as DUP calls on London to step in

There is no prospect of Northern Ireland’s main parties agreeing to restore devolved government, the leader of the largest unionist party said on Wednesday, calling on Britain to take further financial control of the region. The British province has been without a devolved executive for over a year since Irish nationalists Sinn Fein withdrew from […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Woods signals days of being warm and cuddly Tiger over

It will be no more mister nice guy when Tiger Woods tees up at the Genesis Open starting at Riviera on Thursday, the 14-time major champion said. After spending the past couple of years more a calm and cuddly mentor than a ruthless competitor as he dealt with a potentially career-ending back injury, Woods is […]

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Cyprus Mail 

South African police raid Gupta home, ANC to sack Zuma via parliament

South Africa’s ANC unveiled plans on Wednesday to sack President Jacob Zuma via a parliamentary no-confidence vote, hours after armed police raided the luxury home of his friends, the Gupta brothers, as part of an anti-corruption investigation. In his first response to an avalanche of pressure from the African National Congress (ANC) for him to quit, Zuma – who […]

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Cyprus Mail 

F1 to offer supercar rides with stars

Formula One fans will have the chance to be driven around race circuits in supercars this season by the likes of McLaren’s double world champion Fernando Alonso and Red Bull’s Max Verstappen. The ‘Pirelli hot laps’ programme, announced on Wednesday, will start at the Bahrain Grand Prix in early April and feature at nine other […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Police publish photos of murder suspects

Police on Wednesday published photos of three individuals wanted in connection with the murder of 47-year-old Ernest Leonides in Limassol last week. Four people have been arrested so far and police are searching for six more suspects: a 29-year-old Russian, Sergo Aslanishvili, 28, a 57-year-old Greek national of Georgian extraction who was having lunch with […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Clampdown coming on cash payments of €10,000 and over

By Evie Andreou The House legal affairs committee on Wednesday launched discussions on setting a €10,000-ceiling for the cash purchase of vehicles, precious stones and metals, works of art and antiques. The ban on cash sales for items more than €10,000 is aimed at harmonising national legislation with the EU Directive on restrictions on payments […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Bus driver finds and returns elderly passenger’s life savings

Because of the honesty of an Osel bus driver an elderly man still has his life savings of €10,000. According to daily Phileleftheros driver Costas Tanos, a 54-year-old resident of Lakatamia, Nicosia, had completed route 200 from the Arediou bus station in Nicosia to the general hospital and Makarios stadium and was about to have […]

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Cyprus Mail 

SSM’s Nouy says banks need to take more action to tackle NPLs

By Stelios Orphanides Cypriot banks need to do more to tackle non-performing loans after already making “commendable” efforts and achieving “measurable progress” in recent years, a Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) official said. Despite the efforts made and the progress they achieved, “additional and persistent efforts are still required to ensure further progress in the reduction […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Fitch: Strong growth, election result should ‘underpin’ improving finances

Strong economic growth in Cyprus and the expectation of policy continuity after the outcome of the recent presidential elections “should underpin” improving public finances, Fitch Ratings believes, adding however that very weak asset quality in the banking sector remains a risk to recovery. In a commentary on Cyprus, the international rating agency also notes that […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Seven years for man who sexually abused stepdaughter  

  A 36-year-old man was jailed for seven years on Wednesday for sexually abusing his stepdaughter. Nicosia criminal court found him guilty on a total of 22 charges, 11 for sexual abuse and 11 for indecent assault over incidents which took place in 2016. The girl was aged between 12 and 13 at the time. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Explore Malta with special fares by Emirates

Take advantage of the special fares until the end of March   With more than 300 sunny days a year and surrounded by clear blue waters, Malta is the ultimate destination for a long weekend. Should you want to take a short break for your daily routine now is the best time to book you […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Achna council puts off decision on crocodile park

The Achna community council has put off to a decision regarding the opening of a crocodile park in the district. “The community council decided unanimously to ask the head of district administration in Famagusta, Giorgos Chrysafinis, to convene a meeting of all the relevant state services, in the presence of the company that wants to […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Boris keeps hard Brexit stance in speech aimed at mending fences

Britain’s foreign minister Boris Johnson showed little sign on Wednesday of softening his tough stance on Brexit in a speech billed as aiming to soothe concerns among voters about the economic impact of leaving the European Union. Johnson is among those pushing for a harder Brexit which would move Britain away from EU rules and allow it to sign […]

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Cyprus Mail 

N. Korean cheerleaders caught off guard by fake Kim Jong Un

A group of North Korean cheerleaders were briefly wowed by the apparent, sudden arrival of their leader, Kim Jong Un, at a Winter Olympics ice hockey game on Wednesday. Some cheerleaders immediately averted their gaze as the impersonator, who later only identified himself as Howard, smiled and waved to crowds who came to watch a unified Korean team […]

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Cyprus Mail 

READ by MTN digital library strengthens digital education by providing tablets to Rizokarpaso’s students

Tens of students from schools in occupied Rizokarpaso were received by the Commissioner of Humanitarian Affairs and Overseas Cypriots, Mr. Fotis Fotiou at the Ministry of Finance on December 20th, 2017. Mr. Fotiou distributed 45 tablets to the students for their school needs, a contribution of the digital library READ by MTN.   The event […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Economy expands by 4 per cent

By Stelios Orphanides Cyprus’s economy expanded 4 per cent in the fourth quarter of 2017 compared to the respective three-month period last year, the statistical service Cystat said citing a flash estimate. The fourth quarter economic output expanded a seasonally adjusted 3.9 per cent, Cystat said in a statement on its website. Compared to July […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Makarios hospital cleaners to stage 12-hour strike

Hourly-paid cleaners at Nicosia’s Archbishop Makarios III hospital will stage a 12-hour strike on Thursday, from 6.15am. They said they were protesting against the many problems they face at the hospital, which have, according to their unions, not been resolved. Trade unions Oekdy Sek and Pasyek Peo announced the decision on the work stoppage was […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Co-op Bank seeks listing on Irish Stock Exchange

By Stelios Orphanides The Cyprus Cooperative Bank (CCB) said that it will issue covered bonds of €1bn or more through Barclays Capital in an attempt to have its share listed on the Irish Stock Exchange (ISE) in Dublin. The bank’s head of strategy and communication Yiannos Stavrinides said that the decision to seek a listing […]

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

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Новости России

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» легально изготавливает армии и спецслужбы. 6 серия. СЕРЬЁЗНЫЙ НОВОСТНОЙ СЕРИАЛ.

Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

Ефимов: лыжный трамплин на Воробьевых горах достроят в 2025 году

Пожар в здании в Замоскворечье ликвидирован


Книжные новинки, лаборатория текста и иллюстраций — ждут гостей Московского детского фестиваля искусств «НЕБО»


Книжные новинки, лаборатория текста и иллюстраций — ждут гостей Московского детского фестиваля искусств «НЕБО»

Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов

Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)

Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?


Сергей Собянин посетил фестиваль «Москва — на волне. Рыбная неделя»

103news.comмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "103 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. 103news.com — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Музыкальные новости


В Ростове из-за двух концертов Басты перекроют улицу Левобережную

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

МегаФон привёз спасателям и пожарным грузовик связи

Представители KAMA TYRES приняли участие в 57-й легкоатлетической эстафете

Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)

Даниил Медведев

Медведев на отказе серба Кецмановича вышел в третий круг «Ролан Гаррос»

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Путин и Лукашенко обсудили по телефону предстоящий саммит ШОС

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России