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Новости за 30.07.2018

Cyprus Mail 

Tsipras meets survivors in Mati as families mourn dead

  By Costas Pitas and Renee Maltezou Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras met survivors of a wildfire that killed at least 91 people during his first visit to the town of Mati on Monday, as rescue teams kept recovering bodies and families mourned their dead. The country’s deadliest fire began a week ago in the coastal resort, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Petition to keep printmaking school open after access barred

  THE founder and owner of the Hambis printmaking school in Platanistia village in the Limassol district launched a petition on Monday calling on the government to open the access road to his school, blocked by the village’s community leader last week over a land dispute. Hambis Tsangaris, in his petition to the government, launched […]

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Cyprus Mail 

A cultural heritage to be proud of

Get closer to Cypriot culture at the third Agricultural Festival in Limassol from August 3-5. The festival, which is organised by the Cyprus Agricultural Payments Organisation, aims at bringing locals and tourists together to find out about agriculture on our island by talking to representatives of a number of local companies. These companies, such as […]

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Cyprus Mail 

There is a new sound in town

Who said that nothing happens in August? Who ever it was didn’t know the pure energy and drive of our local bands. There many musical events on during our most relaxing month of the year, but one stands out for its sheer originality. Local band Trio Frisson will present a new, original hip-hop-oriented live set, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Spain to invest €35m in initial costs of migrant influx

Spain aims to invest €30m in an emergency plan to manage its new status as the main destination for seaborne migration from Africa, the government said. During two months in office, Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez has asserted his liberal credentials by offering to receive hundreds of migrants rescued in the Mediterranean, as the European […]

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Cyprus Mail 

President briefs leaders on talks with UN envoy

The Greek Cypriot side is waiting for the UN secretary-general to take the initiative to restart settlement talks where they left off, government spokesman Prodromos Prodromou said on Monday. He was speaking after President Nicos Anastasiades met with party leaders and former presidents to brief them about his meeting last week with the UN secretary-general’s […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Roadworks on Paphos-Limassol highway

The public works department announced that two lanes of the Limassol to Paphos motorway will be closed for several hours on Tuesday due to road works. The department said lighting maintenance will be carried out between 8am and 1pm between the Konia village roundabout and Aphrodite’s Rock (Petra tou Romiou), around 50km, including the exits. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Police searching for two men

Police announced on Monday that they are seeking two men wanted for two separate offences. Hussain Hajaleh, a 19-year-old, who was associated with a case of burglary, escaped from mandatory hospitalisation in Athalassa Hospital on July 29. He is 1,75 metres tall, has short hair, a beard, and is wearing a white flannel shirt with […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Sin-bins mandatory in grassroots leagues from 2019

English football will continue its trials of temporary dismissals across 31 grassroots leagues in the new season before making ‘sin-bins’ mandatory for all leagues at Step Seven and below from 2019-20, the Football Association (FA) said on Monday. Sin-bins were introduced in select divisions in England’s Step Seven – the lowest tier of the National […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Safety checklist issued for residents near Larnaca fuel depots

By Lizzy Ioannidou Larnaca municipality has created a website to inform residents living near oil company facilities along the Larnaca-Dhekelia road about safety and response measures in the event of an accident, following concerns raised by the residents. The website, www.seveso.lca.com.cy, states that the guidelines “are intended to inform those local residents who would be […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Man City’s Mahrez cleared to resume training after knock

Manchester City forward Riyad Mahrez has been cleared to return to training this week following an ankle knock sustained in Saturday’s 3-2 win over Bayern Munich in the United States. Mahrez, who joined the Premier League champions on a five-year contract earlier this month, was substituted after a tough tackle by Bayern defender Chris Richards […]

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Cyprus Mail 

School in Larnaca spearheads campaign to stop plastic straws

Special school Ayios Spyridonas in Larnaca is at the forefront of a new initiative, starting in September, to put an end to the use of plastic straws. The initiative intends to replace the conventional plastic straws in the area with biodegradable ones in schools, restaurants, cafes, hotels and houses by the end of 2020. Presenting […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Police target back seat passengers in seatbelt campaign

By Christophe Hadjigeorgiou The authorities launched an islandwide seatbelt and car seat campaign on Monday to prevent and reduce traffic accidents and fatalities. The campaign runs until August 5. The recent deaths of three children, a five-year-old girl and two 11-year-old girls who were not wearing seatbelts, have prompted police to carry out increased checks. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Protaras’ Konnos bay a fire hazard, says mayor

By Lizzy Ioannidou Konnos bay in Protaras was declared a fire hazard by Paralimni mayor Theodoros Pyrillis on Monday because It has only a single entrance and exit route which could trap visitors if a fire broke out. He said it was an area of high risk because of the dense vegetation surrounding it and […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Neymar admits ‘exaggerated’ reactions at World Cup

Ridiculed the world over for faking and diving during a disappointing World Cup campaign in Russia, Brazilian forward Neymar has admitted to “exaggerated” reactions saying he is still learning to deal with frustration. In a 90-second video made for his sponsor Gillette and published on social media accounts and Brazilian television, Neymar sought to win […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Scientists to use ‘reprogrammed’ stem cells to fight Parkinson’s

Japanese scientists said on Monday they will start clinical trials next month on a treatment for Parkinson’s disease, transplanting “reprogrammed” stem cells into brains, seeking a breakthrough in treating the neurodegenerative disorder. Parkinson’s is caused by a lack of dopamine made by brain cells and researchers have long hoped to use stem cells to restore […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Mugabe votes in first election since being ousted

Former president Robert Mugabe, 94, cast his vote in a Harare township on Monday in Zimbabwe‘s first election that does not include his name on the ballot paper. A frail Mugabe, accompanied by his wife, Grace, shuffled into the polling booth and spent several minutes filling in his ballot paper with the help of an assistant. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Concert and radiomarathon organised in aid of Greece

By Kristian Chrysostomou Cyprus’ efforts to help Greece deal with the after-effects of last week’s devastating fire continue this week with a free concert in Nicosia on Tuesday headlined by Anna Vissi and Antonis Remos. The concert at the Nicosia municipal park, organised by ‘Hope for Children’, will take place on July 31 between 5pm […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Arrested for attempted robbery

A 34-year-old man was arrested in Paphos on Sunday for breaking and entering a mini market with the intent to steal. Police said the store was closed but the owner of the mini market saw the perpetrator entering his property. The suspect was arrested.

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Cyprus Mail 

Government produces €327m surplus in H1

The government generated a fiscal surplus of €3269m on a cash basis in the first half of the year compared to a surplus of €64.5m the year before, the finance ministry said. The increased surplus was mainly on a €208m increase in revenue in January to June and a €9m reduction in spending to over […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Strovolos binmen strike comes to temporary end

After a strike by dustmen which lasted from Thursday until Monday morning, the Strovolos municipality at noon reached an agreement with the unions, ending the work stoppage for now. According to an announcement by the municipality, the strike is over with immediate effect and the workers have agreed to collect the rubbish that has accumulated […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Love goes hand-in-hand with jealousy

The Russian Ballet Moscow, in collaboration with the Italian Ballet Company, will present two performances of the ballet Solomon and Sulamith this week in Paphos and Limassol. The ballet, based on a story by Russian writer Alexander Kuprin, is a tale of love, jealousy and deceit set in the Kingdom of Solomon. The performance, which […]

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Cyprus Mail 

CCB to pay a further €2 million in interest calculation error

The state-owned Cyprus Cooperative Bank (CCB) will pay up to €2 million to rectify an initial correction made to customer accounts that were overcharged due to a mistake in interest rate calculation concerning customer loans for the period of 2008-2013, Financial Ombudsman Pavlos Ioannou said. Speaking to the Cypus News Agency, Ioannou said the new […]

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Космонавту из Новосибирска Анне Кикиной вручили «Золотую Звезду» Героя России

"СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН" раскрыл загадку В.В. Жириновского и В.Г. Мессинга. СЕНСАЦИОННЫЕ ДАННЫЕ!




Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов


Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?

Всеармянский союз «Гардман-Ширван-Нахиджеван» осуждает лживое заявление президента Азербайджана Алиева

Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов


Сергей Собянин назвал победителей конкурса «Педагоги года Москвы»

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Музыкальные новости

Игорь Бутман

Бутман: Путин продолжает играть в хоккей для поддержания спортивной формы

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)

Волонтеры Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге вносят свой вклад в развитие и повышение доступности спорта для граждан

Представители KAMA TYRES приняли участие в 57-й легкоатлетической эстафете

Надежда Петрова

Теннисистка Петрова: Карацеву не хватает игровой уверенности

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«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» легально изготавливает армии и спецслужбы. 6 серия. СЕРЬЁЗНЫЙ НОВОСТНОЙ СЕРИАЛ.

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России