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Новости за 04.09.2018

Cyprus Mail 

Industrial prices rise in July

Industrial producer prices in Cyprus rose by 1.9 per cent in July 2018, compared to the previous month, according to figures released by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. By comparison, the index grew by 0.4 per cent in the euro area (EA19), and by 0.3 per cent in the EU28. In July […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Plans needed to get refugees to new medical centres

MPs stressed on Tuesday the importance of providing appropriate transport services should medical centres currently operating in refugee estates be closed down. The House refugee committee discussed the logistics of creating central medical centres as part of the national health scheme (Gesy), which is expected to be operational as of next year. “The medical centres […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Trump wanted Syrian president assassinated, new book says

President Donald Trump wanted to have Syrian President Bashar al-Assad assassinated last year but his defense secretary ignored the request, according to a new book that depicts top Trump aides sometimes sidestepping instructions to limit what they see as his damaging and dangerous behavior. Excerpts from the book, entitled “Fear” and written by famed Watergate […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Eurobank generates €24.1m profit in H1

Eurobank Cyprus Ltd, the Cypriot subsidiary of Greece’s Eurobank, generated an after-tax profit of €24.1m in the first half of the year compared to a €41.1m profit in the entire financial year 2017, the bank said on Tuesday. The bank’s pre-tax profit in the first six months of the year was €29.7m compared to €51.6m […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Holder Stephens beaten in US Open quarter-finals

Defending U.S. Open champion Sloane Stephens crashed to defeat in the quarter-finals, losing 6-2 6-3 to Latvian 19th seed Anastasija Sevastova on Tuesday. American Stephens lacked the swagger she showed through the opening four rounds and wilted on the sun-baked Arthur Ashe Stadium court against Sevastova, who became the first Latvian woman to reach the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Hellenic Bank ready to help fix mess caused by Co-op setoff

Hellenic Bank said on Tuesday that while it had no involvement in the reconciliation of loans and deposits at accounts at the Co-op it is ready to help affected customers by immediately opening new accounts. “Hellenic Bank has become the recipient of complaints by customers of the former Cyprus Cooperative Bank concerning the setoff of […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Nike suffers backlash over Kaepernick advertising campaign

Protesters on social media called for people to burn their Nike sneakers and boycott the sporting goods maker after it chose former San Francisco quarterback Colin Kaepernick, the first NFL player to kneel during the national anthem as a protest against racism, to participate in a new ad campaign. Shares in the Beaverton, Oregon-based Nike […]

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Cyprus Mail 

French foreign minister to visit

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian will be in Cyprus on Friday for a working visit that will include meetings with the president and the UN. According to the Cyprus News Agency, Le Drian will have talks with Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides and head of Unficyp Elizabeth Spehar. The French diplomat will also meet the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Voice and music take us to a world of myth

This coming Thursday the Phaneromeni arts festival will go on a melodious voyage into the cultural heritage of Greece and Cyprus on the wings of musical concert Journey to the Myths and Legends. Through the medium of lyrical singing, a broad group of talented performers and musicians will show how tradition and mythology has inspired […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Spain confirms it has halted sale of bombs to Saudi Arabia

Spain has halted the sale of a shipment of bombs to Saudi Arabia amid concerns about their use in the conflict in Yemen, the Spanish Defence Ministry said on Tuesday. Amnesty International and other human rights groups have denounced Western arms sales to Saudi Arabia and its allies in a war which the United Nations […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Government gives in to some teacher demands (updated)

With just days left to the start of the new school year, the government on Tuesday recoiled from a confrontation with state teachers, conceding a number of their demands relating to mandatory teaching hours. At the same time, teachers were vowing to fight on for their labour rights, which they say are under assault by […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Government gives in to some teacher demands

With just days left to the start of the new school year, the government on Tuesday recoiled from a confrontation with state teachers, conceding a number of their demands relating to mandatory teaching hours. At the same time, teachers were vowing to fight on for their labour rights, which they say are under assault by […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Patients complain of overcharging at Nicosia hospital canteen

The canteen of the Nicosia general hospital charges outrageously high prices and is situated in an inappropriate location next to the entrance, the federation of organised patients said on Tuesday. The canteen, which is the only easily accessible option for those at the hospital, has been left unchecked by the health ministry, giving rise to […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Germany seeks to curb internet giants’ dominance

Germany, seeking to rein in internet giants like Google and Facebook, plans to bolster the powers of its competition watchdog to prevent such companies from becoming monopolies even before they achieve scale. The initiative, announced on Tuesday, could include blocking big players from taking over smaller rivals and follows up on a pledge by Chancellor […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus-based drug dealer sentenced by UK court

A Cyprus-based dealer and his mother, who ran a £300,000 drug ring from the UK, were jailed for eight and three and a half years, respectively, reports said on Tuesday. According to the BBC, George Pikounis, 29, had set up a crack cocaine and heroin supply line from London to Plymouth and then moved to […]

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Cyprus Mail 

AfD overtakes German Social Democrats

Germany’s far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) has overtaken the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD), a poll showed on Tuesday, days after some of the most violent protests by radical right-wingers the country has seen in decades. Some 6,000 supporters of the AfD and anti-Islam PEGIDA joined protests in the eastern city of Chemnitz on Saturday following […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Remands after thieves go through car park

Two men who were arrested in connection with damaging cars and stealing from them in Paphos were remanded for six days on Tuesday to facilitate further investigations. The suspects were spotted moving around suspiciously in a parking place in the Coral Bay area by an off-duty police officer. He reportedly watched their car stopping next […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Parole board called to House committee to explain Rikkos release

Parliament has tabled the early release from jail of former deputy attorney-general Rikkos Erotokritou for discussion. The matter was tabled for discussion by MPs Aristos Damianou (Akel) and Christiana Erotokritou (Diko) on the grounds that “serious questions are raised about the circumstances and speed with which the parole hearing took place… it is therefore deemed […]

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Cyprus Mail 

EU watchdog raps Juncker over aide’s move to top job

The EU executive under President Jean-Claude Juncker risked undermining public trust by failing to follow procedures when it appointed his chief aide to run the EU civil service, The European Ombudsman said on Tuesday. The executive had also been overly secretive and was sometimes hostile to media questions about the appointment of Martin Selmayr as […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Real to face Guadalajara or Asian champions in Club World Cup

European champions Real Madrid will face either Mexican side Guadalajara or the eventual Asian champions in this year’s Club World Cup semi-finals following the draw made on Tuesday amid uncertainty over the future of the competition. FIFA president Gianni Infantino has ambitious plans to expand the tournament from 2021 onwards, staging it every four years […]

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Cyprus Mail 

School libraries to adapt to the digital age

A Memorandum of Understanding for the organisation and upgrading of school libraries was signed by the education ministry and the Cyprus University of Technology (Tepak) on Tuesday morning. The Tepak library will undertake the coordination for the computerisation, recording and coding of the bibliographic material of public schools with a unified directory system. The memorandum […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Powerful typhoon hits western Japan, killing at least six [V]

Japan issued evacuation advisories for more than a million people and cancelled hundreds of flights as Typhoon Jebi sliced across the west on Tuesday, killing at least six people. Jebi – whose name means “swallow” in Korean – was briefly a super typhoon and is the latest storm to hit Japan this summer following rains, […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Aretha Franklin’s eulogy criticised by family

The Queen of Soul was laid to rest in Detroit on Friday (31.08.18) but her loved ones are unhappy with Rev. Jasper Williams Jr. for neglecting to honour her memory and disparaging single mothers and the black lives matter movement in his speech. Her nephew Vaughn Franklin, speaking on behalf of the family, said in […]

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Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

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Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)


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Музыкальные новости

Игорь Бутман

Бутман и Долина приняли участие в Akra Jazz Festival в Турции

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

МегаФон привёз спасателям и пожарным грузовик связи

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