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Новости за 08.11.2018

Cyprus Mail 

‘Government crueller than banks’

MPS on Thursday lashed out at Finance Minister Harris Georgiades, who told the House watchdog committee that if it were up to him he would close down even more Cooperative Bank branches. The minister was invited to the meeting on the closure by Hellenic Bank, that took control of the operations of the now defunct […]

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Cyprus Mail 

New commander of Unficyp appointed

Major General Cheryl Pearce of Australia has been appointed Force Commander of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (Unficyp), it was announced on Thursday. She succeeds Major General Mohammad Humayun Kabir of Bangladesh, who completed his assignment on October 6. In 2016 Pearce was the Commander of the Australian Joint Task Force Group in […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Jail sentence for man found with arms cache

Paphos criminal court on Thursday sentenced a 33-year-old man to two-and-a-half years in jail after finding him guilty of unlawful possession of firearms and explosives. The man had been arrested on June 20 of this year after police searched three homes, the suspect’s vehicle, as well as various open-air locations in Paphos. Police recovered a […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Electricity prices to rise

Electricity prices will increase by 4 per cent this month, the Electricity Authority (EAC) announced on Thursday. According to spokeswoman for the authority Christina Papadopoulou, the increase stems from the increase in oil prices internationally. “As long as we rely on the production of electricity from oil, then fluctuations will be passed on to consumers. […]

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Cyprus Mail 

‘Time is ripe to press on with local government reform’

After many years of parliamentary deliberations and multiple conducted studies, the time is now ripe to press on with a radical reform of Cyprus’ local government structure, Interior Minister Constantinos Petrides said on Thursday. “Several studies have been conducted in recent years, which all conclude that the number of Cyprus municipalities is too large,” Petrides […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Police warn of exercise at Larnaca airport

Police announced that an emergency and preparedness exercise will take place early on Friday at Larnaca airport. The exercise is organised by the Cyprus Police (Airport Security Division) and the Israeli Air Safety Service, with the support of Hermes Airports, Civil Aviation, Customs and Private Security Company ICTS. The around two-hour exercise, that will start […]

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Cyprus Mail 

GMI beneficiaries falling as unemployment drops

Beneficiaries of the guaranteed minimum income (GMI) scheme have fallen from 40,000 to 25,000, while Cyprus is among the EU member states with the fastest declining unemployment rate, Labour Minster Zeta Emilianidou said on Thursday. The government’s goal with regards to GMI beneficiaries is that people do not remain dependent on benefits but are integrated […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Italy backs 2026 Winter Games bid by Milan and Cortina

The Italian government has given its support to a joint bid by Milan and Cortina d’Ampezzo for the 2026 Winter Olympics, International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach said on Thursday. The two cities, Calgary and Stockholm are the only three definite candidates to host the event, and a decision is due in June. “We are […]

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Cyprus Mail 

‘Government never questioned political equality of T Cypriots’

The government has never questioned the notion of political equality of Turkish Cypriots, Foreign Minister Nicos Christodoulides, said on Thursday. Reactions to President Nicos Anastasiades’ proposal on decentralisation of powers in a future federal state were due to misinterpretation, the minister said. Christodoulides, who is currently in the US for contacts, told state broadcaster CyBC […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Irish dancing comes to life

Everybody gets excited with Irish culture, whether it’s whisky and Guinness or its fast-paced dancing. Here to give the Cypriot audience an authentic taste of traditional Irish dances is a two-night performance by Celtic Legends, one in Nicosia and one in Limassol. On November 26 and 27 the dance group will bring 100 per cent […]

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Cyprus Mail 

A kaleidoscope of an exhibition

Theodoulos Gregoriou’s latest artistic work tries to find the balance between two opposite poles, the materialist one and the intangible one. The artist will present this thematic in his exhibition Géographie Mentale opening on November 9. This series of work, is a continuation of the Personal Geography installation created by the artist at the Louvre […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cypriot composer awarded for film score

Young Cypriot composer George Kallis won the award for composing the best score for a feature film at this year’s Jerry Goldsmith Awards, the Cyprus News Agency reported on Thursday. This is the second award Kallis received for his music for the film The Last Warrior. He was also named Breakthrough composer of the Year […]

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Cyprus Mail 

US Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg fractures three ribs in fall

US Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was hospitalized on Thursday after she fell in her office at the court the night before, fracturing three ribs, a court spokeswoman said. The 85-year-old justice initially went home after the fall, but experienced discomfort overnight. She went to George Washington University Hospital on Thursday morning. Tests showed she […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Municipal officer facing corruption charges has case to answer

The Larnaca criminal court ruled on Thursday that a Larnaca municipal secretary facing corruption charges has a case to answer. The defendant, Lefteris Empedocles, 57, is set to answer on November 28. Until then he will remain in custody at the central prisons. Empedocles is currently on trial for theft, obtaining money under false pretences […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Central American migrants trek north to seek a better life

Cradling a baby in his arms, the Central American man looks up fearfully as he scrambles away from a wall of Mexican police in riot gear. Thousands of migrants, mostly Hondurans fleeing poverty and violence, have been traveling in a caravan towards the United States in recent weeks. On Oct 19, some of them rushed through […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Former co-op chief says NPLs were declining (updated)

Former co-op bank CEO Nicolas Hadjiyiannis said they had managed to achieve a substantial reduction of non-performing loans before the lender was shuttered earlier this year but he also said European supervisors had behaved like colonialists. Testifying before an inquiry looking into the collapse of the co-op for the third day, Hadjiyiannis said they got […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Former co-op chief says NPLs were declining

Former co-op bank CEO Nicolas Hadjiyiannis said they had managed to achieve a substantial reduction of non-performing loans before the lender was shuttered earlier this year but he also said European supervisors had behaved like colonialists. Testifying before an inquiry looking into the collapse of the co-op for the third day, Hadjiyiannis said they got […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Sterling apologises to referee over comedy penalty

Manchester City winger Raheem Sterling apologised to Hungarian referee Viktor Kassai after winning a comical penalty that was clearly not a foul in Wednesday’s 6-0 Champions League win over Shakhtar Donetsk. With City 1-0 up in the first half, Sterling burst into the area and tripped over as he tried to dig his foot under the ball to chip […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Dead person found in car in sea off Cape Greco

A dead person, possibly female, was found dead in car that fell into the sea in the Cape Greco area of Ayia Napa on Thursday. Police said they had been notified by tourists about a partially sunken vehicle in the Ayioi Anargyri area. The fire service and police went to the scene and located the […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Ashton, Underhill and Moon start for England

Winger Chris Ashton will make his first England start for four years against New Zealand on Saturday as coach Eddie Jones made three changes to the side who beat South Africa last week. Ashton, who came on as a replacement against the Springboks but last started in the June, 2014 defeat by the All Blacks […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Piano melodies with Katharina Treutler

The summer festivals and street parties may have come to an end but that doesn’t mean there’s a shortage of musical events. Places like The Shoe Factory organise almost weekly concerts and live performances with established musicians and so the momentum of attending cultural activities that we all yearn for in the more quiet months […]

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Cyprus Mail 

EC forecasts strong economic growth set to continue

The Cypriot economy is expected to maintain its strong growth rates in the next couple of years though risks linked with the banking sector remain, the European Commission’s autumn forecasts project. More specifically, according to the EC, “economic activity is forecast to remain strong, driven by domestic demand, unemployment is expected to continue its rapid […]

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Cyprus Mail 

Cyprus problem is ‘European problem’ says Anastasiades

The Cyprus problem is in fact a European problem and healing this wound would contribute to a stronger Europe, President Nicos Anastasiades said on Thursday. Speaking at the 25th Congress in Helsinki of the European People’s Party (EPP), of which ruling Disy is a member, Anastasiades expressed appreciation for the renewal of EPP support for […]

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

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Пожар в здании в Замоскворечье ликвидирован

"СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН" раскрыл загадку В.В. Жириновского и В.Г. Мессинга. СЕНСАЦИОННЫЕ ДАННЫЕ!

Хуситы заявили, что нанесли ракетные удары по авианосцу США в Красном море

Доктор Кутушов назвал болезни, которые поджидают отдыхающих у водоёмов


Книжные новинки, лаборатория текста и иллюстраций — ждут гостей Московского детского фестиваля искусств «НЕБО»


Выгодно ли покупать квартиру в новостройке?

Команда Центрального округа Росгвардии стала призером на чемпионате по пожарно-спасательному спорту в Москве (видео)

Книжные новинки, лаборатория текста и иллюстраций — ждут гостей Московского детского фестиваля искусств «НЕБО»

Стоматолог Владимир Лосев: сколько времени нужно носить брекеты


Собянин: 1 июня начнется фестиваль «Лето в Москве. Все на улицу!»

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KP: муж изменял Алсу последние 10 лет

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Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Вышел второй подкаст онлайн-лектория «Иннагрика» о возможностях аграрной генетики для молодых исследователей

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