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Новости за 09.10.2018

Cyprus Mail 

2019 state budget handed to parliament for review

The 2019 state budget will provide revenue of €8.5 billion and expenditure of €7.9 billion, creating a three per cent surplus, Finance Minister Harris Georgiades said on Tuesday. Georgiades handed the budget over to the president of the House of Representatives Demetris Syllouris, ahead of a discussion to be held by the house’s finance committee. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cabinet underlines importance of research and development

The appointment of a national research and innovation council was approved by the cabinet on Tuesday to promote research and entrepreneurship, Finance Minister Harris Georgiades said. He said a series of decisions were taken aimed at strengthening research and innovation for the “development of appropriate conditions which will encourage innovative entrepreneurship. “The phase the Cypriot […]

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Cyprus Mail 

FM says deal close to export gas to Egypt

The consortium with the licence on the Aphrodite gas field in block 12 is “very close” to a deal to export natural gas to a liquefaction terminal in Egypt, Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides has said. Speaking to an Egyptian newspaper, Christodoulides said the companies – Noble Energy, Delek and Shell – are in talks with […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Opposition question what happened to ‘borrowed’ €7.5bn

Opposition MPs on Tuesday raised the issue of the €7.5bn the state borrowed from the Social Insurance Fund (SIF), accusing the present administration of never intending to pay it back. “Essentially, the government is withholding the €7.5bn in reserves of the Social Insurance Fund, which has vanished. It’s gone into state coffers, it’s been spent […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Green light for private individuals to build desalination units

The cabinet has approved a guide for the creation of small desalination units by private individuals to help meet the needs of large water consumers such as farmers, hotels and golf courses, Agriculture Minister Costas Kadis said on Tuesday. It also agreed to set up a committee consisting of officials of competent ministries which will […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Zulu king, Afrikaans nationalists to form farming partnership

South Africa’s Zulu king and Afrikaans nationalist group AfriForum are forming a partnership to develop the agriculture on vast swathes of land the monarch controls through a trust, AfriForum’s CEO said on Tuesday. The move comes as the ruling African National Congress (ANC) takes steps to change the constitution to expropriate land without compensation while […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Changing area for disabled opens at Larnaca airport

A changing area for people with disabilities has opened at Larnaca International airport, Hermes airports said on Tuesday. The Changing Place facility is located in the public area of the arrivals hall opposite the elevators and may be used by both arriving and departing disabled passengers that need it. The room is a separate facility […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cabinet approves establishment of commercial court

A bill aiming at the establishment of a commercial court was approved by the cabinet on Tuesday, according to Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou. The court will deal with commercial cases with claims of more than €2 million, according to Nicolaou, even though the move was opposed by business groups that argued the ceiling must come […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Trump says he’ll talk to Saudis about missing journalist

US President Donald Trump said on Tuesday he plans to speak with Saudi Arabian officials at some point about the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who went missing a week ago. Trump, speaking at the White House, said he does not know anything about Khashoggi’s disappearance and that he had not yet spoken with […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Migration and energy on agenda for tripartite meeting

The situation in Syria and the related issue of migration, as well as cooperation in the fields of energy and telecoms will be the focus of a tripartite summit of the leaders of Cyprus, Greece and Egypt taking place in Crete on Wednesday. A number of agreements and memoranda are expected to be signed among […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Three school safety measures approved by cabinet

Three new safety measures for public schools were approved on Tuesday by the cabinet, including the installation of fences and intercoms, according to Education Minister Costas Hambiaouris. “As a government, we consider issues regarding the health and safety of our students to be of the highest priority,” Hambiaouris said following the meeting. The first measure […]

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Cyprus Mail 

US Ambassador to United Nations Nikki Haley resigns

UN Ambassador Nikki Haley has resigned, a personal familiar with the situation said on Tuesday, and the White House said she would appear with President Donald Trump at an event later in the morning. Trump accepted the resignation, Axios news site reported, citing two sources familiar with the matter. Haley discussed her resignation with Trump […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Hailstorms deal ‘final blow’ to crops in rural Limassol villages (updated)

Hailstorms and mudslides dealt the ‘final blow’ to crops in rural Limassol on Tuesday according to Amiantos mayor Kritonas Kyriakides. Scattered showers and hail caused damage to the area’s agricultural industry, while roads were covered in debris from mudslides that brought down large pieces of wood and rocks, state broadcaster CyBC reported. The temperature dropped […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cypriot caught smuggling millions worth of meth into Australia

A 47-year-old Cypriot man allegedly attempting to smuggle $3.5 million worth of methamphetamines into Australia was arrested and at Sydney international airport on Sunday. The Australian Border Force (ABF) on Sunday said they found four kilos of crystal methamphetamine, also known as ice, in the lining of the luggage of a Cypriot man who arrived […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Balotelli will get Italy recall when in form, says Mancini

Mario Balotelli will be recalled to the Italy squad when he is in form, coach Roberto Mancini said on Monday of his decision to drop the maverick forward for this month’s two internationals. Mancini said the same would apply to Torino striker Andrea Belotti who was also omitted. Both decisions were based on a “technical […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Poland should quit UN migration pact, minister says

Poland‘s interior minister is recommending Warsaw quits a UN migration pact before its final approval as it may encourage more illegal migrants, the ministry said on Tuesday. Hungary has already announced it will not sign up to the Global Compact For Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, which was approved in July by all 193 UN […]

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Cyprus Mail 

New sculpture unveiled in heart of Paphos’ old town

By Bejay Browne A new bronze sculpture created by Cypriot artist, Yiota Ioannidou, was installed on Tuesday in a recently renovated square in Paphos old town. With commanding views of the town below and the Mediterranean behind her, a bronze of a child now sits atop a cushion and plinth crafted in marble, holding a […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Russian tourist critical after road accident

A Russian tourist is in critical condition in Limassol hospital after being injured in a road accident on Tuesday morning. According to police, a 51-year-old driver hit the pedestrian, 64, on Limassol’s Promachon Eleftheria street at 6.40am, critically wounding him. The injured man was taken to hospital where he is being treated in the intensive […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Kanye heads to West Wing, lunch with Trump

US President Donald Trump will host one of his most famous fans at the White House, musician Kanye West, to talk about prisons, jobs and what to do about violence in Chicago, the White House said on Tuesday. West will have lunch with the Republican president and also meet with Trump adviser and son-in-law Jared […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Call for relatives of persons buried at Athalassa to provide DNA

By Annette Chrysostomou The families of missing persons need to provide genetic material to the commission for humanitarian affairs in order to facilitate the identification of the missing, Xenophon Kallis, advisor to commissioner Photos Photiou, said on Tuesday. Efforts are underway to identify all remains located at the site of the Athalassa psychiatric hospital, but […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Britain urged to tackle orphanage trafficking in anti-slavery fight

Britain should recognise so-called “orphanage trafficking” as a form of modern slavery and revise its law to ensure funding and volunteers are not sent to unscrupulous institutions that seize children for profit, politicians and activists said on Tuesday. Children in countries from Cambodia to Haiti are taken from their homes and put into orphanages to […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Rainbow meetings

The growing number of events staged by the LGBT community shine a much-needed light on the community’s issues. The next Rainbow meeting will take place on Tuesday and will address discrimination against LBT migrant women in the workplace, one that perhaps not many think about yet that certainly exists in society. Accept LGBT Cyprus and […]

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Роспотребнадзор: лучшими напитками для утоления жажды остаются зеленый чай и вода


Стоматолог Владимир Лосев: сколько времени нужно носить брекеты


Компания ICDMC приняла участие в торжественном открытии выставки “Тульское качество”

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Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?

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Музыкальные новости


Концерт «Вселенная Depeche Mode» в исполнении концертного симфонического оркестра

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VK Fest 2024: Музыка и Развлечения на Открытых Площадках России

Представители KAMA TYRES приняли участие в 57-й легкоатлетической эстафете

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