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Новости за 27.04.2018

Cyprus Mail 

UK Labour MP pessimistic about Cyprus problem solution

Prospects on finding a solution to the Cyprus problem appear to be grim at the moment, a British Labour MP said on Friday. At a meeting at Akel’s headquarters with leader Andros Kyprianou, Labour MP Fabian Hamilton said the picture appears quite pessimistic right now and that President Nicos Anastasiades does not appear to be […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Man arrested for Aglandjia murder

A 29-year-old man was arrested on Friday in connection with the death and robbery of an 80-year-old woman in Nicosia earlier this week. Andriani Vanezi, a retired school teacher, was found dead, bound and gagged in her Aglandjia home on Monday in a case which police are treating a pre-meditated murder. About €500 was reported […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Russia ran US election interference, no Trump collusion

Russia ran an information warfare campaign to disrupt the 2016 U.S. presidential election, but there is no evidence that President Donald Trump’s campaign colluded with Moscow, Republicans on a congressional panel said in a report released on Friday. The findings of majority Republicans on the U.S. House of Representatives Intelligence Committee were immediately challenged by […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Man jailed for attacking ex-girlfriend

A 23-year-old man from Limassol was sentenced to 15 months in prison for robbing, abducting and attacking his former girlfriend. The decision was taken by the Paphos criminal court over the incident which took place in November 2017 in Paphos. His girlfriend, 29, had initially also accused him of rape but the charge was later […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Murder hearing postponed on paperwork glitch

A 42-year-old man accused of beating his mother to death earlier this year did not have his charges read out to him in court on Friday as he has failed to cooperate with authorities regarding paperwork. During the session at Limassol district court the man was told he had one more chance to give evidence […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Madrid removes Franco-era place names of streets

Workmen in Madrid removed street signs bearing names connected to the rule of Spanish dictator Francisco Franco on Friday despite opposition from some in Spain who believe his legacy should be preserved. Madrid’s city council said some 49 streets would be renamed over the coming days. The process has been fraught with legal disputes in […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Dance steps lead us to the mall

As the heat rises and we seek coolness, it is either the beach or the mall that draws. But this Sunday the Mall of Cyprus will be turning up the beat in celebration of International Dance Day. The Mall of Cyprus and G3 Great Games – the official representatives of the video game Just Dance in […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Limassol road death caused by heart attack

A 69-year-old woman who died after her vehicle fell into a ditch in Limassol died of a heart attack, a post mortem revealed on Friday. Theodora Alexandrou had been driving in Moni on Thursday when at around noon her vehicle fell into a 15m ditch. Her cause of death has been attributed to a heart […]

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Cyprus Mail 

US presses Turkey on S-400 missiles purchase from Russia

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Friday warned of the “seriousness of U.S. concerns” in a meeting with his Turkish counterpart in Brussels over Ankara’s decision to buy Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile batteries, which are not compatible with NATO’s defenses. “The secretary underscored the seriousness of US concerns …if they go ahead,” a senior […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Two more suspects arrested in double murder (Update 2)

A further two suspects were arrested on Friday night in connection to the double murder which shocked the island, while police found the murder weapon used to stab a couple in their Nicosia home last week. A 33-year-old suspect who was remanded for eight days a day earlier was questioned for several hours on Friday […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Murdered couple’s son interviewed by police (Updated)

The 15-year-old son of a couple murdered in their home was interviewed by police on Friday, as the family’s lawyer expressed certainty that the boy was not in any way involved in the crime. The boy, who was in the house the night his parents were brutally killed, went to the Nicosia CID in the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Education minister takes children’s woes on board

Education Minister Costas Hambiaouris appeared troubled on Friday after pupils in Limassol told him they were unhappy because of the amount of homework they were given and the need to take private lessons. The minister took a tour of schools in Limassol and heard about the problems pupils in gymnasiums and lyceums face on a […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Russia and Cyprus foreign ministers call for abolition of guarantee system

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Friday said the guarantee system was anachronistic and inconsistent with the modern era, and Cyprus’ sovereignty and territorial integrity could be derived from the UN Security Council itself. Lavrov was speaking after a meeting with his Cypriot counterpart Nicos Christodoulides in Moscow. The reference was to the fact that […]

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Cyprus Mail 

New CIPA manager starts work soon

The new general manager of the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (CIPA) Giorgos Kampanellas will start his new job before the end of May, the agency said. Kampanellas replaces Natassa Pilidou, who was appointed Deputy Minister of Shipping. Interest in the CIPA position was keen, with more than 200 CVs being submitted. The selected candidates took […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Collaboration of Cyprus Airways and Louis Aviation Ltd for air cargo services

Larnaca, Cyprus – Cyprus Airways in collaboration with Louis Aviation Ltd offer air cargo transportation services to Cyprus Airways network. The company accepts for carriage general cargo, mail, special shipments (agricultural products, live animals, etc.) and dangerous goods (DGR) (in accordance with IATA rules and regulations). For complete information about special shipments, rates, packaging and […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Workplace accidents have soared since crisis

The number of industrial accidents has risen 34.6 per cent since the economic crisis in 2013 with companies cutting corners to save on costs, it was revealed on Friday. The news came only days after the association of insurance companies said most workplaces on the island were not insured and that injured workers were forced […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Skopje expects to get date to start EU membership talks soon

Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) expects to secure a date soon to start membership talks with the European Union and will step up its efforts to implement the reforms needed to join, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev said on Friday. FYROM won its candidacy status in 2005, but the accession talks remain blocked by Greece […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Illegal pesticides being used in Larnaca

A total of three fields of tomatoes were found to have been treated with illegal pesticides in the Larnaca area, just days after a number of contaminated strawberries were detected by the agriculture department. The agriculture ministry is now debating what measures to take. “We will definitely do something, but it is too early to […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Authorities donate to Christodoula March

President Anastasiades, the Archbishopric and political parties all donated to the 43rd Christodoula March against cancer, which takes place on Sunday. The march is a symbolic walk of about 4km through various cities and towns held in memory of Christodoula, a cancer patient who died alone and helpless under an orange tree in the village […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Iniesta to leave Barcelona at the end of the season

Barcelona captain Andres Iniesta said on Friday he will leave the club at the end of the season. Iniesta has spent all of his senior career at Barcelona and is their most decorated player ever along with Lionel Messi, having lifted 31 trophies, which is soon to be 32 if Barca clinch the Liga title […]

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Cyprus Mail 

News podcast: water shortage in Cyprus

The Cyprus News Digest, in collaboration with the Cyprus Mail brings you an in-depth analysis of some of the latest developments in international and local news – in audio form. Presented by Rosie Charalambous, this week: Farmers are advised not to plant new crops due to a water shortage; the choreography of cross-cultural negotiations – […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Electricity charges to rise

The electricity authority (EAC) said on Friday it is raising public service obligation (PSO) charges, which are used to subsidise power for vulnerable groups. As of May 1, the PSO charge will be 0.083 cent per kWh from 0.065 cent per kWh. The aim is the implementation of a reduced price for vulnerable groups of […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Royal baby named Prince Louis Arthur Charles

Britain’s Prince William and his wife Kate have named their newborn son Louis Arthur Charles, who will be known as His Royal Highness Prince Louis of Cambridge, Kensington Palace said on Friday. The prince, who is fifth in line to the British throne, was born at 1001 GMT on April 23 weighing 8 lbs 7oz. […]

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Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)

Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов


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Музыкальные новости

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Виктор Астафьев, Булат Окуджава, Юлия Друнина, Борис Васильев – 100-летие литераторов-фронтовиков отметили в Стамбуле

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

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Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)

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